Books of Tuvan ethnographist published in Germany (original) (raw)

Encyclopedia of Tuvan culture: timeliness, concept, problems


Вопросы сохранения, функционирования, развития этнических культур в условиях модернизационных вызовов приобрели в последние годы особую актуальность и остроту. Этнический ренессанс наблюдается сегодня в разных регионах мира (на территориях бывшего социалистического лагеря, в том числе бывшего Советского союза, на Ближнем Востоке, Балканах, Африке, Азии, Латинской Америке) и выражается он в самых разнообразных формах. Соответственно гуманитарное знание, отвечая на запросы времени, также принимает участие в этом, реконструируя культурные достижения, фиксируя знания о культуре. Одним из наиболее масштабных научных, научно-популярных проектов в этом направлении можно назвать создание энциклопедий о культурах. Создание их актуально не просто из задачи сбора и систематизации конкретных знаний для возрождения этнической самобытности, которая сейчас важна для идентификационных целей. Важность ее определяется и самой ситуацией информационного взрыва XXI века, в которой оказа-Аннотация: В статье ставится проблема необходимости создания энциклопедии тувинской культуры. Делается обзор развития энциклопедических проектов в мировой культуре, отмечаются варианты энциклопедий в ХХ веке. Даются характеристики вышедшим словарям, посвященным разным аспектам тувинской культуры. Уточняются возможности тезаурусного подхода для создания новой энциклопедии тувинской культуры.

Tuvan Ethnicity as an Object of Research

Бюллетень Калмыцкого научного центра Российской академии наук, 2021

Introduction. This article attempts to review and analyze domestic and foreign scientific works on the history of the study of Tuvan ethnicity covering such aspects as language, religion, traditional spiritual culture, material culture of the people, national character, history of Tuvan ethnicity, ethnic identity of Tuvans and other factors characterizing the Tuvan people as a unique ethnic group among the peoples of Central Asia. Goals. The article examines scientific works of domestic and foreign authors including scientists – members of the Tuvan culture. Materials and Methods. The review and comparative analysis of various theoretical and methodological approaches of foreign and domestic researchers to the study of the concept of ethnicity clarifies the diversity of interpretations and understandings of this phenomenon. Results. The basic concepts and representations of the national character of the Tuvan people, peculiarities of Tuvan mentality in many scientific works of leadi...

The phenomenon of A. W. Tappe and russian language textbooks for the germans

Verhnevolzhski philological bulletin, 2022

The article is devoted to A. W. Tappe who compiled the New theoretical and practical course of the russian language for the germans (German: Neue theoretisch-praktische russische Sprachlehre für Deutsche), as well as numerous anthologies, books for reading on russian history written in german and intended for school education of russian germans’ children. The article analyzes the life and creative work of A. W. Tappe from the standpoint of narrative linguistic historiography. A. W. Tappe was a pastor, doctor of philosophy and theology, and created one of the most popular russian language teaching aid for russian germans. According to the author of the article, the linguistic and historiographic phenomenon of A. W. Tappe consists in his following the main trends of his contemporary researches in the field of the russian language and applying them in his practical work. The scientist’s creative use of the russian language grammars and textbooks written by M. V. Lomonosov, Ya. M. Rodde, J. A. Geim, P. I. Sokolov, the St. Petersburg Academy, I. M. Born, N. I. Grech and J. S. Vater placed A.W. Tappe on a par with these authors. The History of Russia by Karamzin translated in german by A. W. Tappe (German: Geschichte Russlands, nach Karamsin) was compiled as a book for reading in history and for teaching russian to russian germans’ children. The author claims that creating a complete teaching aid, based on the available authoritative scientific and educational materials, consisting of a textbook, an anthology, a book for reading on Russian history is an unusual phenomenon in the history of linguistics.

Tuvan ethnicity and the society in ethnosociological and anthropological studies

The article reviews the research which Russian ethnosociologists and European social anthropologists conducted in Tuva from 1970s to the early 21st century. Although short, the history of these studies is significant enough to help set priorities and prospects for further research. Our analysis of ethnosociological studies in Tuva is set against the background of historical developments ethnosociology underwent in USSR and Russia. Researchers from the Institute of History, Philology and Philosophy, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, were the first to start working in the region in the 1970s. They included Tuva in their large-scale comprehensive study of peoples of Siberia, the Far East and the Far North. Researchers from Tuva also participated in the project, with its outcomes described and analyzed in a number of monographs published in the 1980s. Tuvan ethnosociology in the proper sense began in 1990s, with the help from the Moscow schools of research. Among other contributing factors were general liberalization in Russia and an increased influence the ethnonational factor had on various aspects of Russian society. Scholars from the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, RAS, held nationwide surveys which now also covered Tuva. In late 1990s and 2000s Tuva was the field for surveys conducted by researchers at the Sector of Ethnosocial Studies, Institute of Philosophy and Law, Siberian Branch, RAS (Novosibirsk) At the moment, no research groups do ethnosocial studies in Tuva, with the main body of work done by individual authors and on a limited range of ethnosocial problems. It is clear that ethnosociology within Tuva has lost impetus for development due to the lack of qualified researchers and certain issues in Russian ethnosociology in general. Since the 2000s, field studies in Tuva have also been conducted by anthropologists from outside Russia, mostly those from the Max Planck Institute (Germany). They analyzed the legal status of land ownership and usage in rural communities of Tojin Tuvans (a Tuvan sub-ethnicity), specific forms of cultured leisure among Tuvans, as well as cultural patterns of their behavior. In Tuva, there are no local scholars doing research in cultural anthropology. Ethnosociologists and anthropologists suffered from a divide between their traditions, which made any dialogue impossible. However, we believe that they can find common language and engage in a meaningful dialogue by returning to the issues of correlation between the ethnic and the social, i.e. by means of a theoretical discussion. It is time to do more than set new challenges for researchers: these should be viewed and formulated from various methodological standpoints.

Mstislav Dobuzhinsky’s “The Swineherd” and book publishing in Russian Berlin

Children's Readings: Studies in Children's Literature, 2019

Статья реконструирует историю издания сказки Ганса-Христиана Андерсена «Свинопас» в оформлении Мстислава Добужинского. Иллюстрации были выполнены художником в 1917 г. по заказу Зиновия Гржебина для петроградского издательства «Парус», но выпустить книгу ему удалось только пять лет спустя. Издание «Свинопаса», осуществленное им в Берлине, стало образцом для эмигрантской книжной продукции. «Андерсеновским Добужинским» Гржебин начал серию иллюстрированных книг для детей, выход которых способствовал дискуссии о книгоиздании в эмиграции. Кроме того, изысканное оформление книги, исполненное Добужинским, открыло новые возможности для русских иллюстрированных изданий в Берлине. Факт выпуска Гржебиным «Свинопаса» имел также личное значение-это был оммаж издателя мастерству художника, оформившего книгу. Не менее личным был этот проект и для Добужинского: своими иллюстрациями, которые сам он определил как воплощение «беглой и свободной линии», он отдавал дань одному из своих любимых писателей-Добужинский неоднократно обращался к историям Андерсена и на бумаге («Принцесса на горошине»), и на сцене («Сказки Андерсена»). «Редко между двумя художниками может быть такое соответствие,-отмечал Михаил Кузмин.-Едва ли можно представить себе другого живописца при имени Андерсен».



В статията се разглеждат ръчни книги на художника Агоп Гемджиян, създадени във фабрика "Вулкан" в периода 1989-1990 г. Засяга се и темата за "книгата на художника" като художествено явление в световен контекст. Обект на анализ са "Бялата книга", "Неща 1" и "Неща 2", които имат типологични сходства. А. Гемджиян отпечатва тухли и камъни върху страниците на книгите и използва ръкописни и печатни текстове, отчасти припокриващи се с изображенията. Ключови думи: А. Гемджиян, книга на художника, "Вулкан", типологични сходства, "пространствено-графичен обект" Agop Gemdzhiyan-Artist's Book, Created in Vulcan - Summary The article examines artist's book of the artist Agop Gemdzhiyan, created in the Vulcan factory in the period 1989-1990. The theme of the "artist's book" as an artistic phenomenon in a world context is also touched upon. Object of analysis are the "White Book", "Things 1" and "Things 2", which have typological similarities. A. Gemdzhiyan printed bricks and stones on the pages of the books and used handwritten and printed texts, partly overlapping with the images.


This is a first ever study of the notion of ‘Tuvan time’ (Tyva үе) – the way Tuvans reckon time in their everyday lives. This idea is examined as an integral part of Tuvan culture, being most directly linked to practices of economic culture. This vision of time can be seen as a version of ‘steppe time’, also typical for the peoples of Mongolia and other Central Asian regions of nomadic culture. People of the steppes have been found to possess a specific cultural time, a certain pace of lifestyle which has been classified within the Oriental type of understanding time. To reckon and understand the notion of time, Tuvans have traditionally used the strategies of objectification, matching time to specific action and mentioning the place of action. The article studies Tuvan terms signifying time, with a focus on the conclusions scholars of language and culture have made in their studies of how Tuvans find their way in space and time by observing the daily motion of the Sun and stars. Special attention is given in the article to the link between ‘Tuvan time’ and their economic culture. This way of understanding time appeared in the economic lifestyle of extensive animal farming that most Tuvans in the past and present were involved in. Correspondingly, their economic activity almost wholly depended on natural cycles, weather changes, climatic rhythms and conditions. This determined the strategy of adapting to both the environment in general and to its elements, such as the flow of events and of time in this environment. People had only to watch the slow grazing of their cattle and only at times intervene to regulate the process. This made unhurriedness one of the most important temporal features of Tuvan culture. The article analyzes the cultural views of the Tuvans on planning and punctuality. In the post-Soviet years, ‘Tyva үе’ has come to mean the right to be imprecise and is determined by several circumstances, such as a change in weather, climate lore, the need to follow important routines or directions. All of these factors are seen as bigger and more important than people, control their intentions and regulate the length of events and actions. Unhurriedness is most marked among the rural populations, but is also quite conspicuous in urban areas since internal migration from the countryside to towns remains significant. Foundations of traditional culture remain strong, too, since those who feel bound to it have managed to “write it into” their contemporary lives. The factor of ‘Tuvan time’ is an important one to reckon for visitors to the region, residents of Tuva, local authorities, business people. It is an important element of contemporary economic culture and a powerful precondition for strategic planning.

Book Editions of the Samara Germans of the second half of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries in the Collections of the Central Libraries of Russia

Bibliotekovedenie [Library and Information Science (Russia)], 2016

The research reveals the features of the development of the German-language book publishing in Samara in the second half of 19th - the beginning of the 20th centuries. There was analyzed the publishing activities of certain associations, enterprises and individuals, connected with the Evangelical Lutheran community of St. George. The author proves that the Samara German language book publishing used the printing houses of other regions. There is provided information on book production of Samara Germans, preserved in the holdings of the Russian State Library, National Library of Russia and Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Историография русской литературы в немецкоязычных странах.pdf

Биргит Менцель (Университет г. Майнц/Гермерсхайм). Статья по итогам конференции «Национальные истории русской литературы», Столичный педагогический университет (Capital Normal University), Китай, Пекин 20-23.11.2015, совместно с Институтом Русской Литературы РАН (Пушкинским Домом), Санкт-Петербург, Россия. Историография русской литературы в немецкоязычных странах «История литературы, будучи повествованием, являет собой один из важнейших мифов той или иной культуры. Ее изменение или преодоление означает неизбежный конфликт с традицией, который либо приведет к поражению, либо станет основой новой традиции». 1 1 Wilfried Barner: Tradition als Kategorie der Literaturgeschichtsschreibung, in: Prinzipien der Literaturgeschichtsschreibung. Beiträge vom ersten deutsch-sowjetischen literaturwissenschaftlichen Literaturgeschichtsschreibung. Beiträge vom ersten deutsch-sowjetischen literaturwissenschaftlichen Symposium in Göttingen vom 22.-28.6.81, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz 1988 (hg. Reinhard Lauer), S. 27-48, hier ". 31 перевод Б.М.). 2 Понятие "invented traditions" впервые использовал историк Эрик Хобсбаум. Eric Hobsbawn/Terence Ranger: The Invention of Tradition, 1983.


Archive and library collections of the Republic of Bashkortostan contain a great number of manuscripts and early printed books written in Arabic script for the Turkic languages. One of such large repositories is the Department of Manuscripts and Rare Editions of the Akhmet-Zaki Validi National Library of the Republic of Bashkortostan. This article discusses some Turkic-language writings published in the early 19th century in Kazan and Astrakhan. The library collection contains rare editions of the Mukhammad Birkawi’s work offered for the public in 1802 and 1806. Extremely valuable sources on the history of Turkic writings are the books prepared by the Society of Scottish Missionaries and published in Astrakhan. The article analyzes six copies of such editions from the collection of the National Library of the Reoublic of Bashkortostan. Theseare the first and second editions of the books Sanctum Evangelium, scilicet Novum testamentum Jesu Christi of 1818 and 1820 and also Sanctum Evangelium of 1820 and the First Book of Moses of 1819. Comparative analysis of some peculiar language features attests to the lexical divergence in the language of these books. Religious terminology in some of them is represented by arabisms, while others contain turcisms. Owners’ and dedicatory inscriptions found on cover pages of these rare editions cast light upon the history of their shelf life. The owners of the books include well-known persons. Thus, one of the books contains an autograph of famous Bashkir historian Shamson Tipeev. The rare publications in Turkic considered in the article are of great interest for studying the history of typography in Turkic, for Turkic linguistics and the history of religions. Such an analysis of Turkiclanguage publications of the early 19th century from the collections of the National Library is carried out for the first time. В фондах архивов и библиотек Республики Башкортостан хранится большое количество рукописей и старопечатных книг, написанных на арабографичных тюркских языках. Одним из таких крупных хранилищ является отдел рукописей и редких изданий Национальной библиотеки РБ имени Ахмет-Заки Валиди. В данной статье рассматривается ряд тюркоязычных памятников из библиотечного фонда, изданных в начале XIX века в Казани и Астрахани. Рассмотрены редкие издания сочинения Мухаммада Биркави, увидевшие свет в 1802 и 1806 гг. Чрезвычайно ценными источниками по истории тюркской письменности являются книги, опубликованные Обществом шотландских миссионеров в Астрахани. В статье анализируется шесть экземпляров изданий общества из фондов Национальной библиотеки Башкортостана. Это первое и второе издание книг «Священное Евангелие, или Новый завет пророка Иисуса» 1818 и 1820 гг., «Священное Евангелие» 1820 г. (?) и «Первая книга Моисея» 1819 г. Сравнительный анализ некоторых особенностей языков изданий свидетельствует о лексических расхождениях в языке указанных книг. Религиозная терминология в некоторых из них представлена арабизмами, а в других – тюркизмами. Владельческие пометки, дарственные записи на страницах рассмотренных раритетов освещают историю бытования каждого издания. Среди владельцев книг были знаменитые личности. Так, одна из них содержит автограф известного башкирского историка Шамсона Типеева. Рассмотренные в статье редкие издания на тюрки представляют большой интерес для изучения истории книгопечатания, тюркского языкознания и истории религий. Подобный анализ тюркоязычных изданий начала XIX века из фондов Национальной библиотеки проводится впервые.