On the behavior of the bounds of the holographic theory for massive and massless particle systems (original) (raw)
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In this paper we review the fundamental concepts of entropy bounds put forward by Bousso and its relation to the holographic principle. We relate covariant entropy with logarithmic distance of separation of nearby geodesics. We also give sufficient arguments to show that the origin of entropy bounds is not indeed thermodynamic, but statistical.
The Rényi entropy is a mathematical generalization of the concept of en- tropy and it encodes the total information of a system as a funtion of its order parameter alpha. The meaning of the R´enyi entropy in physics is not completely enstablished: here we determined a general and explicit representation of the Rényi entropy for whichever fluid of particles and spin-statistics, in the me- chanical statistics framework. This allowed us to put physical constraints to the Rényi order alpha, from main thermodynamical relations and entropy bounds of the holographic theories, defining how much we can enlarge the Boltman- nian concept of entropy.
New holographic entropy bound from quantum geometry
Physical Review D, 2001
A new entropy bound, tighter than the standard holographic bound due to Bekenstein, is derived for spacetimes with non-rotating isolated horizons, from the quantum geometry approach in which the horizon is described by the boundary degrees of freedom of a three dimensional Chern Simons theory. *
CFT, holography, and causal entropy bound
Physics Letters B, 2001
The causal entropy bound (CEB) is confronted with recent explicit entropy calculations in weakly and strongly coupled conformal field theories (CFTs) in arbitrary dimension D. For CFT's with a large number of fields, N , the CEB is found to be valid for temperatures not exceeding a value of order M P /N 1 D−2 , in agreement with large N bounds in generic cutoff theories of gravity, and with the generalized second law. It is also shown that for a large class of models including high-temperature weakly coupled CFT's and strongly coupled CFT's with AdS duals, the CEB, despite the fact that it relates extensive quantities, is equivalent to (a generalization of) a purely holographic entropy bound proposed by E. Verlinde.
Holographic Complexity and Thermodynamic Volume
Physical Review Letters
We study the holographic complexity conjectures for rotating black holes, uncovering a relationship between the complexity of formation and the thermodynamic volume of the black hole. We suggest that it is the thermodynamic volume and not the entropy that controls the complexity of formation of large black holes in both the complexity equals action and complexity equals volume proposals in general. Our proposal reduces to known results involving the entropy in settings where the thermodynamic volume and entropy are not independent, but has broader scope. Assuming a conjectured inequality is obeyed by the thermodynamic volume, we establish that the complexity of formation is bounded from below by the entropy for large black holes.
Problems and Cures (Partial) for Holographic Cosmology
String Phenomenology 2003 - Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference, 2004
We analyze the validity of the generalized covariant entropy bound near the apparent horizon of isotropic expanding cosmological models. We encounter violations of the bound for cosmic times smaller than a threshold. By introducing an infrared cutoff we are able to mantain the bound for a radiation dominated universe. We study different physical mechanisms to restore the bound, as a non-additivity of the entropy at a fundamental level and/or a cosmological uncertainty relation.
Holography, CFT and Black Hole Entropy
Statistical Science and Interdisciplinary Research, 2009
Aspects of holography or dimensional reduction in gravitational physics are discussed with reference to black hole thermodynamics. Degrees of freedom living on Isolated Horizons (as a model for macroscopic, generic, eternal black hole horizons) are argued to be topological in nature and counted, using their relation to two dimensional conformal field theories. This leads to the microcanonical entropy of these black holes having the Bekenstein-Hawking form together with finite, unambigious quantum spacetime corrections. Another aspect of holography ensues for radiant black holes treated as a standard canonical ensemble with Isolated Horizons as the mean (equilibrium) configuration. This is shown to yield a universal criterion for thermal stability of generic radiant black holes, as a lower bound on the mass of the equilibrium isolated horizon in terms of its microcanonical entropy. Saturation of the bound occurs at a phase boundary separating thermally stable and unstable phases with symptoms of a first order phase transition.
Holographic Quantum Statistics from Dual Thermodynamics
AIP Conference Proceedings, 2007
We propose dual thermodynamics corresponding to black hole mechanics with the identifications E ′ → A/4, S ′ → M , and T ′ → T −1 in Planck units. Here A, M and T are the horizon area, mass and Hawking temperature of a black hole and E ′ , S ′ and T ′ are the energy, entropy and temperature of a corresponding dual quantum system. We show that, for a Schwarzschild black hole, the dual variables formally satisfy all three laws of thermodynamics, including the Planck-Nernst form of the third law requiring that the entropy tend to zero at low temperature. This is in contrast with traditional black hole thermodynamics, where the entropy is singular. Once the third law is satisfied, it is straightforward to construct simple (dual) quantum systems representing black hole mechanics. As an example, we construct toy models from one dimensional (Fermi or Bose) quantum gases with N ≃ M in a Planck scale box. In addition to recovering black hole mechanics, we obtain quantum corrections to the entropy, including the logarithmic correction obtained by previous papers. The energy-entropy duality transforms a strongly interacting gravitational system (black hole) into a weakly interacting quantum system (quantum gas) and thus provides a natural framework for the quantum statistics underlying the holographic conjecture.
Holographic equipartition and the maximization of entropy
Physical Review D
The accelerated expansion of the Universe can be interpreted as a tendency to satisfy holographic equipartition. It can be expressed by a simple law, ΔV ¼ ΔtðN surf − ϵN bulk Þ, where V is the Hubble volume in Planck units, t is the cosmic time in Planck units, and N surf=bulk is the number of degrees of freedom on the horizon/bulk of the Universe. We show that this holographic equipartition law effectively implies the maximization of entropy. In the cosmological context, a system that obeys the holographic equipartition law behaves as an ordinary macroscopic system that proceeds to an equilibrium state of maximum entropy. We consider the standard ΛCDM model of the Universe and show that it is consistent with the holographic equipartition law. Analyzing the entropy evolution, we find that it also proceeds to an equilibrium state of maximum entropy.