Analisis Fatwa Dewan Syari’ah Nasional No. 17/DSN-MUI/IX/2000 Terhadap Penentuan Denda Murâbahah Pada Unit Layanan Modal Mikro Syariah PT. Permodalan Nasional Madani Persero Cabang Lhokseumawe (original) (raw)

Analisis Fatwa DSN-MUI Tentang Akad Mudharabah Dalam Perbankan Syariah Fatmawati

Keberadaan fatwa di dalam Islam merupakan sesuatu yang telah ada sejak masa penyebaran Islam oleh Nabi SAW yang didasarkan pada pertanyaan-pertanyaan umat pada masa itu. Jawaban yang diberikan oleh Nabi SAW ada dalam dua bentuk yaitu (1) jawaban yang langsung diberikan oleh Allah SWT melalui Malaikat jibril yang tercantum dalam Al-Qur'an, dan (2) jawaban yang berupa pendapat Nabi SAW sendiri yang tercantum dalam Hadis. Pertanyaan-pertanyaan beserta jawaban ini dapat dilihat pada ayat-ayat Al-Qur'an dan Hadishadis Rasulullah SAW. Konsep fatwa dalam Islam mengalami perkembangan dari masa Islam hingga masa kini. 1 Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) dibentuk pada Tahun 1975, baik golongan Ulama tradisional maupun golongan modern mempunyai wakil-wakilnya dalam MUI dan melalui badan itu memberikan fatwafatwa bersama. Sejak didirikan pada tahun 1975 hingga sekarang, MUI telah melahirkan fatwa banyak sekali, meliputi soal-soal upacara keagamaan,

Pembiayaan Mudharabah Terhadap Perkembangan Usaha Mikro DI Tinjau Dari Islamic Finance DI Kota Lhokseumawe

Al Hisab: Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah

ABSTRACTThis research is to know the effect of Mudharabah contract financing on the development of micro enterprises in Lhokseumawe City. The data used is primary data with a large sample of 35 respondents. Methods of data analysis by using simple regression with the OLS (Ordinary Least Square) method. The results showed that Mudharabah contract financing has a significant positive impact on the development of micro enterprises in Lhokseumawe City. Test determinations obtained by 13.2217%. ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pembiayaan akadmudharabah terhadap perkembangan usaha mikro di Kota Lhokseumawe.Data yang digunakan adalah data primer dengan besar sampel 35responden. Metode analisis data dengan menggunakan regresi sederhanadengan metode OLS (Ordinary Least Square). Hasil penelitianmenunjukkan bahwa pembiayaan akad mudharabah memiliki pengaruhpositif yang signifikan terhadap perkembangan usaha mikro di KotaLhokseumawe. Penentuan tes diperoleh sebesar 1...

Tinjauan Fatwa DSN MUI Terhadap Penyelesaian Pembiayaan Murābaḥah Bermasalah (Studi Kasus di Bank Pembiayaan Rakyat Syariah Dana Amanah Surakarta

Raayah Al Islam : Jurnal Ilmu Islam, Vol 5 No 1, 2021

Murābaḥah is one of the most popular financing for Sharia Financial Institutions. Likewise, at the BPRS Dana Amanah Surakarta, murābaḥah financing is what customers are most interested in, therefore, among other financing products the risk is also higher. In addition, many customers choose deferred payments. This deferred payment creates several risks, one of which is financing problems. Many customers who are deemed capable are still procrastinating in terms of payment of installment obligations, this is what causes losses for the BPRS, where the more customers delay payment, the higher the level of Non Performing Financing (NPF) in a bank, causing the bank's condition to not healthy. Then the problem that will be raised in this study is how to solve the problematic murābaḥah financing in the BPRS Dana Amanah Surakarta and how the view of the fatwa DSN MUI towards the practice of solving the problematic murābaḥah financing in the BPRS Dana Amanah Surakarta. This study uses field research methods, with a descriptive qualitative approach. The data sources used are primary data and secondary data, with data collection methods through interviews with informants and documentation and then analyzed with qualitative descriptive methods. From the results of this study, it can be concluded that: (1) The steps for solving problematic murābaḥah financing at BPRS Dana Amanah Surakarta include billing, rescheduling, restructuring, customers selling their own goods, execution of collateral, AYDA and judicial channels. (2) The mechanism for the settlement of murābaḥah financing at BPRS Dana Amanah Surakarta is in accordance with the MUI DSN Fatwa and POJK No. 29/POJK.03/2019, except for the Fatwa DSN MUI No. 47 / DSN-MUI / II / 2005 on the provisions of point 5 regarding exemption for customers who are truly unable to pay off their financing payments, because in its implementation the BPRS Dana Amanah Surakarta implementing the final solution of problematic murābaḥah financing by way of settlement through the judiciary, if the BPRS performs debt relief, only the write-off records are written off, not the write-offs. Even though it has been written off, there is still a billing.

Kajian Fatwa Dewan Syariah Nasional Tentang Mudharabah

TAWAZUN : Journal of Sharia Economic Law

Until now, mudharabah is still carried out in people's lives even though it has been modified to a degree. Even in Islamic Financial Institutions, mudaraba becomes a mainstay product that is often offered by customers. With the increasing number of LKS that makes mudharabah as one of its flagship products. MUI as an institution that has the authority to issue fatwas related to Islamic economics through DSN considers it necessary to issue a fatwa on mudharabah so that the procedure is carried out in accordance with Islamic Sharia. Regarding the fatwa it is interesting to analyze how the implementation of the DSN fatwa on mudaraba in the study of muamalah fiqh. The researcher uses a descriptive qualitative research method which discusses comprehensively using various sources of primary and secondary literature data relating to the MUI DSN fatwas on mudharabah. The results of the study concluded that overall the existing fatwa was in accordance with the provisions contained in the ...


Tadayun: Jurnal Hukum Ekonomi Syariah

This study is titled "Implementation of Fatwa DSN MUI No:115/DSN-MUI/IX/2017 against Mudharabah Agreement on Savings Plan at Bank Mega Syariah Palu Branch." The main issues are how mudharabah contract mechanism on iB plan savings at Bank Mega Syariah Palu Branch and how to Implement Fatwa No:115/DSN-MUI/IX/2017 against Mudharabah contract on Savings Plan at Bank Mega Syariah Palu Branch. The purpose of this research is to find out the Mechanism of Mudharabah agreement on iB savings plan at Bank Mega Syariah Palu Branch and how to Implement Fatwa DSN MUI No:115/DSN-MUI/IX/2017 against Mudharabah agreement on Savings Plan at Bank Mega Syariah Palu Branch.The research method used is a descriptive qualitative method. The results showed that the mechanism of Akad mudharabah at Bank Mega Syariah is not entirely in accordance with the provisions of the fatwa DSN MUI this desebabes the problem among human resources and the difficulties faced in the field. Bank Mega Syariah require...

Mengkaji Fatwa DSN MUI Tentang Mudharabah

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta Arif Budiman (1112081000112) Ayuningtyas F (1112081000113) Bayu Filyanto (1112081000114) Desy Ratna Pratiwi (1112081000115) Dwi Manggar Asih (1112081000116)

Kontrak Mudharabah Pada PT. Sarana Multigriya Financial Ditinjau Dari Fatwa Dewan Syariah Nasional Nomor 07/DSN-MUI/IV/2000 Tentang Mudharabah

SALAM: Jurnal Sosial dan Budaya Syar-i

SMF is a secondary housing company that provides refinancing to Islamic banks. SMF financing aims to address housing finance mismatch funding issues in Islamic banks. The application of the contract to this cooperation is the mudharabah contract. With mudharabah contracts, the SMF and Islamic Banks can invest from the profit sharing ratio. The mudharabah contract application in this collaboration must comply with the Fatwa Council National Fatwa regulations NO: 07/DSN-MUI/IV/2000 regarding mudharabah financing. This study uses a qualitative method. The research technique used is content analysis and the research approach method is normative juridical. The data used are primary data taken from interviews and draft secondary data contracts, MUI fatwas, literature studies. The objects studied were the contract formation procedure, the contents of the contract, and the conformity of the contract to the Fatwa of the National Sharia Council NO: 07/DSN-MUI/IV/2000 concerning mudharabah financing. The results of this study can be concluded that the SMF procedure in providing financing to Islamic banks is very concerned about risk and analyzes the business feasibility of sharia banks and the suitability of the mudharabah agreement at the SMF on the National Sharia Council Fatwa NO: 07/DSN-MUI/IV/2000 in SMF in general with the MUI fatwa. However, in bearing losses and profit sharing ratio at the mudharabah contract in SMF, it is less in accordance with the National Sharia Council Fatwa NO: 07/DSN-MUI/IV/2000.

Moderasi Fikih Muamalah di Indonesia: Analisis terhadap Paradigma Fatwa Dewan Syariah Nasional


The development of the Islamic economic system in Indonesia is not always with a positive response in the community. This is often triggered by the community paradigm that is still problematic in responding to the various existing sharia economic fatwas. This normative-philosophical research aims to identify the moderation of the Islamic economic fatwa paradigm formulated by the National Sharia Council (DSN)-Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI). The theory of analysis in this study, namely the moderate fiqh paradigm that was initiated by Muhammad Quraish Shihab. The results of the study show that there is a mode of fiqh moderation in the four foundations of the formulation of the sharia economic fatwa by the DSN-MUI. First, al-Taysîr al-Manhaji. This foundation is in line with the fiqh al-muwazanat paradigm which emphasizes efforts to compare the levels of benefit to be chosen which is better in law formulation. Second,. at-Tafriq baina al-Halal wal Haram. This foundation is parallel to the pattern of the fiqh al-awlawiyat paradigm which considers the priority of the benefits and benefits of the fatwa provisions. Third, I'adah al-Nazhar. This foundation is parallel to the fiqh al-ma'aalat paradigm regarding the importance of reviewing the implications of legal provisions that have been set on the basis of more attainable benefit. Fourth, Tahqiq al-Manath. This foundation is parallel to the fiqh al-maqashid paradigm which emphasizes understanding regarding the purpose of a legal provision. The theoretical implications of this research show that Islamic economic fatwas can always be adaptive and contextual.

Analisis Akad Mudharabah Dalam Lembaga Keuangan Syari’Ah

Et-Tijarie: Jurnal Hukum dan Bisnis Syariah

Mudharabah is a labor cooperation contract between two parties where the first person (shahibul mal) prepares 100 % modal, and the other person becomes manager. In mudharabah system Labor benefit is divided based on the agreement written in the contract. In this system losing out is endured by the owner of modal as far as it is not caused by manager careless. If the lose is caused by dishonesty or manager negligent, so the manager has to endure it. Here mudharabah fundamental concept that can be found in this writing. It will be analysis center for comparing the Islamic banking and conventional banking. The different of the both is in profit or benefit taken from the transaction. Conventional banking based the benefit on the interest, from the modal determined it’s profit formerly (riba), and in Islamic banking it is got from the thing called repayment, either fee base income or margin of loss and profit sharing. Key Word : Mudharabah, Islamic banking, margin, loss and profit sharin...

Mengkaji Fatwa DSN MUI Tentang Murabahah

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta Kelompok 1 : 1. Adib Bimo Prasetyo (1112081000106) 2. Adisi Sharesia Rusena (1112081000107) 3. Ahmad Rojali (1112081000109) 4. Alfin Nurfais (1112081000110) 5. Anna Susilowati (1112081000111)