Excessive Imbalances and Debt Crisis in the Eurozone (original) (raw)
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Journal of International Studies, 2019
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European authorities and scholars published proposals on which indicators of macroeconomic imbalances might be used to uncover risks for the sustainability of public debt in the European Union. We test the ability of four proposed sets of indicators to send early-warnings of debt crises using a signals approach for the study of indicators and the construction of composite indicators. We find that a broad composite indicator has the highest predictive power. This fact still holds true if equal weights are used for the construction of the composite indicator in order to reflect the uncertainty about the origin of future crises.
Macroeconomic Imbalances in Euro- and Non-Euro Area Member States
SSRN Electronic Journal
The recent reforms in the European economic governance framework add to the Stability and Growth pact requirements for establishing a new macroeconomic surveillance mechanism for both euro area and non-euro area countries. The early identification and the prevention of imbalances are of vital importance in a monetary union due to the limitations they impose on the tools available to economic policymaking. This paper examines the macroeconomic imbalances in the euro area countries in comparison with the non-euro area countries based on the set of indicators in the Scoreboard that is part of the Macroeconomic Imbalance Procedure (MIP), introduced in 2011. While the aim of the new alert mechanism is to identify potential risks this study goes further in measuring the level of risks by the scope of the deviation from the established thresholds. For this purpose an Integral Macroeconomic Imbalance Indicator (IMII) is constructed. It serves for comparing the level of imbalances between the countries in pre-and post-crisis period. The composed IMII indicates a tangible reduction in the scale of imbalances as compared to the precrisis period but the divergence between the countries enlarges. The results undermine the assumptions that the euro area countries will exhibit fewer imbalances as compared to the countries outside of the monetary union. Based on the dynamics of IMII it could be assumed that maintaining the macroeconomic framework within the thresholds is necessary but not sufficient to prevent future crisis. The results further question the ability of the alert mechanism to identify the sources of a future crisis.
Imbalances and Policies in the Eurozone
Journal of Business & Economic Policy, 2017
The present paper highlights the imbalances that have characterized the Eurozone during the crisis. The contribution focuses on the issue of current account imbalances and the factors that caused them. It also examines the banking union as an important step toward a better management of the Eurozone financial imbalances. Furthermore, the paper discusses and assesses the policies, especially monetary policy,implemented in the Eurozone, stressing the limits of the strategy pursued by the European authorities. The main purpose of the paper is to point out possible solutions in order to correct the imbalances and discuss changes in Eurozone policies. The present paper highlights the imbalances that have characterized the Eurozone during its long crisis. Thecontribution focuses on the issue of current account imbalances andthe factors that caused them. It also examines the banking union as an important step toward a better management of the Eurozone financial imbalances.Furthermore, the paper discusses and assesses the policies, especially monetary policy, implemented in the Eurozone, stressing the limits of the strategy pursued by the European authorities.The main purpose of the paper is to point out possible solutions in order to correct the imbalances and discuss changes in Eurozone policies. The ultimate goal is to have a more balanced and integrated Eurozone which is able to pursue stability, less divergence and political credibility. 2.Policies, institutional flaws and the crisis in the Eurozone Before the crisis, the governance in the Eurozone was based on a fiscal policywhich remained at national level, although constrained by the Growth and Stability Pact. At the same time, national authorities were deprived of the exchange-rate instrument and national discretion over last resort lending for macroeconomic management. The ECB was and still is an independentEU official institution, in charge of handling the single currency and the monetary policy with the narrow remit of ensuring price stability 1. Consequently, monetary policy has resulted to be independent from fiscal policy.In addition, the ECB did not monitor the banking sector, since bank regulation and resolution, as well as the regulation of financial markets, were left to national governments. Although in the years before the crisis the increasing integration of Eurozone financial markets determined a growth in capital flows and banking − an increase that undermined the ability of some member states to backstop their national banking system −, there was no strategy in terms of harmonization of rules and surveillance of the financial sector in the EMU (Schilirò, 2017). The EMU lacked a developed surveillance framework to track and correct the imbalances in financial markets, sovereign debts, and competitiveness (European Commission, 2017). Thus, the stabilizers that existed at the national level prior to the start of EMU were stripped away from member states without being transposed at the monetary union level. This left the member states unable to deal with the coming national disturbances (De Grauwe, 2013). At the same time, financial deepening reached a certain level within the monetary union, due the concurrent progress of financial integration and financial sector growth, and it left the Eurozone facing a policy trilemma. 1 Article 127(1) of TFEU.
Fiscal imbalances and output crises in Europe: will the fiscal compact help or hinder?
Journal of Economic Policy Reform, 2013
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Sovereign Debt Crisis of the Eurozone Countries
Oeconomia Copernicana, 2016
The aim of the publication is to examine the fiscal position of the euro area countries and fiscal policy architecture in Europe after the outbreak of the financial and economic crisis started in 2008. The first part of the publication consists of the analyses of the budgetary situation of euro area countries and complications with the increasing costs of servicing the public debt in the European market affected by the financial liquidity crisis. In the second section the most important changes in the framework of budgetary policies coordination process in the euro zone are presented. The final section describes the role and activities of the European Central Bank in minimising the negative consequences of the debt crisis in the euro zone.
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2009
Low international competitiveness of a set of euro area countries, which have become evident by large current account deficits and rising risk premiums on government bonds, is one of the most challenging economic policy issues for Europe. We analyse the role of private restructuring and public structural reforms for the urgently needed readjustment of intra-euro area imbalances. A panel regression reveals a significant impact of private restructuring and public structural reforms on intra-euro area competitiveness. This implies that private restructuring and public reforms are rather than public transfers the best way to preserve longterm economic stability in Europe.
An econometric analysis of the eurozone sovereign debt crisis : the case of Greece
The European sovereign debt crisis started. in 2008 with the collapse of Iceland's banking system. Subsequently, several European countries faced the implosion of financial institutions, high government debt and rapidly rising bond yield spreads in government securities. In this context, Greece is an example of a country whose government debt is a matter of grave concern since it has received the second bailout but still threatens to default. This is ironic since a developed economy like Greece is considered to aide developing economies. The main aim of this dissertation is to conduct an econometric analysis of the determinants of the Greek sovereign debt crisis while the secondary aim is an extensive literature review of the Eurozone sovereign debt crisis. Regarding the former aim, the variables selected include the government deficit, current account balance, inflation, gross savings and general government debt of Greece. This annual data (from 1976 to 2010) was collected from the World Development Indicators, European Commission data base and the International Monetary Fund. The Vector Error Correction Model framework was used to estimate our model. Also, the Granger causality analysis helped to identify the direction of causation. Furthermore, the Variance Decomposition and the Generalized Impulse Response Function were employed to analyze the shocks of all our variables on each other. Finally, for the latter aim, we critically review the evolution, causes, consequences and cures of the Eurozone sovereign debt crisis and then formulate some suggestions on how to mitigate the effects of this crisis. The results of the econometric analysis show that there is a significant negative relationship between general government debt with government deficit and inflation. However, a significant positive relationship between general government debt and current account balance was found. There is an insignificant negative relationship between gross savings and general government debt. The past value of the general government debt and government deficit has the ability to determine the present value of inflation; and in turn, pass value of inflation, can predict the present value of current account balance and gross savings. Variation in most of our variables is highly explained by our variables itself, with the exception of current account balance where variation is explained mostly by general government debt. The response of general government debt to itself is positive. Gross government debt to government deficit and general government debt to current account balance is negative. General government debt to inflation is positive. A shock of gross government debt has an increasing negative effect on gross savings over the study period. Among the causes of the Eurozone sovereign debt crisis is the rapid growth of government debt levels, trade imbalances, monetary policy inflexibility, and loss of confidence. Consequences of this crisis involve disrupted bond markets and the banking sector, depreciation of the Euro, reduced economic growth, loss of confidence, reduced remittances and tight fiscal measures. Some measures were taken and many are proposed as a cure for this crisis. This dissertation recommends that policies aimed at decreasing the level of general government debt should increase expenditure hence deficit in an income generating investment, increase inflation while decreasing current account balance.
Persistent macroeconomic imbalances in the Euro area: causes and consequences
In this paper, the authors document a growing divergence between current account imbalances in northern and southern euro area countries from 1992 to 2007. The imbalance occurred without a concomitant rise in productivity and growth in the southern (deficit) countries. The authors argue that systematic monitoring of external imbalances and implementation of better coordinated policies to prevent the emergence of unsustainably large imbalances in the euro area is advisable because (i) country heterogeneity and the absence of optimal currency area characteristics may lead to the emergence of large cur- rent account imbalances without automatic gains in productivity and economic growth to sustain these imbalances, (ii) the absence of sufficient market-based adjustment mechanisms substantially increases the costs of ultimate adjustment toward more sustainable current account positions, and (iii) large external imbalances—particularly through the major role of the banking system—potentia...