Kondisi Ruangan Dengan Kadar Bakteriologis Udara Dalam Rawat Inap RSUP Dr. Tadjuddin Chalid Makassar (original) (raw)
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Dinamika Lingkungan Indonesia, 2019
Good indoor air quality is free from pollution which can cause irritation, discomfort and occupant health. One room that can be polluted is an inpatient room. to determine the value of air quality in an inpatient room in terms of physical quality. The method used is observation and measurement regarding temperature, humidity and dust of the hospital. The results showed the average temperature of the week in the inpatient room for VIP, class 1, 2, and 3 classes has exceeded the standard quality value. The average humidity of the week in the VIP class and class 1 does not exceed the value of quality standards, in grades 2 and 3 have exceeded the standard quality value. While the average dust per week only in the VIP class, 1 and 2 does not exceed the quality standard, but in class 3 has exceeded the standard quality value. The advice given to hospitals is to do Air Conditioner maintenance on a regular basis, monitoring temperature, humidity and dust in every room as well as routine ro...
Rumah sakit dapat menjadi tempat penularan suatu penyakit serta memungkinkan terjadinya pencemaran lingkungan dan gangguan kesehatan baik orang sakit maupun orang yang tidak sakit yang ada di dalam rumah sakit itu sendiri. Kualitas udara dari segi bakteriologis merupakan hal yang penting yang harus diperhatikan guna menjaga terjadinya penyebaran infeksi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kualitas udara dalam ruang bera dasarkan jumlah koloni yang diperoleh dan mengetahui karakteristik koloni bakteri yang ditemukan di ruang perawatan VIP Anak RSUD H. Padjongga Daeng Ngalle. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode purposive sampling yang dilakukan pada bulan Januari tahun 2016. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kualitas bakteri udara dalam ruang PIV (Asoka) kelas I A, II A dan III A ditentukan tentang jumlah angka kuman di ruang perawatan menurut kepmenkes No.1405 / MENKES / SKXI/2004, angka kuman 200-500 CFU/m 3. Dengan karakteristik...
Kualitas Udara Ruang Perawatan Penyakit Menular DI Rumah Sakit Paru Surabaya Tahun 2016
Infectious disease treatment rooms are places with a high risk of the transmission of diseases and nosocomial infections. Therefore, there is a need for good environmental quality, either in terms of air quality, and room construction condition, cleaning process and number of occupant density. The study was a descriptive study aimed at describing the air quality of infectious disease treatment rooms in Lung Hospital Surabaya in 2016. Data were collected by means of observations, interviews, measurements and calculation of the airborne bacterial index. CFU/m3Results showed that the airborne bacterial index of inpatient rooms was 1030 CFU/m and >2628 CFU/m3 for Dahlia Room 1, Dahlia Room 2 and Pear Room, respectively. Room temperature was 29.8°C, 30.5°C and 30.9C for Dahlia Room 1, Dahlia Room 2 and Pear Room, respectively. Room humidity was 69%, 65% and 65% for Dahlia Room 1, Dahlia Room 2 and Pear Room, respectively. Room air velocity was eligible for Dahlia Room 1 and Dahlia ...
Pertumbuhan mikroorganisme dipengaruhi oleh faktor lingkungan seperti temperatur, kelembaban, pencahayaan, luas ruangan, kebersihan ruangan dan ventilasi. Hal ini menimbulkan gangguan kesehatan terhadap pasien, pengunjung, pekerja medis dan non medis mengalami infeksi nosokomial yang bersumber dari lingkungan rumah sakit. Tujuan : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan lingkungan fisik dan standar luas ruangan dengan mikrobiologi udara di ruang rawat inap. Metode : Penalitian ini adalah penelitian secara observasional yang bersifat analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional . Populasi penelitian ini adalah ruang rawat inap yang ada di rumah sakit Bhayangkara dengan total 28 ruang rawat inap ( pavilion , kelas 1, kelas 2, kelas 3). Hasil : Hasil uji statstik dengan menggunakan Chi - square menunjukan bahwa terdapat hubungan antara temperatur (p= 0,006), kelembaban (p=0,015) dengan mikrobiologi udara. Dan tidak ada hubungan pencahayaan (p = 0,063), standar lua...
Identifikasi Bakteri Udara DI Ruang Rawat Inap Paviliun Melati Rsud Undata Palu Tahun 2017
Medika Tadulako: Jurnal Ilmiah Kedokteran Fakultas Kedokteran dan Ilmu Kesehatan, 2019
Background: Beside a place seeking for health, hospital also is a source of infection. Infection acquired in the hospital within 48 hours after administration are called nosocomial infection.The source of infection exist in patient, medical personnel and hospital's environment like air, water, food, and medical tools. In hospital, there are facilities like inpatient room, it has high potential causing nosocomial infection. Objective: The objective of this research was to identificate airborne bacteria in inpatient room pavillion of melati at undata general region hospital period of 2017. Method: This research was quantitative with observational descriptive study. The sampling was total sampling. Sample taken by using 8 petri dishes contain 4 blood agar media and 4 McConkey agar. Then they are placed in 4 points of the room. All which has bacterial growth taken for gram staining and biochemistry test to the determine the bacteria. Results: From the 32 bowls contain samples taken in 2 weeks consecutively, all of them have bacterial growth. The sample was continued for the biochemical test which result are
Pencahayaan, Suhu dan Indeks Angka Kuman Udara di Ruang Rawat Rumah Sakit Tk. IV Samarinda
Jurnal Penelitian Kesehatan "SUARA FORIKES" (Journal of Health Research "Forikes Voice"), 2020
Air pollution in hospital treatment rooms can be influenced by various factors, one of which is the environment consisting of lighting & temperature. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between lighting and temperature with the number of air germs in the hospital ward at Tk. IV Samarinda. The design of this study was cross-sectional. The object of study was 21 treatment rooms in Tk. IV Samarinda. The collected data were analyzed using a linear regression test. The results showed that there was a relationship between lighting and temperature with the number of germs in the treatment room. It is recommended that hospital managers modify the treatment room to meet the requirements for lighting and temperature requirements. Keywords: airborne germ numbers; lighting; temperature ABSTRAK Pencemaran udara di ruang perawatan rumah sakit dapat dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor, salah satunya adalah lingkungan yang terdiri atas pencahayaan & suhu. Tujuan penelitian ini ad...
Buletin Keslingmas, 2019
Hospital Is An Health Service Tool Which Is Possible Make A Healthcare Associated Infection (Hais) That Can Caused Of The Number Of Airborne Germs. Secondary Data Bacteriology Inspection Result Is point that the floor of 2nd class Srikandi Inpatient room is not full the condition, the result is 26 colony/cm2. The large of population is 67, while the large of sample is 35 sample. Analysis model that is used on this research is Rank Spearman. Data collection is done by measurement and observation. Mean of the measurement is, the number of airborne germs is 7871,43 CFU/m3, temperature is 27,35oC, humidity is 56,20%, lighting intensity is 154,63 lux, room density is 10,3 m2/TT. Analysis result for temperature and the number of airborne germs is p=0,465; (rho)=0,128, humidity with the number of airborne germs is p=0,828; (rho)=0,038, lighting intensity with the number of airborne germs is p=0,061; (rho)=0,320, density room with the number of airborne germs is p=0,885; (rho)=0,025, ventil...
Kondisi Kualitas Udara DI Dalam Ruangan Pemukimanan Non-Kumuh Kota Bandung
Jurnal Arsitektur ZONASI
This research was initiated by the factors of poor indoor air quality conditions. So that it can cause Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) or sick building syndrome. The purpose of this research is to measure the picture of air quality conditions in non-slum rooms. The sample in this study was Pasteur Village RW6, Sukajadi District which was selected based on criteria, namely including non-slum areas, as well as high community participation. The research method used was cross-sectional. The results showed an overview of indoor air quality in non-slum dwellings, humidity was above the required standard, thus triggering fungal growth rates that exceeded normal limits. The temperature parameter is in the required category, but based on the findings, some people are uncomfortable with the room temperature in the house. The Formadehilda and VOC parameters are within normal limits, this is indicated because most people do not use chemical products, rarely smoke in the house, and rarely start motorized vehicles in the house.
Media Publikasi Promosi Kesehatan Indonesia (MPPKI)
Latar Belakang: Mikroba merupakan salah satu faktor yang berperan dalam infeksi nosokomial. Kontribusi terbesar faktor lingkungan fisik pada angka kuman adalah kepadatan hunian, kelembapan, pencahayaan, dan suhu ruang. Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui gambaran dari lingkungan fisik udara dan angka kuman udara pada ruang rawat inap kelas III RSUD Ratu Zalecha Martapura. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dan jenis penelitian ini adakah survey analitik, dengan desain penelitian deskriftif dan studi cross sectional. Hasil: Pada pengukuran suhu udara tertinggi pada ruang rawat inap Al-Muizz kelas III (penyakit dalam) sebesar 31,9oC, pengukuran kelembapan udara tertinggi pada ruang rawat inap Ar-Raudah kelas III (syaraf) sebesar 76%, pengukuran pencahayaan tertinggi pada ruang rawat inap Ar-Razaaq kelas III (penyakit dalam) sebesar 452 Lux. Hasil pengukuran angka kuman tertinggi pada ruang Ar-Raudah Kelas III (syaraf) sebesar 930 CFU/m3. Kesimpulan: Pada pengukuran suhu udar...