The plastic box -- a 4π detector for intermediate energy heavy ion physics (original) (raw)
Related papers
Chimera: a project of a 4π detector for heavy ion reactions studies at intermediate energy
Nuclear Physics A, 1995
One of the most interesting goals of the intermediate energy heavy ion research is to probe the properties of the nuclei under extreme conditions of density and temperature. The hot and compressed system formed in the early stage of the collision can deexcite leading to multifragment final states. This multifragmentation is predicted to be the major decay mode for a nuclear system produced at high density and temperature [1].
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2003
We describe the detectors for identification of charged particles and fragments in CHICSi, a large solid angle multitelescope system mounted inside an ultra-high vacuum (UHV), cluster-jet target chamber. CHICSi performs nuclear reaction experiments at storage rings. The telescopes consist of a first very thin, 10-14 mm Si detector, a second 300 mm (or possibly 500 mm) ion implanted Si detector supplemented by a 6 mm GSO(Ce) scintillator read out by a photodiode (PD) or by a third 300 mm Si detector. The telescopes provide full charge separation up to Z ¼ 17 and mass resolution up to A ¼ 9 in the energy range 0.7-60A MeV: The thin p-i-n diode detector, etched out from a 280 mm Si wafer, and the GSO/PD detector, both exclusively developed for CHICSi, provide an energy resolution p8%; while the standard 300 mm detectors have p2% energy resolution. Radiation stability of the Si detectors is confirmed up to an integrated flux of 10 10 alpha particles. The GSO detector has 70% light collection efficiency with the optical coupling to the PD a simple open, 0:2 mm; gap. A new method, developed to perform absolute energy calibration for the GSO/PD detector is presented. r
Detector developments for the hypernuclear programme at P̄ANDA
2008 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, 2008
The technical design of the PANDA experiment at the future FAIR facility next to GSI is progressing. At the proposed anti-proton storage ring the spectroscopy of double Λ hypernuclei is one of the four main topics which will be addressed by the Collaboration. The hypernuclear experiments require (i) a dedicated internal target, (ii) an active secondary target of alternating silicon and absorber material layers, (iii) high purity germanium (HPGe) detectors, and (iv) a good particle identification system for low momentum kaons. All systems need to operate in the presence of a high magnetic field and a large hadronic background. The status of the detector developments for this programme is summarized. Index Terms-Hypernuclei, antiproton-induced reactions, design of experiments.
CHICSi — a 3π multi-detector system for studying heavy ion interactions inside a storage ring
Nuclear Physics A, 1997
CHICSia 37r multi-detector system is presented. The setup consists of 576 ultra high vacuum compatible telescopes to study intermediate energy heavy ion as well as proton induced collisions at storage rings operating in slow ramping mode. Primary it will be installed at the gas-jet target station of the CELSIUS facility at The Svedberg Laboratory in Uppsala.
GLORIA: A compact detector system for studying heavy ion reactions using radioactive beams
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2014
The GLObal ReactIon Array (GLORIA) has been designed in order to study direct nuclear reactions induced by exotic nuclei at energies close to the Coulomb barrier. The detector array consists of six silicon particle-telescopes arranged in a very close geometry around a 30 • rotated-target system, allowing the measurement of reaction fragments in a continuous angular range from 15 • to 165 • (Lab.). GLORIA has been used for the first time at the SPIRAL/GANIL facility at Caen (France) to study the scattering of the system 8 He+ 208 Pb at the collision energies of 16 and 22 MeV.
A program in medium-energy nuclear physics. Progress report, September 1, 1992--June 30, 1993
I. Overview This report reviews progress on our nuclear-physics program for the last ten months, and includes as well copies of our publications and other reports for that time period. The structure of this report follows that of our 1992 Progress Report: Sec. I1 outlines our research activities aimed at hture experiments at CEBAF, NIKHEF, and Bates; Sec. I11 gives results of our recent research activities at NIKHEF, LAMPF, and elsewhere; Sec. I V provides an update of our laboratory activities at GWU, including those at our new Nuclear Detector Laboratory at our Virginia Campus; and See. V is a list of our publications, proposals, and other reports. Copies of those on medium-energy nuclear physics are reproduced in the Appendix. I The highlight of the year has been the approval by the NIKHEF and CEBAF PACs of all These are "Recoil Polarization of the Neutron in the Reactions 3He(e,e'n) and 4He(e,e'n)," NIKHEF Proposal 93-09 6. S. Dhuga, spokesperson), "Photoreactions on 3Hey" CEBAF Proposal 93-044 (B.L. Berman, co-spokesperson), and "Photoabsorption and Photofission of Nuclei," CEBAF Proposal 93-019 (B.L. Berman, cospokesperson). The NIKHEF experiment involves the use of the High-Acceptance Recoil Polarimeter (HARP) for detection and measurement of the polarization of the emitted neutron. We, together with our colleagues at Grenoble, are responsible for the design and construction of the wire chambers for this device; we have largely completed the design phase this pas't year. The CEE3AF experiments involve the use of the Hall-B Photon Tagger for production of the monochromatic photon beam. We (all of us at GWU, but particularly the NSF-sponsored group led by W.J. Briscoe) are responsible for the 432-scintillator focal-plane detector array for this device; again, most of the design work and some prototype testing have been completed this past year. In addition, we have continued to make progress on data analysis and publication of results of previous measurements at Bates, LAMPF, and NIKHEF, and we also are planning for new experimental runs at these laboratories in the coming year. three of the proposals we have submitted. j I DISCLAIMER This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or SeNicc by trade name, trademark, manufacturer. or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, m mmenfktion, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or any agency thereof.
A CsI(Tl) detector array for the measurement of light charged particles in heavy-ion reactions
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2019
An array of eight CsI(Tl) detectors has been set up to measure the light charged particles in nuclear reactions using heavy ions from the Pelletron Linac Facility, Mumbai. The energy response of CsI(Tl) detector to α-particles from 5 to 40 MeV is measured using radioactive sources and the 12 C( 12 C, α) reaction populating discrete states in 20 Ne. The energy non-linearity and the count rate effect on the pulse shape discrimination property have also been measured and observed the deterioration of pulse shape discrimination with higher count rate.