Implementation of character based integrated holistic education in early childhood education (original) (raw)
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Journal of World Englishes and Educational Practices
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Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Early Childhood Education (ICECE 2016), 2017
The problem in this research is the lack of early childhood education (ECE) institutions that integrate education with the needs of healthcare, nutrition, education and parenting for young children as mandated by Presidential Decree Number 60 Year 2013 on Integrative Holistic early childhood services. On the other hand, the implementation of 2013 ECE Curriculum has been mandated in Permendikbud number 146 of 2014, including a set of integrative holistic early childhood institutions, despite the fact that there are still many early childhood institutions that are not yet ready to implement them. The aim of this study was to determine the model of holistic integrative ECE services in compliance to 2013 ECE Curriculum of Taman Belia on 2013, as it is a flagship early childhood institutions in Central Java Province with the curriculum implemented. This study was held in Taman Belia, focusing the research in the development program of Integrative Holistic services in 2013 early childhood curriculum on group A with age ranging 4-5 years old. Type of research method used was qualitative research using case study approach. Data analysis was using interactive data analysis Miles and Huberman through three stages, namely; data collection, data verification, and conclusion. Data was collected by observation, interview and document analysis. The results showed that Service Implementation of Integrative Holistic ECE in compliance to 2013 curriculum in Taman Belia meets the following components: Educational aspect consisting of stimulation of child development using centres model and the diversity of educational services under one roof. Nutrition and Health Aspect consists of health checkups and healthy food program. Sustenance Aspect consists of sustainable caretake in child centres, and parenting program at home. Protection Aspect consists of physical and mental protection for the children. Conclusion taken from the research is that holistic integrative model of educational services in accordance to ECE 2013 curriculum in Indonesian ECE centres includes educational services, nutritional services, physical and psychological preservation for the children, followed with continuous nurturance both at school and at home. This is based on the research held in one of the top ECE centres in Indonesia.
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AL-TANZIM: Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam
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Implementation of Early Childhood Character Education in the 2013 Curriculum
Journal of K6, Education, and Management, 2019
The purpose of this study is to describe the 2013 Curriculum in the (1) implementation of character education, (2) values, and (3) education strategy. Early Childhood Education is a form of education fundamental in the life of a child. In the 2013 Curriculum perspective, character education in early childhood integrated in Core Competencies 1 Spiritual Attitudes and Core Competencies 2 Social Attitudes. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach to design multiple sites with data collected through interviews, observation, and documentation. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach with a multi-site study design in the PAUD Islamic Integrated Al Khair Barabai and PAUD Negeri Pembina Barabai. Data collection techniques collected through interviews, observation, and documentation. To validate data using triangulation of sources, techniques, and time. The conclusion of the research is the 2013 curriculum is a source reference in the preparation of programmed activities and habituation activities in addition to the curriculum characteristic of the institutions of each institution. The character values implemented are 18 from the government, Spiritual Attitudes and Social Attitudes. The character education strategy is carried out by the Foundation, the head, educators, educational staff, students, parents who are used through planning, implementation and evaluation.
The government is carrying out the construction and development of character education in an effort to strengthen mental revolution movement in early childhood education. Strengthening character education is carried out through educational practices carried out in an integrated manner in children's teaching and learning activities. Early Childhood Education (ECE) Institutions must have a special program in implementing the Character Education Strengthening (PPK) program, so training and workshops are needed. The workshop was intended to increase the insight and ability of teachers in preparing PPK. The method used in the workshop activities was a discussion, information sharing and training with the andragogy approach. The results of the workshop, the participants have increased knowledge and ability in preparing the PPK program in schools. Keywords— strengthening character education, early childhood education, workshop activities
Early Childhood Education becomes a strategic institution in organizing character education. This is so because in addition to children being in the sensitive period, the inculcation of characters from an early age will be much more effective than when entering adolescence or adulthood. Two character-education models that have been developed and implemented in Indonesian early childhood institutions, include TPM Kurtilas (stands for Teaching Pyramid Model- Indonesian Curriculum 2013 for early childhood education) and CBHE (Character-Based Holistic Education). However, the unique characteristics of both models have not been studied in-depth. So, this article explains an analysis of both models, based on the character values promoted, the strategies used, and the instructional media of each model. Using literature study as the research method, this article describes the uniqueness of the two models, and the findings show that the two models are different in terms of the foundation of ...