Language-learning Task and Activity Variability between Business English and General English Textbooks (2022) (original) (raw)
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Improving Students’ Language Skills in Business English Course: Experimental Study
Advanced Education, 2021
It is evident from the PISA 2018 results that a trend in mean performance in reading has been declining in the Slovak Republic. The KEGA Project “Idioms in Business Communication”, run at the Department of English Language, aims at improving reading literacy, widening formal and informal vocabulary and facilitating business communication. Both traditional and modern styles of language teaching are used. The control group of students does a traditional course and the experimental group of students enrols in a “Business Communication” e-course on LMS Moodle platform, as well. With the use of the Internet and supporting materials, this group is involved in various activities. The paper compares the study results of 144 first-year and 97 second-year students of the University of Economics in Bratislava achieved in departmental standardised business English tests after completing three courses in business English for advanced students. The method of Hypothesis Testing (t-Test) assesses t...
This research aims at developing supplementary materials for Business Englishusing Task-Based Learning (TBL). It was conducted to investigate (1) the quality of theexisting course book used in vocational high school, (2) the development of supplementarymaterials using TBL at SMK PGRI 2 Kediri.Research and Development (RD (1) the description of thedraft of the materials, (2) the result of the trial of the draft, and (3) the final draft ofsupplementary materials for Business English.The data in the exploration stage were collected through conducting documentanalysis, and having interview. It was carried out to reveal the qualityof existing coursebookused at vocational high school and the learner’s need toward material. The findings show thatthe course book used at the vocational high school students contains general english materialand it is less specific to be used for the students of marketing department. Hence, the findingsimply the Business English supplementary material was neede...
Business English versus General English: Students’ Attitudes and Grades
Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference - Synthesis 2015, 2015
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the success of students depending on the type of English they learn-whether it is business English or general English. The paper highlights the main differences between acquiring general English and business English. The theoretical overview of ЕSP and general English in the classroom is provided, along with syllabi for the English language courses at Singidunum University. Having in mind that students at Singidunum University learn general English for the first two years and business English in the 3 rd and 4 th year of studies, the authors of this paper conducted research which presents students' attitudes towards learning English and gives an answer to the question concerning the type of English that is easier to learn. Furthermore, the paper includes statistical data about students' grades in English courses throughout all four years of undergraduate academic studies. Apstrakt: Cilj ovog rada jeste da se analizira uspeh studenata u zavisnosti od toga da li uče poslovni engleski ili opšti engleski jezik. U radu se ističu osnovne razlike u usvajanju opšteg i poslovnog engleskog jezika, kao i najčešće prepreke sa kojima se studenti susreću prilikom učenja. Rad daje kratak teorijski uvod u engleski kao jezik struke i opšti engleski u učionici, uz predstavljene silabuse na Univerzitetu Singidunum. Imajući u vidu da student na Univerzitetu Singidunum uče opšti engleski na prve dve godine studija, a poslovni engleski na trećoj i četvrtoj godini osnovnih akademskih studija, autori ovog rada su sproveli istraživanje u kom se analiziraju stavovi studenata prema učenju engleskog jezika i koje daje odgovor na pitanje da li je lakše učiti opšti ili poslovni engleski jezik. Rad takođe prikazuje statističke podatke o ocenama studenata iz predmeta Engleski jezik tokom sve četiri godine osnovnih akademskih studija.
Curriculum Development of English for Business: National University of Laos
This study is aiming at measuring student achievement and clarifying their problems in English for Business in the Department of English, Faculty of Letters, National University of Laos. A researcher-made-test was applied to 332 final year (Year 5) students. The test was in multiple choice format and the questions were based on the textbooks used in English for Economics and English for Business taught in Year 3 and Year 4 respectively. It was found that overall achievement of the test was quite unsatisfactory. The rate of right answer was 54.1%. By analyzing the mistakes, three major problems were found: First, the final year students still had problems in basic English. For example in reading, they made mistakes not because the texts were concerned to business, but because they did not know sentence patterns and basic vocabulary. Second, maybe because the students were weak in English but the textbooks were written in English, and all explanation was given in English, students could not acquire the content they had been taught. Present teaching of English for Economics and English of Business was not productive. Third, students did not know the very basic terms and concepts of business. For example only 23.8% of the students could choose the right definition of “an economy” in Lao, while 34.9% chose “small and medium enterprises” as the right answer. The result strongly suggested that the actual teaching of English for Business should be totally revised.
Business English course books – why and how to evaluate them?
The aim of the present paper is to propose a specially designed ESP course book evaluation sheet as well as discuss the need for and usefulness of ESP course book evaluation. The specifically devised checklist for Business English materials will take into consideration various aspects of course design, content and methodology as well as general attributes referred to by such renowned materials " evaluators as Cunningsworth, Ellis and Johnson, McDonough et al. to name only a few. Throughout the paper the author will also assert the specificity of ESP courses as more demanding and more focused on the expectations and requirements of the learners. Hence, appropriate evaluation of any new course book proves necessary because the needs of the students and how they are prioritized will affect their eventual success.
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 2021
This article analyses English language learning strategies adopted by students in learning English for Specific Purposes (ESP). Despite a broad study in language learning, there is still a scarcity of empirical evidence to emphasise the importance of LLS and the impact on students' performance for ESP specifically. This topic is significant in reflecting the strategies and their adaptability by targeted students. It involves a systematic review of literature and studies from Malaysia and other parts of the world between 2009 and 2021. It references published research studies, analyses books and strategies students use in learning English and especially for specific purposes and reading skills. Out of 50 previous studies, 20 were chosen for a thorough analysis ranging from research journals, reports, and books on definitions and growth and development of ESP, and strategies for learning ESP. The studies revealed that though the majority of ESP students in Malaysia have embraced self-directed English language learning strategies, there is still a gap in the English proficiency in the Malaysian education system. While acknowledging the limitation occasioned by a smaller sample size, the study recommended the adoption of language learning from an out-of-classroom perspective and understanding the significance of Business English to students.
Reforming Business English Teaching Practices: Perceptions, Constrictions, and Solutions
PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences
This research work is entitled "Reforming Business English Teaching Practices: Perceptions, Constrictions, and Solutions". It is an attempt to explore the scarcities and the constraints confronted by the teachers of Business English in the Faculty of Economic Sciences, Management, and Commerce, at the University of Bejaia (Algeria) since Business English is one of the major branches of ESP courses. Accordingly, this investigation concerns itself with the issue of what challenges do this particular subset of Business English teachers meet and which remedial solutions can be suggested. To tackle this problem, we have put forward the hypothesis which states that "the whole amalgam of teaching policies, curricula, and strategies need to be revised in order to overcome the current existing limitations". In order to collect data and check the correctness of our hypothesis, we have opted to the quantitative and the qualitative methods by means of a questionnaire designed for the teachers of Business English in the three departments at the level of the faculty along with an interview designed for the faculty's chief leaders. The anticipated outcome of this project is to demonstrate the lack and the deficits in the contemporary process of Business English teaching at the University of Béjaia, then suggesting solutions for better future practices. This research work highlights the importance of rethinking and revising
Business English as a Part of Teaching English for Specific Purposes (ESP) to Economic Students
Jurnal Education and Economics, 2019
Business English is one of the examples of the English for a Specific Purpose, In the case of Business English, it is largely used in international trade by many whose primary spoken or written language in English. In a globally connected world, Business English is becoming increasingly important as more and more companies need their staff to be multi-lingual language. The goal of any Business English Course is to allow its users to effectively communicate with others in a business environment, whether that communication is in correspondence, face to face meetings, or other methods. Therefore, a Business English Language may include topics such as business English reading, letters, and resumes, business phrases, or terms of sale, advertising, and marketing. Related to the definition of Business English or English for Business Purposes, it shares the important elements of needs analysis, syllabus design, course design, and the selection and development of materials with all ESP fields of work. Teaching Business English (English for Business) requires a teacher’s awareness of the subject matter. ESP combines the subject matter and English language teaching skills. The role of a teacher at this stage is managing to adapt teaching skills and strategies for teaching Business English.
Business English is a part of English for specific purposes and can be considered a specialism within English language learning and teaching. Many non-native English speakers study the subject with the goal of doing business with English-speaking countries, or with companies located outside the English-speaking world but which nonetheless use English as a shared language or lingua franca. Much of the English communication that takes place within business circles all over the world occurs between non-native speakers. In cases such as these, the object of the exercise is efficient and effective communication. The strict rules of grammar are in such cases sometimes ignored, when, for example, a stressed negotiator's only goal is to reach an agreement as quickly as possible. (See linguist Braj Kachru's theory of the "expanding circle".) Business English means different things to different people. For some, it focuses on vocabulary and topics used in the worlds of business, trade, finance, and international relations. For others it refers to the communication skills used in the workplace, and focuses on the language and skills needed for typical business communication such as presentations, negotiations, meetings, small talk, socializing, correspondence, report writing, and a systematic approach. In both of these cases it can be taught to native speakers of English, for example, high school students preparing to enter the job market. Business English is a variant of international English. One can study it at a college or university. Institutes around the world have courses or modules in BE available, which can lead to a degree in the subject.
English for Specific Purposes, 2009
In the last two decades, a great deal of applied linguistics research has been conducted in different areas of business English. However, despite many highly relevant research findings, the interface between research and pedagogy remains weak. One reason behind this lack of interface is that research findings from different studies are rarely brought together in an accessible manner for use by business English practitioners. T he present Purchase Export About ScienceDirect Remote access Shopping cart Contact and support T erms and conditions Privacy policy Cookies are used by this site. For more information, visit the cookies page.