Possibilities and potentials in teaching writing (original) (raw)
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Teaching Writing: From the Core to the Complexity
Although writing is a multifaceted task, teaching writing is a demanding task basically for two reasons: Grammar and Syntax. This article provides a method of teaching writing that was found to be effective in improving students' academic writing composition skill. The article explains the concepts of ‗guided-discovery' and ‗guided-construction' upon which a method of teaching writing is grounded and developed. Providing a brief commentary on what the core could mean primarily, the article presents an exposition of understanding and identifying the core and building upon the core that can demonstrate the way a teacher can make use of the concepts in teaching for improving the writing skills of their students. The method is an adaptation of grammar translation method that has been improvised to suit to a student-centered classroom environment. An intervention of teaching writing through this method was tried out with positive outcomes in formal classroom research setup, and in view of the content's quality that relates more to the classroom practices and also in consideration of its usefulness to the practicing teachers the process and the findings are presented in a narrative form along with the results in tabular form.
The Different Approaches of Teaching Writing in the Classroom
A writing teacher follows various methods of teaching. This article will expose the different approaches of teaching writing by highlighting its origins and how it has developed. It aims to enlighten writing teachers of the core methods they follow to teach writing. It limits its scope to four approaches; local knowledge, general knowledge, product, and process approaches of writing. This introduction of writing will give writing teachers the necessary experience to choose the appropriate method for teaching their students, as well as evaluating the current methods of teaching writing.
The Development of the Basic Approaches to Teaching Writing
Armenian Folia Anglistika
The variety of methodological approaches can contribute to developing the optimal model of teaching writing in higher linguistic universities since implementing only one approach in writing process is unfruitful. However, the priority of this or that approach does not suggest abandoning the other approaches to writing, but puts forward the demand for complementing one another rather than opposing. The content and functional analyses of the product-based, the process-based and the genre-based approaches can lead to paradigm shifts in foreign language teaching/learning methodology, emphasize the importance of the recursive procedure of writing, reveal the main characteristics of writing activities, determine the roles of teachers and students in the process of writing, and develop new strategies teaching writing. Thus a synthesis of the product, the process and the genre approaches to writing will be the best approach to meet the needs of our ESL students.
Approaches to the teaching of Academic Writing
Throughout the history of language teaching and learning, the teaching of writing has been the subject of focus for many teachers and applied linguists. As the pendulum swung from an approach to another, teaching writing skills has been either prioritized or neglected. More specifically, with the rise of the communicative movement, different teachers started to direct their practices mostly to speaking and communicative skills. However, with the increased focus on the learner and with the search for a holistic approach to language teaching which integrates all the major skills, the writing component has become an integrative skill that needs to be fit into any language teaching programme. At the university level, writing occupies a major component; every year, several academic writing textbooks are designed and published throughout the world incorporating different approaches and activities, all of which with a unifying purpose of developing academic writing skills among university students. The present essay endeavors to explore some of the main approaches and techniques used in the teaching of academic writing. First, it is initiated by a discussion of the notion of writing and its relevance to language teaching and learning. Then, the second section will be devoted to explore some of the main approaches that have been adopted in the teaching of academic writing. Afterwards, the third section will be concerned with some practical activities that are used in the teaching of academic writing.
ABSTRACT Writing has been a matter of concern to teachers and students especially at the primary school level. This project therefore attempts to discuss what writing is, the writing skills the methods of guided composition to enable the pupils write effectively. The project also used three methodologies and data presentation for the study. Also, the project highlights that limited number of qualified English teachers, insufficient textbooks; instructional materials coupled with the period allocated to writing are the causes of poor performance in teaching and learning of writing. The project recommends that pupils should pay more attention to their teachers and they should utilize the writing materials available to them. And workshops should be organized for teachers of English Language in the aspect of composition, to create awareness on the techniques needed for teaching it.
Realizing Learners' Writing Problem from the Beginning: A Case Study
The importance of writing has become a primary concern in teaching English as a foreign language. The skill of writing enables learners to generate ideas into certain organisation and awareness once the process of writing is undertaken. From writing, learners are also expected to be able to construct and use the language more accurately because they have enough time to think compared to have an oral activity. However, such an ideal situation can hardly be manifested due to particular problems faced by learners. This present study aims at investigating the struggling points of writing construction done by students. There were fourteen students who were purposefully selected as the subject of this study. In order to gather the supporting data, the researcher employs document study and direct observation. This study is expected to give contribution to help teachers confirming common problems faced by students during learning writing. Nevertheless, it also contributes to other prospective studies which are on the same interest with this present one.
Developing Student’s Writing Ability by Offering Various Techniques
Okara: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra, 2013
Teaching writing is not only giving a topic, asking the students to write, and correcting the students’ tasks but it also means teaching students how to develop ideas and how to make improvements in the drafts in order to produce readable and understandable text for the readers. In other words, students’ writing ability is very much influenced by teacher’s role in class. Therefore, teachers should use purposeful and meaningful teaching strategy to help their students in developing their writing ability. This article describes the role of teacher and the use of various techniques in the process of students’writing.
The Teaching of Writing: The Real Classroom Scenes at the Lower Secondary School
Writing is one of the central issues in second language learning The importance of writing is it reinforces the grammatical structures, idioms and vocabulary we have been teaching our students. When students write, they also have the chance to be adventurous with the language. In order for students to achieve this ability, what must teachers consider in teaching writing? The aim of this study is to observe what transpire during the classroom teaching and learning process. This study involved two classes (3K and 3A) in a rural secondary school in the Kuala Muda Yan District in Kedah. Ten observations were conducted for each class. Documents such as teachers' record books and respondents' exercise books were also analyzed. The findings from these instrument will be discussed in the following subtopics: teachers' preparations, teachers' mode of instructions, respondents' reception and activities, teachers' mode of evaluation, amendments of the writing made by respondents and the summary of findings. From the findings, the researcher came to a conclusion that the teaching and learning process that had been practiced in the two classes involved in this study failed to guide and assist the respondents in acquiring the writing skills needed and thus the respondents failed to perform well in the writing component of the PMR English Language Paper.
Teaching writing in secondary schools. (c2015)
The English teaching of writing at the Secondary level in Second Language classrooms is a prominent issue of research nowadays since learners have found themselves unable to express themselves freely with the academic restraints at their level. There is a decrease in the learners' motivation to write and create writing of their own at this stage as well as a decline in teacher-creativity in the classroom. This study sought to investigate how the teaching of writing is occurring at two Lebanese private schools. One offers the Lebanese Program and the other offers the American Program. A comparison between both answered the questions of what is being taught with regards to writing, the teaching methods used and the learners' opinions on all these at the grade levels of 10 and 11. The data analyzed were the curricula of each school at the targeted levels, the interviews that were conducted with the teachers and coordinators of these levels, and the answers of learners to the questionnaires administered to them. The results were that the American Program is more of a motivating tool for the learners than the Lebanese Program whereby teachers find themselves free to manipulate the curriculum with innovative methods of teaching and learners find themselves free to express themselves as opposed to teachers and learners that are part of the Lebanese Program.