Pedological and Botanical Records of Environment Changes of Yamskaya Steppe (Belgorod Oblast, Russia) in Holocene (original) (raw)

Paleo-Environment Reconstruction According to Data on the Archaeological SItes in the Forest-Steppe and Steppe Zones of the Volga Region During Holocene. Arkheologiya Evraziyskikh stepey No6 2021


A comparative analysis of the materials obtained on the reconstruction of natural conditions over the past 7000 years indicates that in regions remote from each other for long distances (Volga–Don interfluve and Volga Upland), there was an almost synchronous change in paleoclimatic data, i.e., an increase in precipitation in one region corresponded to the same direction of paleoclimate change in another. At the same time, it should be noted that the reconstruction of the paleo-environment in these regions was carried out using different methodological approaches. In the forest-steppe zone of the Middle Volga region, such “responses” to the alternation of micropluvials and microarids, as in the dry-steppe zone, are not diagnosed. Although there is a slight decrease in moisture after the Atlantic period, precipitation decreased by 4.5% in the early Iron Age and then by 6.5% in the early Middle Ages. It should be noted that the methodological approaches to the reconstruction of natural conditions in the forest-steppe zone of the Middle Volga region were almost identical, as in the study of paleo-soils of the Avilovo 1 and Avilovo 2 sections in the Volga Upland. Chemical weathering index (CIA); - geochemical indicators of the weathering coefficient; - ratio of readily soluble salts; and also - dynamics of soil carbonates in buried soils of archaeological sites were used.

Vegetation development on the Upper Volga lowland and the adjacent uplands in the Holocene: reconstruction based on paleobotanical data


Коллективная монография является результатом комплексных исследований палеоландшафта и условий обитания населения мезолита и неолита в бассейне Верхней Волги на примере известного озерного поселения Замостье 2 (Сергиево-Посадский р-н Московской области). Для реконструкции растительности и рельефа территории, окружавших стоянку в среднем и позднем голоцене, привлечены данные палинологических, палеоботанических и антракологических исследований, результаты метода геохимической индикации, а также археологические и исторические архивные источники. Предназначена для специалистов археологов, историков, палеоботаников, специалистов смежных дисциплин и широкого круга читателей. УДК 902/904 ББК 20,1 63.4

Landscapes of Smolensk Oblast as a Consequence of Ancient Anthropogenic Activity: Paleoecological Study of Radomsky Mokh Swamp. Povolzhskaya Arkheologiya. №4 (38).2021


The results of a paleoecological study of a peat deposit in Radomsky Mokh area (Smolensk Oblast, Krasninsky District) made it possible to reconstruct the history of the region's landscapes over the last 4 thousand years and identify its 4 contrasting periods. The reservoir was a lake at first, after which the pollen spectrum is dominated by pollen from native tree species. After a series of fires on the boundary of the Bronze and Early Iron Ages (3173–2969 14C calendar years ago) (2σ, 99.7%)) a forested mesotrophic swamp formed at the site of the lake, and pollen from pioneer trees with an admixture of alder started to dominate the pollen spectrum. At the third stage, the swamp became mesotrophic, and the landscapes around it become open, which is evidenced by an increase in the proportion of grasses and anthropogenic indicators in the pollen spectrum. The same period is marked with the appearance of pollen of cultivated grasses (2992–2912 simulated years ago), which coincides with the distribution of the monuments of the Dnieper-Dvinian culture in the study area. At the last stage, the swamp became oligotrophic, and a stable curve of cultivated grasses appeared (mid-1st Millennium AD), indicating the spread of agriculture in the study area. The absence of known archaeological sites in an 8-kilometer radius around Radomsky Mokh most likely indicates an insufficient archaeological study level of the area, whereas the economic development of the vicinity of the tract started at the boundary of the Bronze and Early Iron Ages.

Demkin V.A. , Demkina T.S., Khomutova T.E., Yeltsov M.V., Udaltsov S.N., Kashirskaya N.N. Underkurgan paleosoils of the Lower Volga steppes as indicators of climate dynamics during historical time. Povolzhskaya Arkheologiya. № 2 (4). 2013.

The studies of paleosoils buried beneath kurgan embankments of the early, middle, and late sarmatian time (IV c. BC – AD IV c.) were carried out in the dry and desert steppes of the Lower Volga (Privolzhskaya and Yergeninskaya uplands, Cis-Caspian Lowland). It was established that within chronointerval 2400–1600 years ago temporal variability of morphological, chemical, microbiological, and magnetic properties of paleosoils was rhythmic and was conditioned by the centennial dynamics of climate humidity with oscillations of mean annual precipitation rate within ±30–50 mm. Periodical change of humid and arid climatic epochs influenced considerably on the processes of salinization-desalinization, solonetz and humus formation, biological activity of paleosoils of the solonetz complexes. This stimulated essential changes in the structure of soil cover with reversal evolutionary transformations of paleosoils on the levels of types, genera or species within several decades of years. Under the shifts to arid conditions these paleosoils changed again to solonetzes and zonal chestnut soils. Natural conditions within the existence of the sarmatian culture society may be characterized as alternation of micropluvial and microarid periods with 100–200 years duration. In particular, both in dry (Volga-Don interfluve) and in desert (Trans-Volga) steppes I c. BC, AD I and IV cc. were characterized by relatively humid conditions, while IV–III cc. BC, AD second half II – first half III cc. were most arid. Intermediate and close to modern time humidity situation took place in AD first half II c. and in the second half of III c.

Landscapes of Smolensk Oblast as a Consequence of Ancient Anthropogenic Activity: Paleoecological Study of Radomsky Mokh Swamp

Povolzhskaya Arkheologiya (The Volga River Region Archaeology), 2021

The results of a paleoecological study of a peat deposit in Radomsky Mokh area (Smolensk Oblast, Krasninsky District) made it possible to reconstruct the history of the region's landscapes over the last 4 thousand years and identify its 4 contrasting periods. The reservoir was a lake at first, after which the pollen spectrum is dominated by pollen from native tree species. After a series of fires on the boundary of the Bronze and Early Iron Ages (3173–2969 14C calendar years ago) (2σ, 99.7%)) a forested mesotrophic swamp formed at the site of the lake, and pollen from pioneer trees with an admixture of alder started to dominate the pollen spectrum. At the third stage, the swamp became mesotrophic, and the landscapes around it become open, which is evidenced by an increase in the proportion of grasses and anthropogenic indicators in the pollen spectrum. The same period is marked with the appearance of pollen of cultivated grasses (2992–2912 simulated years ago), which coincides w...

Steppe Eneolithic Cultures (in Russian)

История исследования и структура энеолита Северо-Западного Причерноморья. За последние двадцать лет в целом сложились достаточно полные представления об особенностях культурного развития в Северо-Западном Причерноморье в эпоху энеолита. В течение этого периода была разработана культурно-хронологическая структура рассматриваемого периодай эпохиуппы и даже оформился круг своего рода «вечных» вопросов, дискуссии по которым не прекращаются по сей день и отличаются довольно высоким уровнем разногласий. К таким вопросам можно, например, отнести формирование некоторых культурных подразделений, их генетическую и хронологическую сопряженность с соседними и более отдаленными культурами, сущность культурных связей, социальную и экономическую интерпретацию археологических данных, общую оценку культурно-исторической ситуации и т.п.

Paleogeographic Background of the Neolithic and Eneolithic Periods of the Steppe Volga Region

Nižnevolžskij arheologičeskij vestnik, 2022

The article presents materials enabling to reconstruct the paleogeographic background of the development of the population of the Volga region steppe in the Neolithic and Eneolithic periods. The relevance of the study comes from the need to develop issues of natural and climatic factors influence on the development of cultures. The novelty is determined by the fact that the research presents materi als of the 2014-2019 surveys for the settlement of Oroshaemoe I. The purpose of the article is to reconstruct the paleogeographic background at the time of interest. The tasks of the study also include identification of the chronological framework, reconstruction of natural and climatic conditions, and determination of the faunal component. In order to achieve these goals, archaeological, palynological and geochemical, radiocarbon and faunistic methods were used. The settlement of Oroshaemoe I is characterized by multi-layers and stratification. The site shows successively located layers of the Orlov, Caspian and Khvalynsk cultures, separated by sterile ones. In addition to ceramic and stone implements, faunal remains were found in the cultural layers which makes it possible to identify the species of animals at different stages of the Neolithic-Eneolithic of this region. Clear chronological frameworks are defined for all complexes. For the first time in recent years, the results of spore-pollen analyses were obtained for all cultural layers. An additional source was the results of geochemical analysis for this site. Certain periods of improvement and deteriorat ion of the climatic situation are traced which influenced the vegetation cover of this area. The results of the analysis allow us to conclude that throughout the entire period the vegetation in the surrounding ar ea was similar to modern dry steppes (semi-deserts). An increase in aridity is recorded at a later stage in the development of the Orlov culture. The driest climatic conditions existed during the formation of the Caspian layer; and during the formation of the Khvalyn layer the amount of precipitation began to increase. This resulted in changes in life activity in the Late Stone Age and the Early Metal Age.