Negotiating Piety and Radicalism: A Study Among Muslim Youth in Pekanbaru, Indonesia (original) (raw)
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Contemporary Islam, 2009
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THE CONFIGURATION OF RADICAL ISLAMISM IN INDONESIA: Some Contemporary Assessments and Trajectories
Al Tahrir, 2014
This paper attempts at analyzing the configuration of radical Islamism in contemporary Indonesia. The basic argument developed throughout this paper is that the reality of radical Islamism will always exist as long as all necessary conditions are there. Adopting the opportunity structure theory, among the necessary conditions that lead to the birth and existence of radical Islamism are: 1) Islamist ideology derived from the sacred texts, the Qur'an and Sunnah; 2) socio-political setting and issues where Muslims live; 3) actors, the Islamists, who craft the logics of Islamist ideology based on the interplay between the issues prevalent in the Muslims' socio-political setting and the ideology constructed from the sacred texts. This article is divided into parts as follows: 1) the streams in Islamist thought and movement; 2) the anatomy of radical Islamism; 3) the membership of radical Islamism, and 4) the trajectories of radical Islamism, before it is ended with concluding remarks. Abstrak: Tulisan ini hendak menganalisis konfigurasi Islam radikal di Indonesia kontemporer. Argumen dasar yang dikembangkan dalam tulisan ini adalah bahwa realitas Islam radikal akan selalu ada sepanjang terdapat kondisi yang menuntutnya ada. Dengan mengadopsi the opportunity structure theory, di antara tuntutan kondisi yang mendorong kelahiran dan keberadaan Islam radikal adalah: 1) ideologi Islam dipahami dari teks yang disucikan, yaitu al-Qur'an dan Sunnah; 2) latar belakang dan isu-isu sosial-politik dimana kaum muslim tinggal; 3) para pelaku Islam radikal mendasarkan ideologi Islam pada saling keterpengaruhan antara isu-isu umum pada latar belakang sosial-politik seorang muslim dan ideologi yang dibangun dari teks-teks suci. Tulisan ini dibagi menjadi beberapa bagian: 1) aliran-aliran pemikiran dan gerakan Islam; 2) anatomi Islam radikal; 3) keanggotaan Islam radikal; dan 4) ragam jalan Islam radikal, dan diakhiri dengan penutup.
Java. With regard to education, Hidayatullah, for instance, studies the relation between Islamic teachings and some forms of radicalism among some Muslims. He concludes that the way the students in pesantren (Islamic boarding schools) comprehend and implement the doctrine of Ahlussunah wal Jamaah (Aswaja) is different from other Islamic groups, such as Nahdhatul Ulama or Muhammadiyah. These pesantren do not follow a particular Islamic madzab (school), such as Hanafi, Hanbali, Syafi'I or Maliki in interpreting al-Qur'an and As-Sunnah; they refer to salafus shalih or manhaj salafy, leading them to be called the "salafy haraki" group, with its well-known radical characteristics. However, the manhaj salafy cannot be considered as the only determinant factor in the "emergence of jihad comprehension and implementation that translates into terroristic act, as what many observers believe". Other factors have also played an important role, such as the doctrines and life experiences of the students ol,ltside the pesantren, for example, in becoming mujahidin in wars in Afghanistan and the South Philippines, as well their experiences negotiating modernity and global capitalism.