Fluid inclusion studies on the Koraput Alkaline Complex, Eastern Ghats Province, India: Implications for mid-Neoproterozoic granulite facies metamorphism and exhumation (original) (raw)

2014, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences

Following ultrahigh temperature granulite metamorphism at 1Ga,theEasternGhatsProvinceofIndiawasintrudedbytheKoraputAlkalineComplex,andwassubsequentlyre−metamorphosedinthegranulitefaciesinthemid−Neoproterozoictime.Fluidinclusionstudieswereconductedonsilicaundersaturatedalkaligabbroandsyenitesinthecomplex,andapre−metamorphicpegmatiticgranitedykethatintrudesit.Highdensity(1.02−1.05g/cc),pseudo−secondarypureCO2inclusionsarerestrictedtometamorphicgarnetswithinthegabbroandquartzwithinthegranite,whereasmoderate(1 Ga, the Eastern Ghats Province of India was intruded by the Koraput Alkaline Complex, and was subsequently re-metamorphosed in the granulite facies in the mid-Neoproterozoic time. Fluid inclusion studies were conducted on silica undersaturated alkali gabbro and syenites in the complex, and a pre-metamorphic pegmatitic granite dyke that intrudes it. High density (1.02-1.05 g/cc), pseudo-secondary pure CO 2 inclusions are restricted to metamorphic garnets within the gabbro and quartz within the granite, whereas moderate (1Ga,theEasternGhatsProvinceofIndiawasintrudedbytheKoraputAlkalineComplex,andwassubsequentlyremetamorphosedinthegranulitefaciesinthemidNeoproterozoictime.Fluidinclusionstudieswereconductedonsilicaundersaturatedalkaligabbroandsyenitesinthecomplex,andapremetamorphicpegmatiticgranitedykethatintrudesit.Highdensity(1.021.05g/cc),pseudosecondarypureCO2inclusionsarerestrictedtometamorphicgarnetswithinthegabbroandquartzwithinthegranite,whereasmoderate(0.92-0.95 g/cc) and low density ($0.75 g/cc) secondary inclusions occur in garnet, magmatic clinopyroxene, plagioclase, hornblende and quartz. The isochores calculated for high density pseudo-secondary inclusions pass very close to the peak metamorphic window ($8 kbar, 750°C), and are interpreted to represent the fluid present during peak metamorphism that was entrapped by the growing garnet. Microscopic round inclusions of undigested, relict calcite in garnet suggest that the CO 2 present during metamorphism of the complex was internally derived through carbonate breakdown. Pure to low salinity (0.00-10.1 wt% NaCl equivalent) aqueous intra-/intergranular inclusions showing unimodal normal distribution of final ice-melting temperature (T m) and temperature of homogenization (T h) are present only in quartz within the granite. These represent re-equilibrated inclusions within the quartz host that were entrapped at the metamorphic peak. Rare, chemically precipitated graphite along the walls of carbonic inclusions is interpreted as a post-entrapment reaction product formed during decompression. The fluid inclusion evidence is consistent with rapid exhumation of a thickened lower crust following the mid-Neoproterozoic granulite facies metamorphic event. The study suggests that mantle CO 2 , transported by alkaline magma into the crust, was locked up within carbonates and released during granulite metamorphism.