Evaluasi Manajemen Pasar Tradisional Berdasarkan Aspek Pelayanan Prima (Studi Kasus Pasar Tradisional Peterongan Semarang) (original) (raw)
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Faktor – Faktor Pengaruh Preferensi Pengguna Pasar Peterogan Semarang Pasca Revitalisasi
Jurnal Arsitektur ARCADE, 2020
Declining visitor interest in traditional markets is one of the problems currently faced by traditional markets. The form of government effort to maintain the existence of traditional markets is by conducting a revitalization program. Semarang Peterongan Market is one of the Semarang City public facilities located on Jl. MT. Haryono No.936, Peterongan, Kec. South Semarang. Before burned, the conditions were very poor namely slums, dirty, irregular arrangement of shanties and unavailability of parking lots. This study aimed to identify the factors that caused traders not to occupy the 2nd and 3rd floors of the Peterongan Market , identifying buyer preferences to the efforts of the revitalization program that have been carried out at the Peterongan Market and to evaluate the physical, non-physical components and infrastructure that exist in the Peterongan Market. The study used a descriptive qualitative approach. Data collection is done by means of observation and interviews with market agencies, visitors and traders. The results showed that there were factors that caused traders not to occupy the 2nd and 3rd floors, buyers were reluctant to go up to the 2nd and 3rd floors, there was worst accessibility for traders or buyers, there were obstacles in the circulation of merchandise, design and size of kiosks and booths. accommodate the needs of traders. Buyers and traders' preferences are access and circulation that can accommodate their needs in the market, design kiosks and booths that are suitable for their trade. Based on the analysis results of the Semarang Peterongan Market building evaluation analyzed with regulations that apply to the physical component, it is generally appropriate.