Tests of timing properties of silicon photomultipliers (original) (raw)

Timing by silicon photomultiplier: A possible application for TOF measurements

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2006

The Silicon Photomultiplier (SiPM) is intrinsically a very fast device, its single photoelectron timing resolution is about 100 ps FWHM. Therefore real timing properties of the system scintillator+SiPM is determined mostly by timing properties of the scintillator+light collection system. We present the experimental results for timing properies of SiPM+scintillator (or Cherenkov radiator) for two cases:

A study of timing properties of Silicon Photomultipliers

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2012

Silicon Photomultipliers (SiPM) are solid-state pixelated photodetectors. Lately these sensors have been investigated for Time of Flight Positron Emission Tomography (ToF-PET) applications, where very good coincidence time resolution of the order of hundreds of picoseconds imply spatial resolution of the order of cm in the image reconstruction. The very fast rise time typical of the avalanche discharge improves the time resolution, but can be limited by the readout electronics and the technology used to construct the device. In this work the parameters of the equivalent circuit of the device that directly affect the pulse shape, namely the quenching resistance and capacitance and the diode and parasitic capacitances, were calculated. The mean rise time obtained with different preamplifiers was also measured.

Study of timing performance of silicon photomultiplier and application for a Cherenkov detector

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2011

Silicon photomultipliers are very versatile photo detectors due to their high photon detection efficiency, fast response, single photon counting capability, high amplification, and their insensitivity to magnetic fields. At our institute we are studying the performance of these photo detectors at various operating conditions. On the basis of the experience in the laboratory we built a prototype of a timing Cherenkov detector consisting of a quartz radiator with two 3 × 3 mm 2 MPPCs S10362-33-100C from Hamamatsu Photonics as photodetectors. The MPPC sensors were operated with Peltier cooling to minimize thermal noise and to avoid gain drifts. The test measurements at the DAΦNE Beam-Test Facility (BTF) at the Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (LNF) with pulsed 490 MeV electrons and the results on timing performance with Cherenkov photons are presented.

Application of ultrashort laser pulses for timing characterization of silicon photomultipliers

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2016

The application of femtosecond laser irradiation for the investigation of Geiger discharge process in silicon photomultiplier (SiPM) is discussed. It is shown experimentally that sub-picosecond pulses of laser beam focused to micron spot sizes allow studying the dynamics of Geiger discharge process in single cell of silicon photomultiplier. These studies are aimed at identifying the factors limiting the timing resolution of this class of devices.

Silicon photomultiplier timing performance study

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in …, 2010

Many characteristics of Silicon Photomultipliers can be tuned with temperature and operation voltage. We present preliminary results of a study of the effect of these two operation parameters on the time resolution of large active area Multi-Pixel Photon ...

SensL New Fast Timing SPM-High-Speed Silicon Photomultiplier Signal Output for High-Performance Timing Applications

In this paper we report on a new silicon photomultiplier (SPM) architecture with additional signal output. This additional output has very fast single photo electron response (~2 ns FWTM). This new device can be easily integrated into legacy systems by providing the ability to operate as a normal SPM with Anode readout or in new designs with an additional fast output. As result the rise time of timing signal for LYSO scintillator coupled to this new fast SPM is about 2ns, compared with typical 20-40ns for SPM's anode signal. This enables coincidence-timing performance improvements for SPM devices, from 300 ps (Coincidence Resolved Time-CRT-FWHM) to better than 250ps (CRT FWHM) coincidence timing resolution for SM series devices. Furthermore, use of the fast terminal allows for a wide range of leading thresholds without large degradation of CRT as compared with standard terminal. In this paper we will demonstrate that providing ability to detect first photon events provides significantly better CRT, comparable to large PDE improvement.

SensL New Fast Timing Silicon Photomultiplier


In this paper we report on a new silicon photomultiplier (SPM) architecture with additional signal output. This additional output has very fast single photo electron response (~2 ns FWTM). This new device can be easily integrated into legacy systems by providing the ability to operate as a normal SPM with Anode readout or in new designs with an additional fast output. As result the rise time of timing signal for LYSO scintillator coupled to this new fast SPM is about 2ns, compared with typical 20-40ns for SPM’s anode signal. This enables coincidence-timing performance improvements for SPM devices, from 300 ps (Coincidence Resolved Time – CRT FWHM) to better than 250ps (CRT FWHM) coincidence timing resolution for SM series devices. Furthermore, use of the fast terminal allows for a wide range of leading thresholds without large degradation of CRT as compared with standard terminal. In this paper we will demonstrate that providing ability to detect first photon events provides signifi...

Silicon photomultiplier and its possible applications

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2003

The Silicon Photomultiplier (SiPM) is a semiconductor device consisting of many photon microcounters (10 3 mm À2 ) positioned on a common Si substrate. SiPM operates in a limited Geiger mode and has single photoelectron gain (10 6 ) and photon detection efficiency (20%) similar to vacuum PMT. Main SiPM features are described and a number of examples of its possible applications are demonstrated, such as scintillator fiber readout, scintillator tiles+WLS readout, imaging Cherenkov counter timing. These SiPM applications are based on experimental test data and SiPM performance is compared with other photodetectors (PMT, APD, HPD, VLPC). r

A Comprehensive Model of the Response of Silicon Photomultipliers

IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 2000

The response of a silicon photomultiplier (SiPM) to optical signals is inherently nonproportional due to saturation, afterpulsing, and crosstalk. Existing models of the SiPM response do not account for all of these effects, and therefore, these models are not sufficiently accurate for many applications. In this work, a comprehensive model of the SiPM response is developed that is generally applicable to exponentially decaying light pulses and that can be simplified in the case of very short (e.g., laser) light pulses. The model accounts for the total number and the temporal distribution of the incident photons as well as for the relevant SiPM parameters, viz. the recovery time, afterpulsing, crosstalk, and their cross correlations. The model is shown to correspond well with measurements on a SiPM-based scintillation detector. Furthermore, it is shown to be in agreement with several cases for which the SiPM response is known a priori. Having thus validated the model, its use is demonstrated by predicting the response of the Hamamatsu multipixel photon counter (MPPC) S10362-33-050C SiPM to several different scintillators.