History Of Islam And Islamic Education: The Roles Of Muslim Scholars And Establishment Of Madrasahs In Kisi-Nigeria  Ahmad Tijani Suraj udeen  Muhamad Zahiri Awan g Mat

Kisi metropolis is geographically situated at the northern part of Oyo state, Nigeria. The history of Islam and its scholarship is a turning point in the current progress of the town in the area. Ilorin as a town known for Islamic erudition plays a paramount role in the spread of Islam and its education in Kisi. The history is a way of mirroring at the past civilization. The primary aim of this paper is to trace the historical account and emergence of Islam and the flourishment of Islamic scholarship and erudition in Kisi metropolis in the 19th Century until the present. This is being part of continuity of intellectual prowess of Ilorin scholars in the town. The paper considers the inseparability of Islam and its education as the pilot tool for the spread of Islam and general acceptance of Islam by some notable dignities in the town. The paper focuses further on the immense roles played by the Muslim scholars through their da’wah activities, establishments of madrasahs and contributions of Islamic organizations in retaining and promoting Islam and teaching of Islamic education. The authors argue that tracing the historical record of the past could definitely be helpful in repositioning the current trends in teaching and learning of Islamic education in the metropolis. The authors finally suggest that the rigorous learning and commitment was the strength of the early informal traditional madrasah which must be integrated into the modern madrasah learning system in order to improve the current madrasah educational system in the metropolis. Key words: History of Islam, Islamic Education, Madrasah, Muslim Scholars, Islamic Organization


Edited Book, 2021

Mohd Khairy Kamarudin, Mohd Farhan Md Ariffin & Nasiibah Ramli. 2021. ISU KONTEMPORARI DALAM PENYELIDIKAN ISLAM, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia: Akademi Tamadun Islam, Fakulti Sains Sosial dan Kemanusiaan. (ISBN: 978-967-19733-3-2).

The Islamic Quality Management System in Malaysia: A Narrative Review

JISED, 2019

Since the industrial revolution started, the quality management system has been a major focus area to many nations including developing nation such as Malaysia. The quality management system has been implemented in many sectors in the world to accommodate the demand for quality products and services. The quality management system has been focussing on the aspects of achieving the quality demand and reducing the production cost which eventually benefits the institution in terms of material aspects. Meanwhile, Islamic Quality Management System has been developed and getting attention in Muslim majority countries such as Malaysia. As an Islamic country, Malaysia has taken a step forward by formulating MS1900 which known as quality management system requirements from Islamic perspectives. Therefore, this has shown the interest of Malaysia in focussing on Islamic quality management system. In line with this, questions arise about the relevance of Islamic Quality Management System in Malaysia. Thus, this paper aims to evaluate the Islamic Quality Management System in Malaysia based on the researcher perspectives by narrative review approach. The narrative reviews approach was employed in undertaking the literature search for selected articles based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The focus of narrative reviews is to identify common themes across research regarding Islamic Quality Management System in Malaysia that then can be used to identify commonalities and critical differences among included documents. The paper utilises interpretive inquiry of the texts mainly from the related literature in the research area. The findings reveal that Islamic Quality Management System in Malaysia was a great step towards developing a quality management system that compromise of spiritual aspect and benefitted Muslim in this world and Hereafter. There are benefits, special characteristic, principles and issue found regarding Islamic Quality Management System in this research

Barriers to Growth of Small and Medium Enterprises Smes in Libya

IEOM Society, 2021

This unique international conference provides a forum for academics, researchers and practitioners from many industries to exchange ideas and share recent developments in the fields of industrial engineering and operations management. This diverse international event provides an opportunity to collaborate and advance the theory and practice of major trends in industrial engineering and operations management. There were more than 1,000 papers/abstracts submitted from 60 countries, and after a thorough peer review process, more than 700 have been accepted for presentation and publication. The program includes many cutting-edge topics of industrial engineering and operations management. The theme of the conference is "Operational Excellence in the era of Industry 4.0".

Makmal Kriminologi (Forensik) Terakreditasi Bagi Kegunaan Mahkamah Shari’ah: Suatu Tinjauan Awal

This study aims to conduct a preliminary review on the literature of the needs to establish n accredited forensic criminology laboratory for shariah legal purposes. This review explored on the role of scientific evidence in the procedure of al-Qarinah or al-Bayyinah and critical issues related to the subject. Research found that human capital aspects, forensic ethics, reliability of analysis, accreditation of laboratory and exploratorial research linked to the esatanlishment of criminal laboratory for shariah legal purposes. Studies have also linked to the issue of implementation of the Sharia Penal Code Order 2013 by the government of Brunei. The study also found that the existence of criminological laboratories (forensic) shariah must be complied with a complete framework or model covers accreditation, comply with forensic ethics in Islam, competent and shariah-compliant equipment and operating system operated by recognized scientists. Abstrak Kajian bertujuan melakukan tinjauan literatur awal bagi keperluan mewujudkan satu makmal kriminologi terakreditasi bagi kegunaan mahkamah shari'ah. Kajian berkisar mengenai peranan bukti saintifik dalam prosedur pembuktian samada melalui al-Qarinah atau al-Bayyinah dan isu kritikal berkenaan dengan bukti saintifik tersebut. Kajian menemukan bahawa aspek seperti peranan pembangunan modal insan, etika forensik, ketepatan analisis, akreditasi makmal dan penerokaan kajian dan penyelidikan adalah berkati rapat dengan penubuhan makmal kriminologi (forensik) untuk perundangan shari'ah. Kajian juga mengaitkan dengan isu perlaksanaan Perintah Kanun Hukuman Jenayah Syariah 2013 oleh kerajaan Brunei. Kajian mendapati kewujudan makmal kriminologi (forensik) shariah perlu diterjemah dengan suatu kerangka atau model yang lengkap meliputi aspek akreditasi patuh shariah, menepati etika forensik Islam, peralatan yang kompeten dan patuh shariah serta sistem operasi oleh saintis yang menepati kriteria dan kelayakan tertentu. Kata kunci: Makmal forensik, ISO 1900, hudud, shari'ah, Perintah Kanun Hukuman Jenayah Syariah 2013 Brunei Keindahan agama Islam yang menyempurnakan kehidupan manusia adalah suatu anugerah yang dikurniakan oleh Allah. Kehebatan pembangunan teknologi yang dicerna melalui kepintaran akal manusia memandu masyarakat ke arah kehidupan yang lebih baik dan tersusun. Pengaplikasian sains dalam undang-undang memberi sebuah signifikan besar dalam membantu menyelesaikan kemelut dalam proses pembuktian kesalahan jenayah dan kes-kes berkaitan. Analisis saintifik terhadap bukti yang ditemui dalam sesuatu kes adalah sebahagian daripada aspek penting yang dapat menterjemah perkara yang terselindung yang tidak dapat dilihat dengan mata kasar. Kes-kes pada zaman Nabi Muhammad dan para sahabat Baginda serta pada zaman ilmuan-ilmuan Islam terdahulu dalam menganalisis bukti melalui kaedah saintifik samda kualiktatif atau kuantitatif menunjukkan peri pentingnya analisis yang kompeten dalam prosedur pembuktian. Analisis yang dilakukan memerlukan piawaian dan kondisi persekitaran yang benar-benar kondusif dan patuh shariah bagi mendapatkan hasil analisis yang diperlukan. Peranan saksi pakar dalam memberi keterangan mengenai analisis saintifik juga telah dibincangkan oleh ilmuan sebagai punyai kriteria tertentu untuk diiktiraf sebagai saksi pakar dalam bidang ini. Maka, kajian ini meninjau isu-isu yang perlu diperhalusi dan dikaji lebih lanjut dalam langkah mewujudkan sebuah kerangka makmal kriminologi bagi kegunaan perundangan shariah.


Secara konvensionalnya, tugas untuk membangunkan modal insan yang bermutu, bertanggungjawab dan kondusif untuk keperluaan sesuatu masyarakat diletakkan kepada institusi pengajian tinggi. Hal ini telah menjadi amalan di kebanyakan Negara, termasuklah Malaysia. Dalam menghadapi dunia global semasa, Institut Pengajian Tinggi Islam (IPT Islam) di Malaysia telah berusaha untuk menjalankan tugas pembentukan modal insan ini mengikut piawaian yang ditetapkan oleh pihak Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi Malaysia. Berasaskan kepada latar belakang ini, kertas kerja ini akan cuba menganalisa peranan yang dimainkan oleh IPTA aliran Islam, dengan memilih Akademi Pengajian Islam Universiti Malaya sebagai fokus utama. Kajian ini bakal mengandungi beberapa bahagian utama. Pertama, pengenalan tentang konsep modal insan dan kepentingannya untuk pembangunan Negara. Kedua, Konsep Modal Insan Di Malaysia: Analisis Sejarah. Ketiga, Konsep Modal Insan: perbandingan Perspektif Sarjana Barat Dan Islam. Keempat, Pendekatan APIUM Dalam Isu modal insan. Kelima, kesimpulan dan saranan

A Practical Journey in Implementing a Shari’ah Compliant Hospital: An Nur Specialist Hospital’s Experience

IIUM Medical Journal Malaysia

Research on Islamic products and services has been receiving great attention over the past years. This has attributed to the increasing awareness among Muslims to consume Halal products or served with Shari’ah compliant services. In responding to this development, An Nur Specialist Hospital has initiated to be the first private Shari’ah Compliant Hospital (SCH), through the award of the MS 1900:2014 in April 2015. MS1900:2014 provides guidelines for an organization to be accredited as a Shari’ah compliant organization. The Ministry of Health, Malaysia has introduced ‘ībādah friendly hospital’ in 2010. However, there is lack of research on the characteristics and implementation of SCH in the healthcare industry. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to understand the implementation of SCH at An Nur Specialist Hospital. A qualitative case study is utilised to investigate the issues and implementation of SCH. The case study uses in-depth, open-ended interview with the hospital senior...