The Situation and Role of Rural Resources in the Economy of Hódmez İvásárhely Micro-Region (original) (raw)

The presentation is about the examination of settle ment functions in the Hódmez ıvásárhely micro-region. During the hierarchy-examination – applying the socalled inventory method – I considered the provisio n of urban – or in some cases village – institutions, th eir presence, their quantitative data, regarding ea ch settlement. It can be concluded from the result of the examination that Hódmez ıvásárhely provides all the examined functions, while the other town of the mic ro-region, Mindszent has only the half of them. For the villages of the micro-region – Mártély and Székkuta s – the bigger part of the services is available in the towns, since their institutional provision is at lo w level and it is not numerous enough, as well. ÖSSZEFOGLALÓ – A Hódmezıvásárhelyi kistérség településeinek funkcióvizsgála t az intézményi ellátottság tükrében Az elıadás a Hódmez ıvásárhelyi kistérség települései által ellátott sze repkörök vizsgálatával foglalkozik. A hierarchia-vizsgálat során – a...

Tolna is one of the most varied and controversial counties in Hungary. Evaluations of the country are highly contrastive. The duality of poverty and economic power, backwardness and a rich cultural heritage, easily accessible, pleasant settlements as well as increasing migration, availability of resources and favourable local conditions versus a lack of their utilisation are all characteristic features of Tolna. Assessing all the above dual conditions, the aim of our study is to form a realistic picture of the state of regional and settlement development in Tolna County. Based on processing considerable existing data and our own empirical research supported by statistical G.I.S. and other methods, the assessment is to promote Tolna’s awareness of its potentials, also to demonstrate the county’s features with scientific standards. The study was funded by the Regional Development Council of Southern Transdanubia. Special thanks for their support to József Tóth, Rector of the University of Pécs, and Tamás Koltai, Chairman of the General Assembly of County Tolna. We are also grateful to everyone from whom we received helpduring the course of the research. There are a great many names to be listed here, so rather than missing somebody out – Thanks everybody!

It is well known that due to its high temperature gradient the Pannonian basin is a favourable area for geothermal energy production. This natural resource is further enhanced by another advantage of the area ; knowledge and experience resulting from decades long geological, hydrogeological and hydrocarbon exploration. This knowledge has special importance as existence of subsurface resources is necessary, but not sufficient condition for providing sustainable energy for the population. This subsurface resource will only convert to useable energy source following adequately planned and executed exploration and exploitation program. Planning and execution starts with understanding and detailed mapping of subsurface startigraphy, hydrogeology and tectonics. As a first step areas with significant potential for geothermal energy utilization can be selected based on the results of geological and geophysical investigations. Selection of the most suitable technology on the other hand depen...

The European Union has recognized the enormous potential for the development in the field of energy efficiency and renewable energy sources. The EU 2020 and EU2030 goals (the increase of renewable energy share to at least of 27 % of the EU's energy consumption) and the Roadmap 2050 defined ambitious EU goals with respect to the increase of renewable energy use ; however, they did not define a common policy for the member states. EU27/28 defined their own contributions and tools for supporting RES development. According to the EU energy statistics (European commission, 2017), the share of renewable energy sources in final energy consumption at the end of 2015 was 29% in Croatia and 14.5% in Hungary, respectively. The national target accounting for RES in 2020 is set to 20% for Croatia and 13.0% for Hungary, respectively. Although Croatia and Hungary are RES overachieving country, it needs to be emphasized that the majority of RES in Croatia comes from conventional hydro power pla...

Abstract. The emergence of the software industry in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) and the uneven spatial distribution of the software industry in Poland needs an in-depth explanation. Five main factors have been identified behind the emergence of foreign software companies in CEE: cost-related reasons, accessibility to highly skilled graduates, the return migration of ex-pats, the cultural milieu of some cities and proximity to customers.