Tanah Ulayat Adat Perspektif Hukum Positif Dan Hukum IslamAM (original) (raw)
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Dinamika Tanah Ulayat dalam Jerat Hukum Negara
Hukumonline, 2011
Tanah ulayat masih " locus " kontestasi hak antara masyarakat adat (nagari) dengan kelompok bisnis dan pemerintah (negara) di berbagai tempat di Sumatera Barat. Penetapan sepihak kawasan hutan di wilayah-wilayah hutan adat, penetapan Hak Guna Usaha (HGU), Izin Usaha Pemanfaatan Hasil Hutan Kayu (IUPHHK/HPH) di tanah ulayat atau hutan adat dan izin-izin tambang kecil atau menengah di nagari-nagari mewarnai pergulatan hak tersebut yang berujung makin membaranya konflik tanah ulayat antara nagari dengan kelompok bisnis dan pemerintah (negara). Kasus perkebunan Anam Koto di Kabupaten Pasaman Barat, tuntutan nagari-nagari selingkar HPH AMT di Kabupaten Solok Selatan, konflik hutan adat Nagari Kambang terhadap TNKS di Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan adalah segelintir contoh-contoh kasus yang berlaku sampai saat ini. Fakta di lapangan diatas bukan hanya sebatas tuntutan hak ulayat pada wilayah-wilayah konsesi (HGU/HPH) dan kawasan hutan yang ditetapkan oleh negara, namun merasuk pada konflik antara hukum negara dengan hukum adat dalam pengelolaan sumber daya alam. Hal tersebut muncul akibat ekspresi hukum adat pada wilayah-wilayah tersebut tidak lagi diakui oleh hukum negara. Penetapan kawasan hutan adalah contoh nyata bagaimana hak ulayat dan tata kelola sumberdaya alam berdasarkan hukum adat tidak berlaku lagi sejak ditetapkan wilayah adat menjadi hutan negara. Berbagai sanksi hukum (baca: hukum negara) terutama pidana mengancam siapa saja yang mengakses hutan negara tanpa izin, tidak terkecuali masyarakat nagari yang berada di sekitar atau didalam kawasan hutan negara tersebut. Tumpang tindih penguasaan sumber daya alam antara masyarakat nagari dengan negara tidak lagi terelakkan, kriminalisasi masyarakat nagari, pembatasan akses masyarakat nagari atas hutannya dan bahkan penghancuran sistem kearifan lokal (local wisdom) – pun berlaku. Sebaliknya, kelompok-kelompok bisnis yang menggunakan legalitas hukum negara melalui izin-izin pemanfaatan hutan (HPH) diberi akses untuk mengelola walaupun tanpa persetujuan masyarakat nagari-nagari yang notabene sebagai pemilik hutan adat (tanah ulayat) pada wilayah-wilayah yang dimanfaatkan tersebut. Fakta Pluralisme Hukum Bila dilihat lebih dalam, fenomena yang terjadi seputar konflik tanah ulayat diatas tidak bisa dilepaskan dari politik hukum negara yang menganut sentralisme hukum negara. Sentralisme hukum menuntut kepatuhan mutlak warga negara pada hukum negara sebagai satu-satunya hukum yang diakui, sedangkan hukum lain yang hidup di masyarakat (the living law) seperti hukum adat dianggap bukanlah hukum. Faktanya, hukum adat berlaku efektif di Sumatera Barat. Hukum adat memaksa setiap anggota masyarakat nagari untuk tunduk melalui penerapan sanksi adat dan mekanisme penyeleasaian sengketa adat.
Penguasaan Tanah oleh Negara Perspektif Hukum Positif dan Hukum Islam
Al-Mazaahib: Jurnal Perbandingan Hukum
The government, as the administrator of the state, is obligated to fulfill the welfare of the broader society. To fulfill this task, the state has rights and obligations regarding land management within its territory. In practice, there are many lands that are not managed by their owners (citizens). Can the state take over the ownership of those lands for the purpose of promoting the welfare of the wider society? This article seeks to answer how the law allows the state to take ownership of lands based on the perspective of the Basic Agrarian Law (UUPA) and Islamic Land Law. This article is a literature review based on the study and analysis of available legal sources in the form of written materials such as books, journals, and legislative documents. The article adopts a statutory approach to understand and interpret the applicable legal regulations. The findings of this article suggest that both the state law stated in UUPA and Islamic law based on the opinions of scholars grant t...
Politik Hukum Agraria Pada Tanah Ulayat
Jurnal Aktual Justice, 2019
The responsive character of Law Number 5 of 1960 concerning Basic Regulations on the Principles of Agrarian Law is reflected in the norms contained in Article 5. The politics of agrarian law on customary land also refers to Article 18B paragraph (2) of the 1945 Constitution which emphasizes: "The state recognizes and respect indigenous peoples and their traditional rights as long as they are still alive and in accordance with the development of society and the principles of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia as regulated in law ". The above constitutional guarantees can then be traced in the UUPA, particularly in Article 5 of the UUPA which states that national agrarian law is based on customary law. This means that the legal strength of land rights for customary communities is highly guaranteed in Indonesia's positive law. That the control of ulayat / customary land is not regulated in writing but it is felt in the mind of each member of the customary law ...
Akulturasi Hukum Adat Baduy Dengan Hukum Positif Indonesia
Rechtsregel : Jurnal Ilmu Hukum, 2020
The Baduy tribe is one of the indigenous tribes that live in Indonesia. When compared to other indigenous tribes in Indonesia, the Baduy tribe is located closest to the capital city of the country. This is special to describe, how Baduy maintains its customs and customary laws in the midst of the influence of technological advances and the development of positive Indonesian law which is especially because of its geographical location not far from the metropolitan city, namely Jakarta and its surroundings. Then the purpose of this research is also to reveal how the Baduy people are bound or bind themselves to customary laws which among or some of them can be said to be inconflict with human rights law, such as the prohibition of formal education, prohibition of technological activities, prohibition of building proper community facilities according to their abilities. age, and other special rules that are not as free as the outside Baduy community in general. The patterns of behavior ...
Pola Hubungan Hukum Dalam Pemanfaatan Tanah Ulayat DI Sumatera Barat
Jurnal Mimbar Hukum Fakultas Hukum Universitas Gadjah Mada, 2015
Communal land is the identity of indigenous communities whose existence is protected by the Constitution. Customary land is not only used for the purposes of indigenous peoples, but also exploited by the outsiders. This study examines how the pattern of the legal relationship between the indigenous people and to outsiders by using socio-legal research. This study was conducted in West Sumatera by limiting the study to the four natural resource sectors, namely plantations, water resources, mining and forestry. The results of this study indicate that the legal relationships that are not obvious to trigger disputes between indigenous people and outsiders.
Muhammadiyah Dan Adat Tanah Ulayat Minangkabau
JURIS (Jurnal Ilmiah Syariah), 2016
Minangkaubaunese has believed the importance of land for centuries. Rules concerning with land within the life of Minangkabaunese traditionally can be said to be genuine community. Lands, as they believe, is basically a symbol of their own identity which is called ulayat. Furthermore, land is one of the institutional elements of matrilineal system which determines individual and communal integrity, and original and migrant residents to base any decision dealing with succeeding the right of particular region. According to rules, land are not to be sold or used for as a warranty the purpose of making loans. The influence of Muhammdiyah toward Minangkabau has colored the pattern and offered new model of the management of ulayat from succeeding communal to organizational communal by keeping the tradition concerning with the status of waqf and prohibition to be sold and diminished. All land assets, therefore, are in the control of business division of Muhammadiyah.