The Soft X-Ray Laser Project at Max IV (original) (raw)
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Status of the soft X-ray laser (SXL) project at the Max IV laboratory
A Soft X-ray Laser project (the SXL) aiming to produce FEL radiation in the range of 1 to 5 nm is currently in a conceptual design phase and a report on the design is expected to be delivered by March 2021. The FEL will be driven by the existing 3 GeV linac at MAX IV laboratory, which also serves as injector for the two storage rings. The science case has been pushed by a large group of mainly Swedish users and consists of experiments ranging from AMO physics to condensed matter, chemistry and imaging in life science. In this contribution, we will present the current conceptual design of the accelerator and the FEL operation modes together with a general overview of the beamline and experimental station. In particular design options for the FEL will be discussed in conjunction with the features of the electron beam from the MAX IV linac and the connection with the proposed experiments. (Less)
Advanced concepts in the design for the soft X-ray FEL at Max IV
A Soft X-ray FEL (the SXL) is currently being designed at the MAX IV Laboratory. In the work to adapt the FEL to the scientific cases several advanced options are being studied for coherence enhancement, generation of short pulses and two-color pulses. We will discuss the current status and initial results of the schemes studied, especially regarding the FEL performance with the features of the MAX IV linac, including a positive energy chirp.
Highlights From the Conceptual Design Report of the Soft X-Ray Laser at MAX IV
The SXL (Soft X-ray Laser) project developed a conceptual design for a soft X-ray Free Electron Laser in the 1–5 nm wavelength range, driven by the existing MAX IV 3 GeV linac. In this contribution we will focus on the FEL operation modes developed for the first phase of the project based on two different linac modes. The design work was supported by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg foundation and by several Swedish universities and organizations (Stockholm, Uppsala, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm-Uppsala FEL center, MAX IV laboratory and Lund University).
Design Studies for a Vuv-Soft X-Ray Fel Facility at LBNL
Recent reports have identified the scientific requirements for a future soft x-ray light source and a high-repetition-rate FEL facility responsive to them is being studied at LBNL: the Next Generation Light Source (NGLS). The facility is based on a CW superconducting linear accelerator with beam supplied by a highbrightness, high-repetition-rate photocathode electron gun, and on an array of FELs to which the beam is distributed, each operating at high repetition rate and with even pulse spacing. Dependent on the experimental requirements, the individual FELs may be configured for either SASE, HGHG, EEHG, or oscillator mode of operation, and will produce high peak and average brightness x-rays with a flexible pulse format ranging from sub-femtoseconds to hundreds of femtoseconds. We are developing a design concept for a 10 beamline, coherent, soft x ray FEL array powered by a 2.4 GeV superconducting accelerator operating with a 1 MHz bunch repetition rate. Electron bunches are fanned...
Simulation Studies for an X-ray FEL Based on an Extension of the MAX IV Linac
It is well known that the few X-ray FELs around the world are severely overbooked by users. Having a medium energy linac, such as the one now being installed at the MAX IV laboratory, it becomes natural to think about slightly increasing the electron energy to drive an X-ray FEL. This development is now included in the long term strategic plan for the MAX IV laboratory. We will present the current FEL studies based on an extension of the MAX IV linac to 5GeV to reach the ˚ Angstrom region. The injector for the MAX IV accelerator complex is also equipped with a photocathode gun, capable of producing low emittance electronbeam. Thebunchcompressionandlinearization of the beam is taken care by two double achromats. The basic FEL layout would consist of short period undulators with tapering for extracting all the power from the electron beam. Self-seeding is considered as an option for increasing the spectral and intensity stability.
FEL Operation Modes of the MAX IV Short Pulse Facility
The Short Pulse Facility (SPF) of the MAX IV Laboratory in Lund, Sweden features the production of ultrashort, incoherent x-ray pulses. It is driven by a 3-GeV linac and comprises two 5-metre undulator modules. While the SPF is designed for spontaneous radiation, we explore alternative operation modes in which the SPF functions as a simple free-electron laser (FEL). In this article, we characterize two of them in time-dependent numerical simulations. We perform a sensitivity study on the electron beam parameters and examine the technique of single-step tapering.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2016
The Pohang Accelerator Laboratory X-ray Free Electron Laser project, a new worldwide-user facility to deliver ultrashort, laser-like x-ray photon pulses, will begin user operation in 2017 after one year of commissioning. Initially, it will provide two beamlines for hard and soft x-rays, respectively, and two experimental end-stations for the hard x-ray beamline will be constructed by the end of 2015. This article introduces one of the two hard x-ray end-stations, which is for hard x-ray pump-probe experiments, and primarily outlines the overall design of this end-station and its critical components. The content of this article will provide useful guidelines for the planning of experiments conducted at the new facility.
Start-to-end simulations for the soft X-ray FEL at the Max IV laboratory
A Soft X-ray FEL (the SXL) using the existing 3 GeV linac at the MAX IV Laboratory is currently in the design phase. In this contribution, start-to-end simulations, including the photo-injector simulations using ASTRA, the linac simulations using ELEGANT and the FEL simulations using GENESIS, are presented for 100 pC and 10 pC operation modes. The features of the electron beam from the MAX IV linac and their impact on the FEL performance are discussed.
LINAC-Based Synchrotron Radiation Facility with Femtosecond Soft X-Ray Pulses
In this paper we perform design consideration of a femtosecond linac-based synchrotron radiation facility. Proposed technique is based on the generation of energy chirped short electron bunches that would subsequently spontaneously radiate frequency chirped soft X-ray pulses in an undulator. These pulses are then spectrally dispersed using grazing incident grating. The spectrum is propagated through exit slit (spectral window) which lters the pulses of femtosecond duration. The shortest temporal structures (about 10 fs) are limited by the energy chirp and longitudinal emittance of the electron bunch, number of undulator periods, and resolution of monochromator. In this paper we analyze potential of the TESLA Test Facility (TTF) at DESY for construction of such a f e m tosecond X-ray facility. TTF linac would be able to deliver up 500-700 MeV electron beam, prepared with properties to allow generation of fs soft X-ray pulse (with electron pulse duration 0.16 ps FWHM, energy chirp 1 %). The electron beam qualities required for fs facility operation (longitudinal emittance 10 keV-mm, normalized transverse emittance 2 mm-mrad, charge 0.1 nC) can be met with laser-driven rf-gun. After the exit of the undulator (numb e r o f p e r i o d s N w ' 250) the spontaneous undulator radiation enters the angular lter, which select power radiated in the central cone. After lter the frequency chirped soft X-ray pulse enters the monochromator with resolution !=! ' N ;1 w ' 4 10 ;3. It will provide radiation pulses with 30 fs (FWHM) duration. On the basis of the TTF linac parameters it should be possible to achieve an average brilliance of 10 14 photons s ;1 mrad ;2 mm ;2 per 0.1 % BW in the photon energy range 50-200 eV. The average number photons at the monochromator exit (at monochromator e ciency 10 %) can exceed 10 5 photons within 30 fs pulse duration. The pulse duration can be tuned from 30 to 160 fs by c hanging the resolution of monochromator.