2021, Materiali in tehnologije /
In this investigation, multi-wall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) with various percentages including 0.6, 1, 1.4 and 2 % were combined into high-density polyethylene (HDPE 60 w/%) and hydroxyapatite (HA 40 w/%) to form a biocomposite, using hot-press techniques. The surface topography shown by AFM images illustrates the differences in the roughness of the samples' surfaces with different percentages of added MWCNTs. The DSC technique exhibits the effect of adding MWCNTs in different percentages, creating a degree of crystallinity that affects the mechanical properties of the samples. The in vitro bioactivity was investigated by immersing the samples in Ringer's solution acting as simulated body fluid (SBF) for (0, 3, 6, 9, 12) d. The FE-SEM and EDX image explained the HA layers formed on a sample's surface after 3 d in Ringer's solution. Based on the XRD technique, after being immersed in Ringer's solution, the HA crystallographic structure forms monetite. The enhancement of bioactivity was shown during the incorporation of MWCNTs into the HA/HDPE composite. These results exhibited excellent indications of biocompatibility properties with a possibility of making promising biomaterials for making bone-substitute applications. Keywords: bone-tissue engineering, biomaterials, bone scaffold V pri~ujo~em~lanku avtorji opisujejo izdelavo biokompozita s tehniko vro~ega stiskanja. Kompozit je bil izdelan z matrico iz 60 w/% visoko gostega polietilena (HDPE) in 40 w/% hidroksiapatita (HA; Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2). Kot oja~itvena faza je bila uporabljena razli~na vsebnost (0,6, 1, 1,4 in 2 w/%) ve~-stenskih ogljikovih nano-cev~ic (MWCNT). Slike povr{inske topografije kompozita dobljene s pomo~jo mikroskopije na atomsko silo (AFM; Atom force Microscopy), ka`ejo razlike v hrapavosti povr{ine glede na vsebnost dodanih MWCNT. Diferencialna vrsti~na kalorimetrija (DSC) je pokazala vpliv dodatka MWCNT na stopnjo kristalini~nosti kompozita, kar vpliva na njegove mehanske lastnosti. Avtorji~lanka so dolo~evali bioaktivnost kompozita in vitro s postopkom potapljanja vzorcev za 3, 6, 9 in 12 dni v Ringerjevo raztopino, ki simulira telesno teko~ino (SBF; angl.: simulated body fluid). S pomo~jo vrsti~ne elektronske mikroskopije (FE-SEM) in rentgenske energijske disperzijske spektroskopije (EDX) so pojasnili plasti HA, ki so nastale na povr{ini vzorcev po tri dnevnem zadr`evanju vzorcev kompozita v Ringerjevi raztopini. Po potapljanju vzorcev v Ringerjevo raztopino so s pomo~jo XRD tehnike ugotovili, da ima HA kristalografsko strukturo monetita. Z dodatkom MWCNT v HA/HDPE biokompozit se je pove~ala njegova bioaktivnost. To ka`e na odli~no biokompatibilnost tega kompozita in mo`nost njegove uporabe kot kostnega nadomestka. Klju~ne besede: in`eniring kostnih tkiv, biomateriali, kostni gradnik