Effect of sacral warm compress on the level of pain during first stage of labour among primi gravida mothers (original) (raw)

The Assesment of Perceptions and Feelingsof Women Related to Labor Pain

Sakarya tıp dergisi, 2019

Objective Labor pain is a subjective experience that is affected not only by physiological factors but also by psychosocial, cultural and envorimental factors. The aim of this study is to assess and determine the perceptions and feelings of women towards labor pain. (Sakarya Med J 2019, 9(2):302-309) Materials and Methods This study was designed cross-sectional. The population consisted of 300 women who came to Women Labor and Child Hospital for labor and had vaginal delivery. Only women who had normal labor were included. "Survey form" and Visual Analog Scale were used to collect the data. It were used the descriptive statistics, independent samples t-test and ANOVA in the evaluation of data. Results It was determined that 37.3% of women found to be difficult and terrifying in this study. 72.6% of the women stated that they received support during childbirth and they received this support mostly from midwives. Primiparas women had significantly higher fear (p<0.001), panic (p<0.001), anxiety (p<.001), need for support and fear of losing infant (p<0.05) than multiparas Conclusion Women perceive intolerable labor pain, use different methods to cope and re more likely to receive support require the development of initiatives directed at them Keywords Woman; labor pain; perception; feeling Öz Amaç Doğum ağrısı fizyolojik, psikolojik ve çevresel faktörlerin etkileşimini içeren sübjektif bir deneyimdir. Bu çalışmanın amacı doğum yapan kadınların doğum ağrısına yönelik algı ve duygularını değerlendirmek, etkileyen faktörleri belirlemektir. (Sakarya Tıp Dergisi 2019, 9(2):302-309). Gereç ve Yöntemler Bu araştırma kesitsel olarak tasarlanmıştır. Araştırma kapsamına Kadın Doğum ve Çocuk Hastanesine başvuran ve vajinal doğum yapan 300 kadın alınmıştır. Verilerin toplanmasında "Anket formu" ve Visual Analog Skala kullanıldı. Verilerin analizinde tanımlayıcı istatistikler, ANOVA, bağımsız gruplarda t testi kullanılmıştır. Bulgular Bu araştırmada kadınların %37.3'ü doğum ağrısını zor ve korkutucu olduğunu belirtmiştir.. Kadınların % 72,6'sı doğum sırasında destek aldığını ve bu desteği çoğunlukla ebelerden aldığını belirtmiştir. Primipar ve multipar kadınlar arasında korku (p<0.001), panik(p<0.001), aksiyte (p<0.001), destek gereksinimi (p<0.001) ve bebeğini kaybetme korkusu (p<0.05) istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulunmuştur Sonuç Kadınların doğum ağrısını dayanılmaz algılamaları ve baş etmek için farklı yöntemler kullanmaları, daha çok ebelerden destek almaları buna yönelik girişimlerin geliştirilmesine işaret etmektedir.


Childbirth is a natural process that is signed by uterine contractions, the baby boost to cervix and lead cervical effacement and dilation of the real that can cause pain. Warm compresses and massage is one of the non-pharmacological methods to reduce labor pain. This study aims to determine differences in pain intensity first stage of labor active phase of the act of massage and warm compresses in the hospital of Sorong. Research was conducted at the delivery room in the hospital of Sorong, in November 2013. The study uses an experimental design post control group design. The sample included 30 individuals in random complete. Ten pregnant women were treated with massage (treatment I), ten received warm compress (treatment II) and the other ten as a control group (treatment III). By using the Kruskal Wallis test, values obtained is p value 0001, followed by Mann Whitney test p value. 0,021 (treatment I and II), p value 0.00 (treatment I and III), p value. 0.022 (treatment II and III...

A pre-experimental study to evaluate the effectiveness of back massage among pregnant women in first stage of labour pains admitted in labour room of a selected hospital, Ludhiana, Punjab, India

International journal of reproduction, contraception, obstetrics and gynecology, 2016

Background: Labour is a health state that most women aspire to, at some point in their lives. The first thought that comes to the mind of an expecting woman regarding her delivery is the pain of labour. The major role and responsibility of the nurse is in identifying the problems of the woman in labour, providing appropriate information regarding the alternative modalities of pain relief during labour. A pre-experimental study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of back massage on pain among pregnant women in first stage of labour pains in a selected Hospital, Ludhiana, Punjab. The objectives of the study were to assess the pre-test level of pain in first stage of labour pains among pregnant women, to administer the back massage in first stage of labour pains, to assess the post-test level of pain and to compare the pre-test and post-test level of pain in first stage of labour pains among pregnant women and to determine the relationship of pre-test and post-test level of pain with the selected variables. Methods: Conceptual framework was based on General system theory by Ludwig Von Bertanlanffy. Modified Labour Pain Relief Tool and Participants Opinionnarie were used to assess the effectiveness of back massage. Results: Findings of the study were in the pre-test mean score was 5.83 and post-test mean score was 3.75 which was found statistically highly significant at p<0.01 level. Gravida had significant impact on level of pain. Back massage had impact on level of pain among pregnant women. Conclusions: Present study revealed that in the pre-test mean score was 5.83 and post-test mean score was 3.75 which was found statistically highly significant at p<0.01 level. Age, education, mother's occupation, period of gestation and any history of abortion had no significant relationship with pain, and gravida had statistically significant relationship with pain. Back massage had impact on pain level. Therefore it was concluded that back massage was effective to reduce the level of pain.

The Effect Of Massage Effleurage On Pain Intensity And Length Of Labor I In The Normal Inpartu In Tuban District

Jurnal Midpro

The labor process is characterized by a physiological pain that is pain that occurs when the muscles contract in an effort to open the cervix and push the baby's head towards the pelvis. Effleurage is a slow massage of the abdomen or other body parts during contractions, warm compresses are actions to meet the needs of a sense of comfort, reduce pain.The method used is experimental analytic with pre-experimental design (Static-group comparation design). The population of all normal delivery mothers in the first active phase in the Delima Midwife in the District of Tuban was 46 people, a large sample of 18 respondents using systematic random sampling. Data collection instrument comparative pain scale observation sheet. Analysis of research using the t-Test (Independent t-Test).Statistical test results show the effect of massage effleurage on the intensity of first stage active labor pain in normal delivery mothers in Delima Midwives in Jadi Village, Tuban District with p value ma...

The Effect Of Counter Pressure And Kneading Techniques On Reducing The Intensity Of Labor Pain In The First Stage Of Active Phase

International Journal of Health and Pharmaceutical (IJHP)

Pain is a form of discomfort felt by the mother at the time of delivery. One way that can be used to overcome the problem of pain during labor is to apply massage techniques. Among them, the counter pressure massage technique can be done in the lumbar region using the heel of the hand or fist. And the kneading technique is massaging or squeezing using the palms of the hands or fingers to pinch some parts of the skin. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of counter pressure and kneading techniques on reducing pain intensity in the first stage of normal delivery in primiparous mothers at BPM Evi Sriaayuningtyas. Method This type of research is a Quasi Experiment with a one-group pretest-posttest design approach. The population in this study were all mothers who gave birth vaginally at BPM Evi Sriaayuningtyas in March-April 2022, a sample of 30 people was obtained using purposive sampling technique. Research Results: Based on the results of hypothesis testing using the...

A Comparative Study to Know (Evaluate) The Effectiveness of Back Massage Versus Hot Application on Back Pain During the Active Phase of Labour among the Intranatal Women Admitted in Gian Sagar Medical College & Hospital, Ramnagar, Rajpura, Patiala, Punjab.

https://www.ijrrjournal.com/IJRR\_Vol.3\_Issue.7\_July2016/Abstract\_IJRR0013.html, 2016

Back ground of the study: Childbirth is one of the most painful events that a women is likely to experience, the multidimensional aspect and intensity of which far exceeds disease conditions .Labor pain is the rhythmic pain of increasing severity and frequency due to contraction of the uterus at childbirth.1 Even though, delivery is a natural phenomenon, it has been demonstrated that the accompanying pain is considered severe or extreme in more than half of the cases. The complain about the backache is one of the most common complaints we are getting from the intranatal mothers during the labor. Over the past 20 years there has been an enormous increase in the use of complementary therapy in health care; especially within the hospice movement. The number of people using complementary therapies has seen a dramatic increase in recent years (42%-57.4%). Aims: The present study aim to know (evaluate) the effectiveness of back massage or hot application on back pain during the active phase of labor among the intranatal women admitted in Gian Sagar Medical College and Hospital, Ram Nagar, Rajpura, Patiala. Material and Methods: An evaluative approach with post test only design was used for the present study. Sample consisted of 40 intranatal women with back pain (20 hot application group and 20 back massage group), who met the inclusion & exclusion criteria. Assessment was done in terms of confirmation of back pain & intensity of pain by using NRS. Data were analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics. Result: There was a significant difference on pain score between subjects of back massage group and hot application group. Hence back massage was more effective than that of hot application. Conclusion: There was significant difference found in back massage and hot application i.e. back massage was found to be significantly more effective on back pain as compared to hot application.

The Effect Of The Use Of Birth Ball On Intensity Of Labor Pain I Active Phase In Primigravidal Mothers In Pmb Bekasi City In 2022

Science Midwifery

Childbirth is a natural process.Discomfort, fear and pain is a problem for mothers in labor. Pain in the first stage of the active phase of labor is severe pain with a longer time, therefore it is necessary to pay attention to handling to overcome pain in the first stage of labor. This study aims to determine the effect of the use of birth balls on the intensity of labor pain in the active phase of the first stage of primigravida mothers in PMB Bekasi City 2022. This study uses a quasi-experimental approach. The sample in this study was 30 respondents, namely 15 mothers in the control group and 15 mothers in the intervention group. The instrument used is an observation sheet on the implementation of the use of a birth ball. The analysis used is univariate analysis and bivariate analysis using Independent T test and Paired T - Test. HThe results of the univariate analysis showed that in the intervention group the average level of pain before the birth ball was done the average pain ...

[The pain and behavior of women during labor and the different positions for childbirth]

Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da U S P, 2011

This study evaluated the pain intensity and behavior during labor and delivery, among women who had natural childbirth, without analgesia, in one of the following positions: semi-sitting, lying on the left side, and lithotomy. This is a descriptive, cross-sectional and correlational study. The instruments used were a validated questionnaire that evaluates pain and behavior during labor and childbirth, from the women's perspective, and two pain scales: one analog and one alphanumerical. It was observed that the pain among women who had childbirth in a lithotomy position was significantly smaller compared to those lying on the left side (p=0.003), though women chose the positions. There was an association between pain and behavior. Pain in labor and childbirth were associated among each other, as was the behavior in these two moments. The results point at an association between the position at childbirth and pain, but it was not possible to identify factors to explain this associa...

Pengaruh Teknik Akupressure Terhadap Nyeri Punggung Pada Ibu Hamil Di Wilayah Puskesmas Jogonalan I Klaten

Jurnal Kebidanan dan Kesehatan Tradisional, 2018

Acupressure, Back Pain, Pregnancy. Acupressure is effective to relieve back pain in Meridian point. Acupressure technique is done to help pregnant women in relieving complaints in pregnancy such as nausea and vomiting. In labour process, this technique can be an induction of labor, and can reduce anxiety. The purpose is to know the influence of acupressure technique to relieve back pain for pregnant women in Puskesmas Jogonalan I area of Klaten. Research is pre experimental design with one group pretest posttest approach. The population is all pregnant women in Puskesmas Jogonalan I area of Klaten. The population target is all third trimester of pregnant women in Puskesmas Jogonalan I area of Klaten. Technique sampling is purposive sampling with 30 peopole, ang using t-test data analysis. The characteristics of respondents showed that most of them are 20-35 years old, their gestational age are 31-37 weeks, their occupation are housewives, and most of them have 2-3 children. Degree of back pain in pregnant women before acupressure as many as 21 people (70%) are in severe pain. Degree of back pain in pregnant women after given acupressure as many as 24 people (80%) are in mild pain. There is influence of acupressure technique to relieve back pain for pregnant women in Puskesmas Jogonalan I area of Klaten (t =

Effectiveness of Sacral Massage During First Stage of Labour in Terms of Pain Intensity and Labour Outcomes Among Primigravida Mothers Admitted in Selected Hospital of Ambala, Haryana


Although the intensity of pain that women feel in childbirth is not usually associated with tissue damage, studies have ranked it as among the most severe forms of pain ever recorded using the McGill Pain Questionnaire or visual ana-log scales. Aim of the study were to assess and compare labour pain intensity during first stage of labour and labour outcomes (maternal and fetal) and to determine association of labour pain score with selected sample characteristics among primigravida mothers in experimental and comparison group. This was a quasi experimental study carried out in 60 primigravida mothers who were in first stage of labour admitted in selected hospital of Ambala, Haryana. The participants were divided into two groups (n=30 in the experimental group and n=30 in the comparison group). The experimental group received sacral massage three times, 10 minutes during each time with two hours of interval. The comparison group received routine maternity care. The data was collected...