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Наукові інновації та передові технології
Readaptation as a psychological and pedagogical phenomenon is gaining new significance today. From now on it is not just a skill, but a hygienic norm for every person. The concept of "readaptation" is defined in the article as readjustment of a person to environmental conditions. The paper substantiates the psychological and pedagogical principles of the concept of readaptation, while the emphasis is on the adaptation of scientific and pedagogical workers in the conditions of martial law. According to the results of the scientific literature analysis and descriptions of practical experience, a change in approaches in the scientific and pedagogical activity of teachers and students was revealed. Such processes as adaptation, accommodation, intellectual adaptation and assimilation have come into force today. The emphasis was placed on the needs of a new context, when scientific and pedagogical workers adjust their activities in new conditions. The key issues that help to speed up readaptation and serve to return to the usual conditions of life and work were highlighted. The tips that facilitate adaptation to new conditions were provided. The paper examines cognitive filters as a kind of thinking lens. A comparative description of "gathering" cognitive lenses, which focus our attention on one aspect of reality, and "dispersive" ones, which lead to overly generalized or distorted conclusions, were presented. The tips of "wiping" cognitive lenses were provided. Keeping a diary and shifting the focus of attention from academic success to supporting and normalizing mental state of students were among them. The article presents the model of working with barriers to change (REDUCE) as an example of preserving emotional resources and the "6 P" technique, which consists of six components (planning, positivity, squats, breaks, care and pleasantness). To calm the emotional background, basic competencies such as self-awareness, self-regulation,
The paper highlights the results of the survey of students at the pedagogical university so that to identify the outspread, intensity, causes and age of initiation (commencement) of tobacco smoking. The survey included 600 17-20- year-old female students. Among the respondents, there are 13,3 % smokers. The vast majority of female respondents – 82,5 % – began to smoke at school and only 17.5 % began to smoke while studying at the university. It is established that family stereotypes are not a reason for the formation of smoking habits among the students. Among the reasons that contributed to the beginning of smoking, the respondents mentioned negative emotions and a bad mood - 50 %, positive emotions and a good mood – 25 %, interest in cigarettes – 25 %. The vast majority of smokers with low motor activity are 82,5 %. Generally, such circumstances provoke students to smoke the cigar: a good mood, passive rest in the company of friends (75 %), and only 25 % of respondents smoke alone. Half of the interviewed students smoke occasionally, not every day, which indicates that they do not have a stable smoking habit; 17,5 % of the students smoke 1-2 cigarettes per day, the same amount of respondents smoke up to 10 cigarettes a day. Sustainable tobacco addiction was observed in 17,5 % of the respondents who smoked from 10 to 20 cigarettes per day. So, smoking habit is formed in women during a student's life.
Problèmes et perspectives d'introduction de la recherche scientifique innovante (Volume 5), 2019
Les résumés et articles des participants à la conférence multidisciplinaire scientifique et pratique internationale «Problèmes et perspectives d'introduction de la recherche scientifique innovante», qui s'est tenue à Bruxelles le 29 novembre 2019, sont présentés. L'événement est inclus dans le catalogue des conférences scientifiques internationales, approuvé sur la plate-forme ResearchBib et certifié par Euro Science Certification Group norme scientifique SCC-2000. Les documents de la conférence sont disponibles au public sous licence Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). La description bibliographique des documents de la conférence peut être téléchargée et indexée dans ORCID, Publons, Google Scholar, etc.
The article is devoted to modern trends of continuing professional development of academic staff in higher education institutions. The continuing professional development of an academic staff as a process of acquiring of new and improving the existing professional competencies is determined. Based on the analysis of strategic documents of the European Higher Education Area, modern trends of educating and teaching in higher education are described, according to them, directions of continuous professional development of an academic staff are determined. These areas include: development of a facilitator qualities, a coach, a moderator, a tutor, change of the authoritarian role of a teacher to a softer pedagogical support in a student-centered model of educating and teaching; improvement of foreign and intercultural competence to implement internationalization of higher education; development of own research competence and research methods usage as well as modes in conditions of organiz...
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Стаття присвячена аналізу змісту психолого-педагогічної підготовки фахівців галузі знань 01 Освіта / Педагогіка спеціальності 015 «Професійна освіта (за спеціалізаціями)» освітнього ступеня «Бакалавр» в Національному педагогічному університеті імені М.П. Драгоманова. Автор розглядає принципи педагогічного процесу в контексті модернізації змістового наповнення дисциплін циклу професійної та практичної підготовки майбутніх педагогів професійного навчання, а саме психолого- педагогічної підготовки. Обґрунтована необхідність запровадження навчальної дисципліни «Е-навчання», як має на меті вивчення та активне засвоєння студентами основних принципів організації електронного навчання з метою отримання якісних знань, набуття практичних умінь та навичок організації е-навчання в подальшій професійній діяльності. Здійснено висновок про необхідність аргументованої розробки концепції диверсифікації психолого-педагогічної підготовки педагогів професійного навчання.The article is devoted to the an...
Науковий часопис Українського державного університету імені Михайла Драгоманова. Серія 19. Корекційна педагогіка та спеціальна психологія., 2024
У статті представлено результати проєкту «Розвиток резильєнтності здобувачів першого рівня вищої освіти в умовах воєнного конфлікту на території України», який реалізовувався у 2022-2023 р.р. за підтримки Української асоціації дослідників освіти та Європейської асоціації дослідників освіти. Особливу увагу акцентовано на висвітленні організаційних засад підвищення рівня резильєнтності студентів І курсу в умовах воєнної агресії з метою збереження їх психічного здоров’я. Описано методологію, зміст та структуру психолого-педагогічного тренінгу «Розвиток навичок резильєнтності для збереження і зміцнення психічного здоров’я першокурсників закладу вищої освіти під час професійного навчання в умовах воєнного стану». Ключові слова: тренінг, психічне здоров’я, резильєнтність, здобувачі першого рівня вищої освіти, воєнний стан. Abstract. With our research, we want to draw attention to the need to find effective ways to provide psychological support to first-year students at the stage of adaptation to the conditions of professional training under martial law. As a result of the project "Development of resilience of first-level higher education students in the context of military conflict in Ukraine" funded by the Ukrainian Educational Researchers Association with the support of the European Educational Researchers Association, a program of psychological and pedagogical training "Development of resilience skills to preserve and strengthen the mental health of first-year students of higher education institutions during professional training under martial law" was developed. In this article, we describe the organizational basis for increasing the level of resilience of first-year students in the context of military aggression in order to preserve their mental health through the psychological and pedagogical training developed by us. We reveal the methodology, content, and structure of the psychological and pedagogical training "Development of Resilience Skills to Preserve and Strengthen Mental Health of First-Year Students of a Higher Education Institution During Professional Training under Martial Law". The psychological and pedagogical training developed by us to increase the level of resilience of first-year students of the first level of higher education in the context of military aggression can be flexibly used both during live meetings and in the format of online meetings. During its testing, 75% of the participants showed positive changes in their resilience. However, given the small number of students who had the objective opportunity to complete the training in full (live and online) due to massive shelling and blackouts, it is worthwhile to further test the training on a larger sample to confirm the reliability of the results. This is the prospect of further work on psychological support for freshmen (and other participants in the educational process) in the future. Key words: training, mental health, resilience, first-level higher education students, martial law.