Kontribusi Karya Syeikh Belaid Hamidi dalam Pengembangan Pendidikan Kaligrafi Islam di Sakal (Sekolah Kaligrafi Al-Qur’an) Denanyar Jombang (original) (raw)
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Edulab : Majalah Ilmiah Laboratorium Pendidikan, 2021
This study aims to determine the skills of the kitabah through khat riq'ah with manhaj Hamidi. This study uses a qualitative approach. This type of research is field research conducted at the Al-Quran Calligraphy School (SAKAL) in Jombang, East Java. The data sources in this study were SAKAL students and teachers. Data collection techniques using observation, documentation, and interviews. The data obtained were classified and analyzed by descriptive method. For the presentation in the form of descriptive narrative. The results of this research indicate that: First, learning the book through khat riq'ah with manhaj Hamidi aims to realize a pesantren-based madrasa education model, as well as fostering students' skills, morals, intellectuals and spirituality, and building abilities, especially in the field of Al-Qur'an calligraphy. In the process of learning khat Riq'ah, two guide books/Kurrasah were used, including Kurrasah Yusuf Dzannun and Muhammad Izzat. Second...
Nilai-nilai Pendidikan Islam dalam Karya Seni Kaligrafi
Calligraphy is the art of writing the Qur'an using certain techniques so that it has aesthetic value. Writing calligraphy is not only used as a skill. But there are values of Islamic education contained in it. Because basically the purpose of Islamic education is to make students have noble character and be able to maximize their role as servants of Allah and caliphs on earth. Even the first revelation of Allah SWT that came down was an order to read and write. This is the basis for the author to conduct this research. In this study the authors used qualitative research methods with literature study data collection techniques. This study aims to determine the values of Islamic education contained in calligraphy artwork. From various scientific sources, it is proven that in writing calligraphy there are Islamic educational values contained in it, namely education on aqidah, morals, and worship.
Urgensi Seni Rupa Kaligrafi Dalam Pendidikan Islam
Islamic Religious Education aims to form the Islamic personality of students in accordance with Islamic law who believes and upholds monotheism.Many methods in learning can be used to help educators achieve the goals of education, but rarely use works of art or practice using these works of art in terms of learning Islamic religious education, one of which is the art of calligraphy Calligraphy art is included in the fine art of writing beautifully where the writing is adjusted to predetermined rules. In addition, of course, it has also been explained what the laws of this art are in Islamic law. But what if this art is used for The learning process for the realization of the goals of education will be discussed in this article. This study uses the literature review method, with the aim of describing the urgency of the art of calligraphy in learning Islamic education. This aligraphy can help the learning process of Islamic Religious Education to form Islamic characters in accordance ...
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Kontribusi Kiai Ahmad Dahlan Al-Samarani Dalam Perkembangan Kajian Ilmu Falak Di Indonesia
AL - AFAQ : Jurnal Ilmu Falak dan Astronomi
Ilmu falak telah lama berkembang seiring dengan perkembangan Islam di Indonesia. Kajian ilmu falak di Indonesia ini dimulai dari berkembangnya hisab‘urfi hingga berkembang menjadi hisab ?aq?q? pada periode reformisme Islam di awal abad ke 20-an. Makalah ini membahas salah satu tokoh yang ikut meramaikan perkembangan kajian ilmu falak pada periode reformisme ini yaitu Kiai Ahmad Dahlan al-Samarani. Dalam keilmuan falaknya, Kiai Ahmad Dahlan al-Samarani mempunyai tiga buah karya, yaitu Ta?kirah al-Ikhw?n, Bul?g al-Wa??r dan Natijah al-M?q?t. Dari pembahasan terhadap pengaruh dari karya-karyanya ini, ditemukan bahwa Kiai Ahmad Dahlan al-Samarani mempunyai peran yang sangat strategis dalam perkembangan hisab ?aq?q? di Indonesia. Kiai Ahmad Dahlan ini bisa dikatakan sebagai pelopor berkembangnya hisab ?aq?q?, baik ?aq?q? taqr?b? maupun ?aq?q? ta?q?q?. Karyakaryanya menjadi awal mula munculnya kitab-kitab ilmu falak yang serupa sehingga kajian ilmu falak setelah masanya di dominasi oleh k...
Counselia, 2023
The science of calligraphy, or what is often called al-khot in modern Islamic boarding schools, is very important because it influences the beauty, elegance and neatness of Arabic writing. With the concept of learning the science of calligraphy, it can improve the students' ability in writing Al-Qur'an calligraphy. They can write the verses of the Al-Qur'an properly, making the students understand and know how to write calligraphy easily as taught by the calligraphy teacher in the classroom. The science of calligraphy is in great demand by students
Fungsi Pembelajaran Kaligrafi Dalam Meningkatkan Maharah Al Kitabah
Perspektif Jurnal Pendidikan dan Ilmu Bahasa, 2023
Calligraphy is a beautiful and correct way of writing Arabic in accordance with the rules of writing. The science of calligraphy is not only concerned with the beauty of writing, but also concerned with the correctness of writing in accordance with the rules of writing. while Maharah Kitabah or writing skill is the ability to express, express and describe ideas, thoughts, and ideas in written form. Between learning calligraphy is very closely related to writing skills or maharah kitabah, so that from this linkage learning calligraphy has a great influence on maharah kitabah or writing skills. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to find out what influences arise from learning calligraphy on Maharah Kitabah. This research is qualitative by using literature study using descriptive analysis method. The results of the study show that the influence of learning calligraphy on maharah kitabah or writing skills, including improving Arabic writing according to the rules of writing, and learning calligraphy can beautify Arabic writing, so that writing has aesthetic and spiritual values, and also trains someone to describe his ideas and thoughts in a structured written form.
LISAN AL-HAL: Jurnal Pengembangan Pemikiran dan Kebudayaan
The implementation of calligraphy intracurricular activities that have been carried out at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Darun Najah Karangploso Malang so far still has the aim of preserving Islamic art and culture and supporting the potential of students, so far the learning process has been going well, but there is a need for a more specific study of the implications of these intracurricular activities in students who take part in this activity. The main problems in this research are as follows; (1) How is the implementation of calligraphy intracurricular learning at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Darun Najah Karangploso Malang? (2) What are the factors that encourage and inhibit calligraphy intracurricular learning in preserving Islamic cultural arts at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Darun Najah Karangploso Malang? (3) What are the implications of calligraphy intracurricular learning in preserving Islamic cultural arts at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Darun Najah Karangploso Malang? This research belongs to the type of ...