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Philosophy is the science of seeking truth. The truth that is sought from each person is different. the truth as to what is being sought is not always the same and not always different. When something is good for oneself, then we will say it is true, that is also the truth that is believed. However, every truth needs to be true, not only by oneself, but also by others in general. Truth must be representative or must represent. Therefore, the truth needs to be tested and proven through research. The research was conducted using the scientific method. The scientific method is a way to facilitate and focus on proving the truth. So there is a relationship between philosophy as a seeker of truth with scientific research methods to prove the truth. So that the truth can be recognized by everyone, becoming a science that can be adopted or adapted. Science is owned to add insight in order to improve one's intellectual. So that people do not just say, but there are basics or foundations in acknowledging or justifying any opinion. The truth that is proven representatively, that is the truth that has become science, which can be accepted by everyone, after going through a research
Methodology as a tool of historical knowledge: relevant about the obvious
Universum Historiae et Archeologiae
The purpose of the article is to actualize and clarify the main principles and methods of scientific research in their relationship and interdependence (on example of historical sciences). Research methods: analytical, historical, comparative and system-structural. Main results. The article illustrates the relationship of principles with general scientific and specific historical methods. Clarifications are made and examples of their use are given. Concise conclusions. Modern literature on methodology of science is presented mostly by the publications of methodical character. Such character of publications did not require consideration of problem aspects of methodology from their authors, in particular question about interdependence of principles and methods of scientific research. In most works such important concept as “research principles” is not examined practically, with what we cannot agree categorically. In our opinion, methods as research instruments and principles as rules ...
This paper presents the evolution of the scientific method that has been instrumental in promoting the advancement of science and also technology throughout history. It is important to note that the scientific method refers to a cluster of basic rules of how to be the procedure in order to produce scientific knowledge, either new knowledge, either a correction or an increase of previously existing knowledge. The scientific method, therefore, is nothing more than the logic applied to science. The search for a suitable scientific method guided the action of most thinkers of the sixteenth and seventeenth highlighting among them Galileo Galilei, Francis Bacon, René Descartes and Isaac Newton, who with their contributions were crucial to the structure of what we call today of modern science. In addition to these thinkers, it was also important later contributions of Hegel, Marx, Engels, Popper, Russell, Duhem, Poincaré, Morin, etc.
In the contemporary society, science and technology are very much dominating in all part of the world, because the world is running with faster than ever before. The social and cultural values are shifting towards techno innovative. The philosophy will play a greater extent to understating the basic ethical and moral issues and crisis in science and technology of the global society. The science and technology as socially embedded enterprises, which change the intellectual paradigms. Philosophy of science is a new shift of epistemology in the light of emergency of technology and science. In the analytical philosophy the science and technological poses a new challenge in development and destruction are central issues in the modern debates. An enquiry into epistemological status of technological statement and technological statements are to be demarcated from scientific statement. The development of ethics of technology as a new system started as sub discipline of philosophy. The fundamental frame work on science and technology jobs are crucial in the given examples of the honesty, sincerity, truthfulness…etc. philosophy will deal all parts of science and technology and show the proper direction practically which will eradicate some issues change the society and lead into development and justify all part of the people and all areas
International Journal of Science and Research, 2022
The roots of science go back to the contributions of Greek philosophers some 2,500 years ago. However, science as it is known today and its great power and remarkable influence over humanity emerged in the 16th century as a consequence of the Renaissance revolution that radically transformed the objects, methods and objectives of knowledge of nature. Objects became natural phenomena; the methods, disciplined cooperative research, and a set of objective, systematic, rational, and critical procedures that have been generically called the "scientific method"; and the objectives, the construction of a factual, verifiable and explanatory body of knowledge. What essentially characterizes science as a rationally and critically grounded body of knowledge is the method by which that knowledge is constructed. This article reviews the foundations of the scientific approach to knowledge generation and characterizes the scientific method.
The readers of Ishani may recall an earlier article on Nanotechnology by Prof. DC Kothari. We had carried it in the 15 July issue. We are happy to carry another article by him in our present issue. He deals in this article with the method of science as the title itself indicates. He explains the vitally relevant method that helps to arrive at the real nature of things or occurrences in our life and surroundings. This article was written some years back as the author himself mentions in his opening remarks. But the thoughts contained in the article have permanent worth. With the long experience of teaching that the author has, this article is in the nature of presentation to a class of students. It is not crowded with jargon and so it is intelligible to even a common man. Written in simple style and lucid language, it is highly readable. There are some sentences in the article which are worth quoting here: “In science we define truth as an answer arrived at by using the method of science…. Science possesses no articles of faith. Science has no prejudices. Science is not orthodox. Science is not conservative. In science you have a right to question.” “An important attribute of science is the right to question. Knowledge advances and science progresses because people exercise their right to question.” The author explains elaborately the method of science which mainly involves Question, Hypothesis, Experiment, Answer. The author tells us that, “We must apply this method in everyday life and in every sphere of human activity.” It is pertinent to draw attention of the readers to an important quotation of Jawaharlal Nehru which is quoted by the author in this article. Our first Prime Minister tells us that applications of science are inevitable and unavoidable for all countries and people today but more important is, “the scientific approach, the adventurous and yet critical temper of science, the search for the truth and new knowledge, the refusal to accept anything without testing and trials.” It is a matter of pride for every Indian that India today can be described as a first-rank nation as far as her achievement in the field of science are concerned. Jawaharlal Nehru laid the foundation of scientific progress in the country. This progress can certainly be considered as one of his major achievements.
In the article the interrelation of theoretical knowledge and research methodology in the process of development of science is considered. The essence of the concept "theory" is disclosed, the unity of theory and practice is considered as a methodological principle of scientific research, the constituent elements of any theoretical knowledge, characteristic features of theoretical cognition are given, the features and functions of the scientific theory are indicated, in particular its methodological function. Particular attention is paid to the description of the paradigmatic approach to the development of science of T. Kuhn. Based on this approach, the process of developing the theory within the existing paradigm, the functioning of normal science, the prerequisites for the emergence of new theoretical knowledge and the conditionality of its development adopted in paradigm of research methodology are considered, the mechanism of changing the scientific paradigm is described. The article focuses attention on the contradictory nature of the impact of theoretical knowledge on the development of science as a whole - as a deterrent and as a stimulating factor. The author singles out the characteristic features of research activity, namely: reliance on previously accumulated knowledge, development of previous scientific ideas and theories that serve as a methodological guide;the statement of scientific problems that are specifedby the previous development of theory and objective needs of practice within the framework of the current paradigm;the using of research tools and methodology, formed in this paradigm. The mutual conditionality of the development of theory and methodology of research is underlined. It is concluded that the study of the development of methodology should be considered in close relationship with the development of theoretical knowledge within the framework of a certain scientific paradigm.
International Journal Of Nursing and Midwifery Science (IJNMS), 2019
During the successive wave of globalization, nurses emphasized the requirement of specialized knowledge to improve the nursing as a profession and to make the transition from vocation to profession. The science of nursing is a foundation of knowing for nurses. Also there has a shift of nursing metaparadigm based on Kuhn’s philosophy of science. It was assumed that Philosophies are theoretical works that included one or more of the metaparadigm concepts. Philosophy provide us broad general view of what is science and human science, evolution of science, function of scientific theory, scientific methodologies, different philosophical approaches, significant philosophical shift in different eras and it would be helpful for the development of nursing as a discipline from adhering to the knowledge that we learnt in this paper.
Economy and Market Communication Review, 2023
The research in social sciences is still very much present in the academic world. This paper is another effort that tries to shed light on the methodology of research in social sciences with the detection of obstacles that interfere with its use, especially regarding values. This paper will explain the nature of research practice in social sciences as well as the difficulties regarding the research method, which would define the objective holding that a researcher has to implement. Furthering from the subject of study is, for that matter, needed especially regarding the values, because very little research in this field is of so-called "pure nature". For that matter, very few people explore the methodology by itself because most of the research is applied research, which is widely used in multiple disciplines. Each science uses different research methods in the areas of its research. They use the methods and procedures that were developed by the research methodologists with the goal of increment of understanding of their own sciences and further development of the base of social knowledge, as well as strengthening and improving their own science. This callback on the methodology of research is focused, primarily on, the aspect of scientific research, and that is the very methodology the scientific research follows with the goal of eliminating mistakes that quite a few researchers make, disregarding the difference between the method and the methodology. A great number of definitions of methodology confirm its complex nature but also state the fact that methodology can be observed with theoretical, technical, and organizational aspects. The theoretical aspect implies the questioning of laid-out hypotheses, theories, comprehensions, styles, terminology, etc. Technical aspects relate to the process of gathering, observing, arranging, and measuring the data, while the organizational aspect relates to securing the rational technology in implementing scientific research.