Interactive toxicity of simple chemical mixtures of cadmium, mercury, methylmercury and trimethyltin: model-dependent responses (original) (raw)
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Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling - THEOR BIOL MED MODEL, 2010
BACKGROUND: Humans are routinely and concurrently exposed to multiple toxic chemicals, including various metals and organics, often at levels that can cause adverse and potentially synergistic effects. However, toxicokinetic modeling studies of exposures to these chemicals are typically performed on a single chemical basis. Furthermore, the attributes of available models for individual chemicals are commonly estimated specifically for the compound studied. As a result, the available models usually have parameters and even structures that are not consistent or compatible across the range of chemicals of concern. This fact precludes the systematic consideration of synergistic effects, and may also lead to inconsistencies in calculations of co-occurring exposures and corresponding risks. There is a need, therefore, for a consistent modeling framework that would allow the systematic study of cumulative risks from complex mixtures of contaminants. METHODS: A Generalized Toxicokinetic Mod...
An Integrated Addition and Interaction Model for Assessing Toxicity of Chemical Mixtures
Toxicological Sciences, 2005
The high propensity for simultaneous exposure to multiple environmental chemicals necessitates the development and use of models that provide insight into the toxicity of chemical mixtures. In this study, we developed a mathematical model that combines concepts of concentration addition, response addition, and toxicokinetic chemical interaction to assess toxicity of chemical mixtures. A ternary mixture of acetylcholinesterase inhibiting organophosphates (malathion and parathion) and the P450 inhibitor piperonyl butoxide was used to model toxicity. Concentration-response curves were generated for individual chemicals as well as for mixtures of the chemicals using acute toxicity tests with Daphnia magna. The toxicity of binary combinations of malathion and parathion adhered to the principles of concentration addition. The contribution of piperonyl butoxide to mixture toxicity was integrated using a model for response addition. Piperonyl butoxide also modified the toxicity of the organophosphates by inhibiting their metabolic activation. The antagonistic effects of piperonyl butoxide towards the organophosphates were quantified as coefficients of interactions (K-functions) and incorporated into the mixture model. Finally, toxicity of the ternary mixture was modeled at 30 different mixture formulations using three additive models that assumed no interaction (concentration addition, response addition, and integrated addition) and using the integrated addition and interaction (IAI) model. Toxicity of the 30 mixtures was then experimentally determined and compared to model results. Only the IAI model accurately predicted the toxicity of the mixtures. The IAI model holds promise as a means for assessing hazard of complex chemical mixtures.
Toxic responses to defined chemical mixtures: Mathematical models and experimental designs
Life Sciences, 1994
The problem and relevance of assessing biological responses to chemical mixtures is presented with reference to the literature on this problem and its possible solutions. This review is intended for a general audience as an introduction to, and comment on, assessing the interactions of defined mixtures of xenobiotics. The focus is on experimental toxicology, however, the methods are also applicable to pharmacology. Much of the literature on this topic is quite specialized in statistics, theory, or specific applications. This may deter a significant portion of the growing number of investigators in this field from using this literature, and may partially account for the persistent use of methods which have been shown to permit precarious conclusions. References are given for some of the most comprehensive and recent work and reviews on the subject. The reader is given some familiarity with this topic's basic problems and ideas, and the controversy on terminology. One example is presented of a popular experimental design and data analysis method which while applicable in some situations, has been shown to lead to precarious and even erroneous conclusions. Eight other methods of data analysis are briefly presented and some of their advantages, disadvantages, assumptions, and limitations are discussed. These methods were selected to illustrate similarities and differences in the various approaches taken in addressing this problem. Three basic types of experimental design appropriate to these kinds of studies are outlined. General considerations, suggested guidelines, and possible pitfalls in experimental design, and data analysis of biological responses to chemical mixtures are discussed.
Environmental toxicology and chemistry / SETAC, 2015
The fate and biological effects of chemical mixtures in the environment are receiving increased attention from the scientific and regulatory communities. Understanding the behavior and toxicity of metal mixtures poses unique challenges for incorporating metal-specific concepts and approaches, such as bioavailability and metal speciation, in multiple-metal exposures. To avoid the use of oversimplified approaches to assess the toxicity of metal mixtures, a collaborative 2-yr research project and multistakeholder group workshop were conducted to examine and evaluate available higher-tiered chemical speciation-based metal mixtures modeling approaches. The Metal Mixture Modeling Evaluation project and workshop achieved 3 important objectives related to modeling and interpretation of biological effects of metal mixtures: 1) bioavailability models calibrated for single-metal exposures can be integrated to assess mixture scenarios; 2) the available modeling approaches perform consistently w...
Evaluation of joint toxic action of metal ion mixtures is one of the priority research areas due to the simultaneous occurrence of metals in the environment and the health risk they posed to humans and the environment as a mixture. Individual and composite mixture acute toxicities of arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), mercury (Hg), and lead (Pb), which are among the top eight toxic chemicals, were characterized at varying concentrations. MCF 7 cell lines were exposed to individual and composite mixtures containing the four metal ions in the proportion of their EPA’s MCL for 24 hours, and the concentration-response data were generated spectrofluorometrically. Acute toxicities were estimated based on the uptake of fluorescence diacetate dye. Toxicological interactions among the four metals were profiled, based on computed interactive index. Results demonstrated that the toxicity of each of the metal ions was enhanced in the composite mixture, and the metals demonstrated differential interact...
Physiological modeling of toxicokinetic interactions: implications for mixture risk assessment
Environmental Health Perspectives, 1998
Most of the available data on chemical interactions have been obtained in animal studies conducted by administering high doses of chemicals by routes and scenarios different from anticipated human exposures. A mechanistic approach potentially useful for conducting dose, scenario, species, and route extrapolations of toxic interactions is physiological modeling. This approach involves the development of mathematical descriptions of the interrelationships among the critical determinants of toxicokinetics and toxicodynamics. The mechanistic basis of the physiological modeling approach not only enables the species, dose, route, and scenario extrapolations of the occurrence of toxicokinetic interactions but also allows the extrapolation of the occurrence of interactions from binary to multichemical mixtures. Examples are presented to show the feasibility of predicting changes in toxicokinetics of the components of complex chemical mixtures based on the incorporation of binary interaction data within physiologically based models. Interactions-based mixture risk assessment can be performed by simulating the change in the tissue dose of the toxic moiety of each mixture component during combined exposures and calculating the risk associated with each tissue dose estimate using a tissue dose versus response curve for all components. The use of such a mechanistic approach should facilitate the evaluation of the magnitude and relevance of chemical interactions in assessing the risks of low-level human exposures to complex chemical mixtures.
Predicting the toxicity of metal mixtures
Science of The Total Environment, 2014
A new approach that predicts the toxicity of metal mixtures is presented. • The approach is evaluated using single metal toxicity tests of trout. • Theoretical data sets illustrate differences in toxicity among metal solutions. • Toxicity is predicted at a field site and compared with toxicity test data. • Multiple factors influence the toxicity of metal mixtures.
Environmental Chemistry, 2015
Environmental contextEnvironmental quality guidelines are often based on an ‘additive’ approach using single metal toxicity values. We evaluated the ‘additive’ approach by testing it on three priority pollutant metals (Ni, Cu, Cd), and found that the toxicity of the metal mixture was less than additive when dose was expressed as total metal concentration, but it was additive when dose was expressed as bioavailable metal. We suggest that for metal mixtures, a more realistic indicator of risk is provided by calculations based on the bioavailable form of metals. Aquatic environments containing elevated metal concentrations, such as natural waters receiving mining effluents, are often a mixture of metals because mineral deposits are commonly an association of multiple metals. Water quality guidelines for protection of aquatic life are not designed for multiple toxicants but are overwhelmingly based on dose–response studies of a single toxicant and assuming additivity. Resolving the unce...
Simplifying complexity: Mixture toxicity assessment in the last 20 years
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 2013
Chemical monitoring provides ample evidence that organisms in their environment are exposed to complex cocktails of contaminants rather than individual chemicals. Thus, the challenge emerges on how to assess potential combined effects of such mixture exposures. The body of toxicological and ecotoxicologcial literature in the 90s suggested that combined effects of toxicological significance may indeed be caused in humans and the environment by an exposure to chemical mixtures. Furthermore, abundant statements seemed to agree that synergy was a major problem for environmental risk assessment. At the same time it was clear that an assessment of synergies based on the experimental testing of all possible mixtures occurring or anticipated in the environment was not a viable option for risk assessment. Moreover, existing uncertainty factors in chemical risk assessment are not intended to account for mixture effects, and formulating additional factors that would ensure the desired level of protection could not be based on any evidence. Therefore, it seemed as if chemical risk assessment was stuck in a deadlock without any management option, and revisiting component-based methodologies for assessing combined effects appeared as the most promising approach.