Analysis of the influence of parametric noise on the dynamics of two interacting populations (original) (raw)
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In paper model of predator-prey system dynamics is analyzed. It is assumed that effect of saturation has influence on process of interaction between species, and speed of increase of population of predators depends on food conditions during a certain time period. For system of three integro-differential equations dynamic regimes are analyzed which can be realized in system for various model parameters.
The theory of parametric oscillations
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2014
Обсуждается корректность существующих определений параметриче ских колебаний линейных и нелинейных систем. Указана возможность ошибочного выбора параметрической математической модели взамен ав токолебательной, связанная с существованием в таких системах одинако вых периодических решений. Установлены некоторые нелокальные свой ства параметрических колебаний в гамильтоновых системах. В частности, показано, что области устойчивости выпуклы по частоте параметрического возбуждения (т.е., все точки между границами соседних областей отвечают устойчивым решениям). На критические частоты параметрического резо нанса обобщены известные теоремы Релея и Журавлёева о поведении ча стот собственных колебаний при изменении жесткости и инерции. Для векторных уравнений Хилла установлены некоторые дополнительные утверждения о границах первой области неустойчивости.
Analysis of noise impact in urban areas
The exposure of high level of noise in the twenty-first century causes many health problems in the urban areas, which inevitably imposes the need for effective analysis of the noise in order to reduce the noise level and protect the health of the population. One of the major health problems caused by the noise is anxiety that leads to impairment of the quality of life. The city of Skopje, as a large urban area (agglomeration), faces serious problems caused by the environmental noise, which is the reason for various health problems. This research illustrates the methodology for the noise impact analysis in ‘Debar Maalo’ neighborhood. ‘Debar Maalo’ is a neighborhood located in the city centre, surrounded with four major streets, heavy traffic and a lot of people. A survey was conducted on 93 respondents that live, work or are visitors in this area. The results show that the noise has bad influence on the population, so further steps must be taken in order to reduce the noise level in ...
This theoretical article continues the study of the small three-dimensional vibrations of two rigid bodies. Here, they are connected not only with elastic but also with viscous damping elements. The main task of this study is also to show how is composed the system of differential equations and how is determined the damping matrix. The Finite Element Method (FEM) is also used. The obtained finite results can be applied for making the individual software programs for scientific or practical studies of varied building or machine structures. This study could also be used in seismic mechanics for constructing of many dynamical models of particular importance buildings.
Асимметрия динамики полушарных взаимодействий
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Групова взаємодія як динаміка свідомого та несвідомого групи
Scientific Studios on Social and Political Psychology
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Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 2021
The purpose of this work is to study the influence of various local models in the equations of diffusion–advection– reaction on the spatial processes of coexistence of predators and prey under conditions of a nonuniform distribution of the carrying capacity. We consider a system of nonlinear parabolic equations to describe diffusion, taxis, and local interaction of a predator and prey in a one-dimensional habitat. Methods. We carried out the study of the system using the dynamical systems approach and a computational experiment based on the method of lines and a scheme of staggered grids. Results. The behavior of the predator – prey system has been studied for various scenarios of local interaction, taking into account the hyperbolic law of prey growth and the Holling effect with nonuniform carrying capacity. We have established paradoxical scenarios of interaction between prey and predator for several modifications of the trophic function. Stationary and nonstationary solutions are...
Социометрическое исследование динамических процессов в малой группе
Предназначено для психологов, психологов-тренеров, преподавателей и студентов, обучающихся на психологических и социологических специальностях. Может быть использовано для обеспечения тренинговых, семинарских и практических занятий по курсам «Социальная психология», «Социально-психологический тренинг», «Организационная психология». Рекомендуется при рассмотрении вопросов, касающихся ролевого распределение в группе; положения личности в группе; социально-психологического климата коллектива, лидерства, руководства и авторитета личности в группе; эффективности групповой деятельности