Peningkatan Keterampilan Menulis Artikel Ilmiah Pada Jurnal Bagi Guru-Guru SMA NW Pancor (original) (raw)
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Peningkatan Kompetensi Penulisan Artikel Ilmiah Kepada Guru-Guru Di Wilayah Kabupaten Lombok Barat
One of the consequences of teachers as functional positions is that teachers are required to carry out continuous professional development (CPD) so that teachers can carry out their duties and functions professionally. For this reason, teachers are required to have competency in researching and writing scientific papers in the form of books, modules and scientific articles. Writing scientific papers for teachers can serve as a reference / reference to increase insight or disseminate knowledge. This community service aims to equip teachers with scientific writing material, especially on scientific articles as well as provide assistance and consultation in writing scientific papers so that teachers are able to make scientific papers properly and correctly. The target of this service is partner schools from fellow institutes in West Lombok district, where the teachers who serve the school are expected to be able to produce a publication in a scientific paper.
Jurnal Pengabdian UNDIKMA
This service activity aims to improve understanding and practice writing skills and submit scientific articles to national journals for high school teachers and equivalent in Tanah Putih sub-district, Rokan Hilir Regency. This activity was carried out using workshop method and continued with online guidance. In the field workshop, material was presented on the definition of scientific articles and journals, why teachers are required to have the ability to research and write articles, write scientific articles and training in submitting scientific articles to online journals. The results of the training showed an increase in the ability of participants to understand the procedures for writing scientific articles and the procedure for submitting articles to national journals. The core achievement can be seen from the enthusiasm of the participants who were very good during the training and there were articles from participants who had succeeded in being submitted to reputable National...
Peningkatan Pemahaman Guru dalam Menulis dan Mempublikasikan Artikel Ilmiah pada Jurnal Online
J-ABDIPAMAS (Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat), 2019
ABSTRACTThe ability to write scientific articles for teachers is still quite low. While the career development of a teacher, especially in Submitting a Credit Score for promotion, Â it is very necessary to publish scientific articles as a condition. The writing of this article is part of the implementation of community activities with the aim of increasing teacher understanding in writing and publishing scientific articles carried out in the form of training (workshops). The methods used in this training are lectures, questions and answers, practice to mentoring. The instrument used to measure teachers' understanding abilities related to writing and publication was a pre-test and post-test questionnaire with a Likert scale and was validated. In addition, to measure the level of success of community service activities, an evaluation questionnaire was given to the participants. Based on the results of questionnaire data obtained that the teacher's understanding in writing to s...
Kolaborasi PKM: Program Peningkatan Kemampuan Guru Dalam Publikasi Ilmiah Jurnal Nasional
Jenjang kepangkatan merupakan salah satu parameter profesionalitas seorang Guru, sehingga Guru dituntut untuk terus menaikkan jenjang kepangkatannya. Namun, umumnya Guru mengalami permasalahan untuk mengajukan kenaikan jenjang kepangkatannya, dikarenakan minimnya publikasi ilmiah. Kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PkM) ini dilaksanakan untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut dengan cara meningkatkan kemampuan Guru agar mampu menyusun naskah publikasi ilmiah pada jurnal nasional. Kegiatan PkM ini dilakukan melalui kolaborasi tiga Perguruan Tinggi, yaitu IST AKPRIND Yogyakarta, Universitas AMIKOM Yogyakarta, dan Universitas Muria Kudus. Kegiatan ini merupakan pelaksanaan tahap pertama dari tiga tahap yang direncanakan. PkM ini dilaksanakan di SMK N 2 Magelang dengan durasi waktu 130 jam dan peserta sebanyak 31 orang dari. Langkah-langkah yang dilakukan meliputi: pengurusan perijinan dan survei, pengumpulan data, analisis kebutuhan mitra, penyusunan rencana program dan kegiatan, pen...
Peningkatan Kemampuan Menulis Artikel Pustakawan Di Pekanbaru
BIDIK: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, 2020
Scientific articles are scientific papers from research results communicated in scientific publications, such as journals, magazines, or other publications. Librarians as functional personnel are required to make a positive contribution to the nation's change, one of which is to produce scientific papers published in scientific publications. The community service activities aim to provide understanding, improve and provide the ability to compile research results and the ability to write scientific articles to librarians in Pekanbaru. The method used in this activity is in the form of workshops delivered with lecture techniques, question and answer, and practice. To find out the extent of participants' acceptance and understanding, as well as the ability of participants, at the beginning and end of the training an evaluation or evaluation is carried out by filling in the pretest and post-test sheets. Based on the results of the tests that have been conducted, it is known that...
Pengembangan Kompetensi Menulis Artikel Hasil PTK Guru Ekonomi SMA Kabupaten Semarang
Jurnal PkM Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
Guru merupakan pilar utama pendidikan. Peran guru sangat strategis dalam perkembangan kemajuan pendidikan di negara manapun.Keberhasilan pendidikan berada di tangan para guru, untuk itu berbagai kompetensi harus dimiliki guru.Salah satu bentuk pengembangan kompetensi guru adalah pengembangan kemampuan guru dalam melakukan penelitian khususnya Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK). Untuk memberikan ketrampilan dalam menulis artikel kepada para guru digunakan metode ceramah dan praktik.Metode ceramah digunakan untuk menyampaikan materiyang berkaitan dengan penulisan artikel.Setelah peserta menerima penjelasan mengenai tata cara penulisan artikel yang benar, peserta diberikan kesempatan untuk mempraktikkannya dengan menulis artikel dari hasil penelitian tindakan kelas. Untuk mengidentifikasi keberhasilan peserta pelatihan dalam penulisan artikel digunakan metode diskusi.Kegiatan pelatihan ini berupa pelatihan dan pendampingan dalam menulis artikel hasil penelitian Tindakan Kelas. Pemahaman guru mata pelajaran Ekonomi SMA di Kabupaten Semarang dalam menulis artikel hasil penelitian tindakan kelas sangat beragam walaupun sebagian peserta sudah pernah mengikuti pelatihan serupa dan ada yang sudah pernah menulis artikel dan mempublikasikannya namun para peserta masih sangat antusias mengikuti kegiatan ini.
Jurnal Suara Pengabdian 45, 2022
Activities in improving literacy of scientific article writing by the KIR of SMAN 5 Bandar Lampung aims to encourage students in scientific article writing activities towards journal publications which so far have not been carried out, because writing skills are not obtained naturally through the process of practicing and continuing to learn. The training methods carried out include questionnaires, brainstorming, introduction of several writing tools, systematic deepening of writing good scientific articles, and evaluation. The result of this activity is an increase in the understanding and motivation of students and coaches about the importance of publishing articles that have a good impact on themselves, school and community. So three articles that are ready to be written and published in journals, a coaching clinic series that is needed is assistance to encourage the quantity and improve the quality of writing by direct practice.
Peningkatan Kualitas Penulisan Artikel Ilmiah bagi Kepala Sekolah
Jurnal Aplikasi IPTEK Indonesia, 2017
The principal as a social worker has thousands and even millions of aspects and scope of scholarship that can be used as material for scientific development, especially related to the development of learning process and improvement of learning. As a professional, social workers including counselors, psychologists and policy-makers such as principals are urgently needed to develop their insights and knowledge of human and territorial behavior that can be addressed through counseling services. Various things will certainly be realized by the research or research and publish through scientific articles. But in reality, the principal has not been too concerned and develop the ability and competence in the field of scientific articles. Various cases and services that should be used as material for scientific and professional discussions are not published in the form of scientific articles so that in general the parameters of the development of learning and service BK in the school can no...
E-Dimas: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, 2021
Ketidakterampilan guru dalam publikasi ilmiah dapat diselesaikan dengan upaya pemberian pelatihan terkait keterampilan penulisan serta publikasi artikel ilmiah bagi guru. Tujuan yang diharapkan guru mampu menghasilkan artikel ilmiah yang berkualitas. PKM ini dilaksanakan dalam dua tahap. Tahap I merupakan penyampaian materi secara umum, dilaksanakan di Auditorium Gedung G3 FE Unesa pada tanggal 11 Agustus 2018. Pelatihan tahap II dilaksanakan di Ruang Pertemuan G5 FE Unesa pada tanggal 18 Agustus 2018. Hasil pelatihan didapatkan bahwa sebesar 50% peserta merespon positif dengan skala penilaian sangat baik. Penilaian tersebut berkaitan tentang aspek akademik, aspek narasumber, serta aspek pengelolaan/pelaksanaan pelatihan. Selanjutnya, tingkat pemahaman guru setelah mengikuti dua kali pelatihan penulisan serta publikasi artikel ilmiah diperoleh skor 63 dari skor 100. Artinya, tingkat pemahaman guru dinilai cukup terhadap penulisan dan publikasi artikel ilmiah.
Community Development Journal : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat, 2020
Kemampuan dalam menulis bagi guru saat ini merupakan suatu keharusan. Guru profesional tidak hanya menguasai kemampuan dalam pembelajaran sesuai dengan bidangnya, tetapi kemampuan dalam hal menulis karya ilmiah ini juga menjadi suatu tuntutan yang harus dilakukan oleh guru. Bagi guru kegiatan menulis dalam bentuk karya ilmiah dirasakan sebagai hal yang sulit, padahal karya ilmiah yang dihasilkan guru ini diperlukan dalam peningkatan karier dan peningkatan pengetahuan bagi guru. Namun fakta menunjukkan, bahwa kemampuan guru untuk menulis (artikel) masih sangat rendah. Kira-kira hanya 20% yang mau menulis. Alasan guru jarang menulis artikel adalah karena faktor usia, kemampuan untuk menulis artikel rendah dan kesibukan guru dalam hal administratif. Berdasarkan atas fakta tersebut di atas maka PKM ini diarahkan pada upaya meningkatkan kemampuan guru dalam menulis artikel tentang covid 19 dalam rangka pendidikan karakter pada peserta didik SMP kota Surabaya. Dengan melakukan penguatan m...