Design in the real world (original) (raw)
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Safety Innovation and Integration in High-Performance Designs: Benefits, Motivations, and Obstacles
Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction
Design plays a vital role in the building process. As the demand for design creativity and innovation continue s to grow, high-performance designs have received significant attention in the built environment. Ideally, high-performance designs are expected to address customer demands with regard to the physical performance of the design while ensuring technical feasibility as well as economic and social viability. Among social viability goals, a design should respond in a practical and creative manner to the needs of field personnel by employing innovation in such a way as to minimize safety risk in the workplace. However, in reality, highperformance design thinking does not explicitly account for worker health and safety. Therefore, such design elements can be associated with substantial safety risks to those who assemble, operate, and maintain a facility due in part to the complexity of the design resulting from the high demand for innovation. Innovation is defined as the process of integrating new, effective systems and techniques into a process. With regard to design, this integration can be problematic given the complexity and risks it may introduce to construction and maintenance operations. The purpose of the present paper is to support the premise that worker health and safety should be integrated into the design process as an integral part of innovation. This process can be facilitated by the implementation of a new design approach, referred to as Prevention through Design (PtD). PtD is an effective and practical method of addressing worker health and safety early in the design process. This paper provides examples to incorporate PtD practices into the design process and discussion to highlight motivations and enablers of integrating worker health and safety in high-performance project designs. Discussion and information provided in this paper are expected to benefit design professionals and practitioners who are interested in pursuing designs that yield innovative yet safe outcomes.
Industrial Design - New Frontiers
A new breed of modern designers is on the way. These non-traditional industrial designers work across disciplines, understand human beings, business and technology thus bridging the gap between customer needs and technological advancement of tomorrow. Whether by using unique manufacturing processes like rapid prototyping and laser cutting or by celebrating beautiful materials like organics, concrete or silicon, they are successfully evolving industrial design according to user’s needs and engagement with their product. This book uncovers prospective designer techniques and methods of a new age of industrial design, whose practitioners strive to construct simple and yet complex products of the future. The nine chapters in this book report on the novel frontiers of the new era of industrial design and how these are being tackled, in what concerns the design process, in illustrating the use of new technologies in design and in terms of the advancement of culturally inspired design. The first section of the book is on design and new technologies, covering the themes of technology as a determinant of object shape, knowledge-based engineering for supporting design and product instructions in the digital age. The second section deals with culturally inspired design from both a practice and an educational viewpoint. The last section covers several approaches to innovation in the design process, including biologically inspired design, product design with embodiment design viewed in a new perspective, disruptive innovative designs, and an example of the application of TRIZ principles to design. The diverse perspectives taken by the authors of this book ensure stimulating reading and will assist readers in leaping forward in their own practice of industrial design and in preparing new design research that is relevant and aligned with the current challenges of this fascinating field. Denis Coelho and Abir Mullick Professor Denis A. Coelho Human Technology Group (Director) Masters Program in Industrial Design Engineering (Coordinator) Product Development and Prototyping Laboratory (Head) Dept. Electromechanical Engineering University of Beira Interior 6201-001 Covilhã - Portugal Professor Abir Mullick School of Industrial Design College of Architecture Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, Georgia 30332 United States of America
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