XXXVII Godišnja skupština i skup Srpskog arheološkog društva. (original) (raw)
140 Years of the Serbian Archaeological Society ( 140 godina Srpskog arheološkog društva)
Glasnik Srpskog arheološkog društva 39, 2023
The first half of the 19th century is the period of the sudden rise of the Serbian state in all the spheres, including culture. After long years of fighting for freedom and gaining independence, the focus was shifted to the development of the society, which, along with educated individuals who were few in numbers, mostly comprised of illiterate and barely literate population, hence, it was necessary to take great leaps forward in order to become a part of the community of developed European countries. Since the cultural development was one of the primary tasks, national cultural institutions were being founded in this period (National Museum in 1844, National Theatre in 1868, etc.), but also various professional associations, in order to raise awareness on the importance of cultural and scientific development of the country (Society of Serbian Letters in 1841, Serbian Learned Society in 1864, Fellowship of Archaeology and Ethnography on Balkan Tropolje in 1867 et al.). In such a climate, the development of archaeology as a science, and thus the founding of a society which would deal with issues of cultural heritage, was inevitable.
Glasnik Srpskog arheološkog društva / Journal of the Serbian Archaeological Society, 2024
Српско археолошко друштво, основано 1883. године, први је издавач научне литературе из области археологије у Србији. Друштво је 1884. године издало први број часописа Старинар, који излази и данас, и спада међу најстарије археолошке часописе у овом делу Европе. Друштво је такође током 140 година постојања покренуло или учествовало у покретању неколико часописа, од којих Гласник САД излази и данас; издавач је већег броја научних монографија и зборника радова, као и зборника радова у сажетку са скупова. У овом раду приказан је историјат издавачке делатности Српског археолошког друштва.