Ayurvedic Management of Amavata- A Case Report (original) (raw)
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An Ayurvedic Approach To Amavata - A Case Study
International Journal of Research, 2020
: Amavata is composed of two words namely- Ama and Vata. The Ama is the product of incomplete digestion which circulates throughout the body and induces heaviness, loss of taste and appetite, body ache, joint swelling and stiffness, constipation etc like symptoms. The Amavata is described under Vata-Kaphaja vikaras since the period of Madhavkara (16th century). It is a chronic inflammatory systemic disorder affecting mainly the synovial joints in the body. It resembles with Rheumatoid Arthritis in the modern pathology. The Amavata is known to be a crippling, chronic and progressive disorder making it difficult to cure. The symptomatic relief is attained by modern medicine but the root cause and pathology of the disease remains untreated. In Ayurveda, the basic treatment principles of Deepana, Langhana, Swedana, Virechana, Basti, Tikta-Katu dravyas are applied for effective management of the root cause of Amavata. A 38 year old female patient with complaints of Shoola, Shotha and Sth...
Ayurvedic Clinical Approach for the Management of Amavata (Rheumatoid Arthritis)
International Ayurvedic Medical Journal, 2021
In Ayurveda, Acharya Madhava Kar mentioned first the Amavata as a special disease entity. According to the clinical features and pathogenesis Amavata very closely resembles Rheumatoid arthritis. In Amavata, Ama (bio- toxin) and Vata (biophysical force or kinetics) are playing the most important role in the samprapti (pathogenesis) of this disease. The Chikitsa (management) of Amavata (Rheumatoid arthritis) is more clearly and precisely de- scribed in Chakradutta. Acharya Chakradatta was the pioneer in describing the principles of treatment for this disease, which are Langhana (body lightness procedure), Swedana (warm compress), drugs having Tikta-Katu Rasa (bitter-pungent taste) and Deepana (gastric stimulant) action, Virechana (purgation therapy), Snehapana (intake of grita or oil) and Anuvasana (enema with Ayurvedic oil) as well as Ksharabasti (enema with Ayurvedic alkali preparation). Keywords: Amavata, Rheumatoid arthritis, Chikitsa, management, Chakradutta
Management of Amavata (Rheumatoid Arthritis) by Application of Ayurvedic Principle
International Journal of Research in Ayurveda & Pharmacy, 2017
Amavata (RA) is a major musculoskeletal joint disease described in Ayurveda. Swelling, pain, and stiffness in the ankle, knee, hip joints, wrist, elbow, and shoulder are the clinical manifestations of Amavata. The peak incidence of onset of RA is in persons 30 to 60 years old, but no age is immune. According to Yogaratnakara, treatment of Amavata should be started with Langhana (fasting) followed by Dipana (improving appetite), Pachana(improving digestion), Swedana (fomentation therapy), Virechana (Purgation) and Basti (medicated enema) sequentially. Present study aimed to access thisAmavataChikitsa Sutra (principle of treatment of RA). Present work was done in three groups on 15 patients suffering from RA. The treatment was divided into two stages viz Stage I; in which Langhan (systematic fasting) and Dipana pachana medicine were used and Stage II; in which Nitya Virechan karma with Eranda Tail 25 ml at night and Basti karma with Bruhata saidhavadi tail was given. All three groups showed statistically high significance (P = <0.001) effect in the symptom spontaneous pain over the joints, mobility of the joints, grip strength and tenderness at joint. The significant effect on these symptoms strongly indicates positive effect of applied interventions. Effect observ ed in Hb % and ESR in group A are highly significant (P = <0.001) than group B and C. The observed significant effect of therapy in studies population indicates that the concept mentioned for treatment of management of Amavata is very effective.
Management of Amavata (rheumatoid arthritis) with Baluka sweda and Vaitarana basti: A case report
Amavata is a disease in which vitiated Vata Dosha carries Ama to the multiple organs and joint (s) causing swelling, pain, stiffness, loss of appetite and decreases the Agni. Both the Shamana Chikitsha (conservative management) and Shodhana Chikitsha (purification of the body) is advised in Ayurveda for the treatment of Amavata. On the basis of sign and symptoms Amavata closely resembles with rheumatoid arthritis. RA is a chronic, progressive disease which causes pain, inflammation, stiffness, swelling of the joints and sometimes also showing extra articular symptoms. Prevalence of RA is 1 % worldwide and is increasing with population growth. Modern medicines advises NSAID's, anti-inflammatory drugs, steroids and disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs for the management of RA which has limitation for long term uses and sometimes having severe side effects. A 45 year old male suffering from multiple joints pain associated with swelling, morning stiffness, body ache, loss of appetite, decreased sleep and restricted movements for past 2 years was diagnosed as Amavata/rheumatoid arthritis (having 6/10 score as per classification criteria for RA, ACR, 2010). The whole treatment includes Deepan Pachana for 3 days, Baluka Sweda and Vaitarana Basti along with Brihat Saindhavhadi Taila Anuvasana Basti in Karma Basti format for 30 days along with Shaman Chikitsha. The assessment was made on the basis of laboratory investigations and relief in sign and symptoms. Assessment done after the 3 months shows negative RA factor, CRP unchanged, ESR reduced to 02 mm/hr. with remarkable relief in pain, morning stiffness and marked reduction in swelling of the joints. Thus the above case report emphasizes that Amavata (rheumatoid arthritis) can be controlled with minimum medicines when treated with the same guideline of Amavata Chikitsha as mentioned in Ayurveda. Since the single case is not enough more rooted study in this is required.
Role of V Alukasveda and Vaitarana Basti in the Management of Amavata (Rheumatoid Arthriti S )
Amavata is a most commonest disorder s een in middle age people which affects both the sex, c haracterized by Angamarda (body Pain), Aruchi (loss of taste), Thrishna (thirst), Alasya (lack of enthusiasm), Gourava (heaviness), Klama (tiredn ess without doing work), Apaka (indigestion) and fever. In the later stage pain may begin to migrate from place to place with a Vrishchika damshavat Vedana (intense stinging type of pain) and burning sensation. Similar clinica l symptoms seen in the disease Rheumatoid Arthriti s in modern science . The Treatment principle inclu des the pain manageme nt and steroids in the Allopathic medicine . In Ayurveda a ccording to our classics Langhana (light diet or fasting), Deepana Pachana (Appetizers, Digestives and Carmi natives), Samshodhana (Different Purifications) are suggested . The aim of this study wa s to evaluate the efficacy of Valukasveda and Vaitarana Basti in the management of Amavata. In the present clinical trial 30 patients suffering with...
Intervention of Amavata (Rheumatoid Arthritis) Through Multimodal Ayurveda Approach: A Case Study
https://www.ijhsr.org/IJHSR\_Vol.8\_Issue.12\_Dec2018/IJHSR\_Abstract.034.html, 2018
Amavata is second common joint disorder. Amavata is compared with Rheumatoid Arthritis based on similarities on signs and symptoms. Among various diseases that are managed through Ayurveda Amavata is one of them. RA is a chronic progressive disease causing inflammation in the joints and resulting in painful deformity and immobility, especially in the fingers, wrists, feet and ankles. The DMARDS and steroids used for management of Amavata have got various side effects and also don't completely eradicate the disease. In this case study patient was given Vaitran Basti and Baluka Swedana along with some oral medicines i.e., Singhnad Guggulu 500mg twice daily, Rasna Saptak Kwath 40ml twice daily etc. So, Panchkarma procedures along with internal medications showed good result in the improvement of overall symptoms in this case of Amavata (Rheumatoid arthritis).
International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research, 2015
Amavata, is firstly introduced as an independent disease in Madhav Nidana . It is a disease of Madhyam roga marga as it affects Sandhi and Hridya marma . Though Ama and Vata are the two main predominant pathogenic factors but the disease also represents Tridoshic vitiation. The affliction of joints by Vata dosha in association with Ama shows that both play equal role of Dosha and Dushya in the causation of this disease. This study includes evaluate the effect of Trial drugs Punarnavadi churna with Anupana of Rasna Saptak Qwatha and Eranda taila on the signs and symptoms of Amavata and also to evaluate the effect of trial drug with a standard drug Singhanada Guggulu on the signs and symptoms of Amavata . In short we can say that, Amavata is the resultant of improper digestion or partially digestion of the food particles due to hypofunction of Gatharagni and also due to accumulation of mala in the body and it is also considered as Pratham doshadusti . It may be considered as partially...
Clinical and Scientific Evaluation of Ama in Amavata
International journal of research in ayurveda and pharmacy, 2014
Ayurveda has its unique approach towards how we can live a healthy life. So, Ayurvedic Acharayas have mentioned certain preventive regimens namely Dinacharya, Ritucharya, Sadvritta, Achara rasayana, Matrashitiya, Navegannadharaniya etc., if person fails to adopt these dietary and lifestyle instructions, may suffer from many diseases. Improper dietetics and lifestyle ultimately leads to formation of ama in body and causes a lot of diseases. Ama is improperly digested state of food resulting due to result of mandagni. Ama is also termed as an antigen, much capable for inducing immunological reaction as in Amavata (Joint disorders). Ama also has potency to induce immunological reaction in a susceptible individual. So diagnosis of presence of ama in body is very necessary, especially in Amavata patient because Amavata is one of the most painful conditions caused by ama. Assessment of status of ama, agni before planning proper therapeutics is necessary. The present work mainly emphasize on clinical assessment of ama in Amavata. For this 100 cases of Amavata were registered and divided in three stages according to duration of disease and assessment of ama was done in all. Various subjective criteria were used to diagnose ama, which have been described in Ayurvedic classics. Ama was present in all the cases of Amavata but more dominancy of ama causes more severely appearances of amavata characters and out of 100 cases of Amavata, 86 cases were of Rheumatoid arthritis, 6 cases were of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, 5 cases were of Reactive Arthritis and 3 cases were of Ankylosing Spondylitis.
International Journal of Research in Ayurveda & Pharmacy, 2015
Amavata is most crippling joint disease. With the passage of time most of the dietary habits, changing lifestyle and environment have been contributing number of diseases like Amavata which have become a challenge to the human race. Management of this disease is merely insufficient in other systems of medicine and patients are continuously looking for treatment from Ayurveda to overcome this challenge. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of study drugs in the management of Amavata and their effect on Rheumatoid Factor (RA) Factor. In the present clinical study, 60 patients of amavata were registered from the out patient department and indoor patient department
Clinical Assessment of the Role of Kansa Haritaki and Virechana in the Management of Amavata
August - September 2020, 2020
Amavata is a clinical condition described in Ayurveda that closely resembles with the clinical features of Rheumatoid Arthritis. A Clinical Study was conducted at IPGT and RA, Jamnagar in Kaya Chikitsa de-partment to evaluate the efficacy of Virechan Karma with Eranda Taila and Trivrita Kwatha in patients suffering from Amavata and compared with the trial drug Kansa Haritaki described in Charak Samhita. Efficacy of both of these was compared with the known common drug Trayodashanga Guggulu. In this study, 38 patients of Amavata were registered, of which 29 patients completed the course of the treatment and 9 patients discontinued before completion of course against medical advice. The disease was diag-nosed on the basis of signs and symptoms as described in Ayurvedic and Modern text, aided by American Rheumatism Association Criteria (1988). RA factor test was done in all the patients. The Routine Blood examination (CBC, ESR) with Serum Uric acid, Urine and Stool examination was done...