Characterization of porous acoustic materials applied to lightweight partition walls (original) (raw)
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Acoustic properties of aluminium foams
Materiales de Construcción, 2008
Se presenta un estudio del coeficiente de absorción acústica a incidencia normal de espumas de aluminio fabricadas mediante la técnica pulvimetalúrgica. Se fabricaron espumas de aluminio de distinta morfología superficial variando el tipo de precursor y usando materiales de relleno durante el proceso de espumación. Se muestra un estudio comparativo del coeficiente de absorción acústica de las espumas de aluminio fabricadas y las espumas comerciales conocidas como ALPORAS. Para cada muestra fabricada se estudió la influencia del espesor sobre el valor del coeficiente de absorción.
Currently, on the global civil engineering, materials for walls, floors, ceilings from inside of residential buildings are selected according to the shape, color and sound absorption characteristics. This paper presents the results of complex analysis in terms of microscopic, chemical and acoustic properties for six types of materials based on polyurethane and wood. Before presenting the results of absorption-reflection acoustic characteristics a brief theoretical aspect of the transfer function method are show. With this new approach of combined analysis, the correlation can be made between: materials porosity by microscopic study, chemical composition by the FT-IR method and absorption-reflection characteristics of acoustic interferometer analysis.
Sound absorption of aluminium foams-Absorción acústica de espumas de aluminio
Se presenta un estudio del coeficiente de absorción acústica a incidencia normal de espumas de aluminio fabricadas mediante la técnica pulvimetalúrgica. Se fabricaron espumas de aluminio de distinta morfología superficial variando el tipo de precursor y usando materiales de relleno durante el proceso de espumación. Se muestra un estudio comparativo del coeficiente de absorción acústica de las espumas de aluminio fabricadas y las espumas comerciales conocidas como ALPORAS. Para cada muestra fabricada se estudió la influencia del espesor sobre el valor del coeficiente de absorción.
Revista Română de …, 2011
şi extraurban, eficiente şi durabile, bazate pe compozite realizate prin reciclarea deşeurilor solide. Materialele compozite sunt obţinute prin includerea unor materiale considerate deşeuri -peleţi din PET-uri, rumeguş de lemn, cenuşă de termocentrală şi deşeu steril de gunoi, într-o matrice organică de tip polimer. Astfel, sunt obţinute noi materiale ecologice care înglobează deşeuri non-biodegradabile, care pot afecta grav mediul înconjurător. Capacitatea de absorbţie a sunetului a compozitelor noi variază în funcţie de proporţia şi natura deşeurilor utilizate. Este prezentat coeficientul de absorbţie pentru fiecare probă, care determină capacitatea de absorbţie fonică a fiecărui material compozit obţinut. Sunt confecţionate probe din răşină şi material de armare în proporţii diferite, care sunt supuse testelor de determinare a coeficientului de absorbţie funcţie de frecvenţă, cu ajutorul unui echipament numit TUBUL KUNDT. Atât pentru pregătirea materiilor prime cât şi pentru testarea probelor sunt respectate standardele în vigoare.
Thermo-mechanical characterization of construction material lightened by olive pomace
Materials for Renewable and Sustainable Energy
The development of porous materials requires a thorough knowledge of their physical properties. When used as thermal insulation, the properties that govern their insulating capacity are thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity and specific heat. The presence of moisture, some of its origin, in buildings causes damage to walls that extend from the formation of mold in complete impregnation through the degradation of the thermal and mechanical performance. The major objective of this study is to determine the physical properties of a building material lightened by vegetable fiber (concrete pomace olive), used as an insulation bearer. Our goal is to develop and expand the field of use of these materials in construction. A judicious choice of additions proportions and implementation techniques will be considered. A particular interest is the thermal characteristics and mechanical strength, which is a decisive criterion for selecting a material in the construction. We determine the thermal conductivity of the materials studied with experimental equipment that allows us to make measurements of the thermal properties under actual use conditions (temperature and humidity) and also the study of the mechanical compressive strength of the materials studied and the interest in these materials is highlighted.