Understanding the Implications of Increased Lifestyle Diversity (original) (raw)

The Challenge of Diversity: [Student's Guide]. W. M. Keck Foundation Series, Volume 3


This book focuses on diversity, concentrating on issues of race and ethnicity and on the contributions made, and challenges faced, by the nation's racial and ethnic communities. The easy-to-read, graphically highlighted materials in the book invite students to confront the challenges of living in a diverse society by looking at the past, present, and future. Following an introduction, chapters in the book are: (1) "The Ideal of Equality"; (2) "A Diverse Nation"; (3) "The Civil Rights Movement"; (4) "Issues and Policies"; and (5) "Bringing Us Toaether." Includes sources for each chapter and an index. (BT) Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document.

Reframing the Conversation on Diversity


As the United States in general, and Missouri in particular, grows more and more diverse not only in terms of race, languages and religions; but also in terms of age, sexual orientation and family structure; we are facing additional interaction with people of different cultural and social values. We need the opportunity to raise the levels for self-reflection to reframe the conversation on diversity to discuss, discover and understand who we are before we can understand the other. The level of self-reflection in a conversation around cultural diversity will help us recognizing that our well-being and that of others are interdependent and intertwined. Our Intent with this workshop is to: increase awareness of the different dimensions of diversity; examine own cultural identity, own attitudes, perceptions and feelings about diversity; and become aware of skills and resources to manage crucial conversations. The workshop will be based on the "Diversity Education Plan" that we implement for our Family Nutrition Education Program. This plan is not only for new faculty, it is intentionally designed to prepare Extension Professionals in the field to work effectively across the many dimensions of diversity by adapting personal communication, style and behavior to be an effective communicator and to feel comfortable engaging in initiatives or programs for diverse audiences.

Diversity in everyday living – an international survey connected to the UN goals.


Abstract—This study uses the concept of diversity from Science Studies applying it to Social Studies to understand the diversity present in their everyday living. Diversity requires a multi-ethnical, multi-cultural, and multi-religious background to be developed, which goes in conjunction with UN goals. Therefore, it is assumed that a diverse living and lifestyle should support the individual through harsh periods while diminishing prejudice and intolerance. The present study applied the Diversity Survey Questionnaire containing 47 questions (40 questions using a 5-multiple choice scale ranging from always to never, and 7 questions with written answers). 333 individuals participated in the research. The diversity survey was created by Dr. Monica Mastrantonio to measure how diverse and inclusive a person’s life be can be. The results were collected and measured using the Google platform. The collected data shows that diversity has crucial importance in everyday living. Nevertheless, data also showed that people lack significant opportunities to engage in multiple and diverse life experiences. Participants also agreed on various aspects that can be done to improve diversity in their lives. It is concluded that this survey brought important aspects in how people engage in a plural and diverse society, and what needs to be done in that direction. Keywords— diversity, everyday living, multi-cultural, UN goals, digital humanities.

Diversity paper -Uma

Diversity is about human differences -individual or group-based which impact our attitudes and behaviors and hence our life and work. The differences can be around primary dimensions like age, class, colour, caste, mother tongue, gender, nationality, physical/emotional/mental ableness, race, sexual orientation and religion etc. which come largely with birth and are not generally changeable or secondary dimensions of diversity culture, education, backgrounds, communication style, spiritual beliefs, learning style, interests, skills, language, geographic location, family status, income, etc which are at least to some extent acquired and changeable.

The Paradox of Diversity


While there has been considerable literature that suggests that diverse groups are more capable at a variety of tasks than more homogenous ones, there has also been literature that suggests that diversity creates significant social discomfort. In light of this latter work, there have been proposals to create a broader “we” to smooth away the challenges posed by diversity. I argue that this approach is mistaken. Instead, I suggest that the benefits of diversity come about in part because of the discomfort that it creates, rather than in spite of it. If this is correct, then we must choose between two different models of society: a more rewarding but more complex diverse social environment, or a simpler, more homogenous, but less rewarding social environment. Depending on which literature you read, social diversity is either the goose that laid the golden egg, or a major source of our social ills. Some literature link diversity to significant increases in productivity, enhanced creati...


This study uses the concept of diversity from Science applying it to Social Studies to understand the diversity of relationships and inputs present in human everyday living. Diversity requires a multi-ethnical, cultural, age, gender, religious background to be developed. This means diversity in relationships need diversity as a concept in all human relations. Diverse living and lifestyle can potentially support the individual through harsh periods meanwhile diminishing prejudice and intolerance. The present study applied the Diversity Survey Questionnaire containing 47 questions (40 questions using a 5-multiple choice scale ranging from always to never, and 7 questions with written answers). A total of 333 individuals participated in the research. The diversity survey was created by Dr. Monica Mastrantonio to measure how diverse and inclusive a person's life be can possibly be. The results were collected and measured using the Google platform, and automatically using metrics to reach quantitative results. The collected data shows that diversity has crucial importance in everyday living. Nevertheless, data also showed that people lack significant opportunities to engage in multiple life experiences. Participants also agreed on various aspects that can be done to improve diversity as a method of living. It is concluded that this survey brought important aspects in how people engage in a plural and diverse society, and what needs to be done in that direction.

Unity in Diversity in Life.pdf

Untiy in Diversity Lesson #1, 2020

Recently I published an overview of Unity in Diversity curriculum. I am now posting the first lessons that are being created, and I invite any and all input