Cyber Vaticinations: A Systematic Review of Schoolchildren's Activities in the Cyberspace in Thirty Years' Time (original) (raw)



Cyber space has a decisive role in setting the trends and tremors of the hour. The exposure of highly combustive mix of contents to kids and youngsters will bring about key changes in their lives. Social media should be benefitted for its constructive and finer aspects. Unless parents could act as safety valves before the floodgates of uncertainty and anarchy in identity, pleasure, pain and relationship their young ones would be trapped. The paper tries to inculcate the Cyber Natives and their parents about the gravity of proper usage of New Media.

concern and challenges of cyber space for children

Children encountered online risk also found to have signs of distress, are also spread across risk types .They experience upset, regret, addictive symptoms, isolation from families, social life, poor academic performance, reluctance to tell adults, adoption of aggressive behaviour, experimentation of sex, helplessness on not able to approach any one to get proper guidance. They also lack information on cyber safety and risk. There are many limitations in the existing laws to ensure the safety of children. This need to be addressed urgently. Children should be considered as the centre of children’s problems. Space need to be created for children on virtual space and in the physical world where children can feel safe and secure.- A free zone where they can fearlessly approach professionals for guidance and treatment. Moreover ensuring their rights-to express, and get sufficient education on sexuality and other risks on internet exposure, and their responsibilities. Both children, teachers, parents need to be sensitized on the risk on Internet.

The Internet and Children The Internet and Children. A look at online risks among adolescents


Abstract: Internet, smartphone and social networks are a crucial part of daily life for children. Today these new "social machines" represent the main pathway to knowledge and relationships. While not underestimating the growth-fostering aspects offered by these new social machines, our study here focuses on the risk factors inherent in the very dimension of knowledge and relationship characterizing them. In this new, fast-evolving context, the risks need to be monitored. Research based on a sample of 1700 adolescent between the ages of 14 and 19 years, residing in northeastern Italy, has enabled us to update and clarify online risks, offering the possibility to elaborate indications useful to the adults and policy-makers involved. Keywords: Internet; Social Media; Adolescent; Risk. _______________________________________________________ 1 The study "Young People and Cross-mediality" was carried out with the financial support of CoReCom Veneto, a public Regional ...

Adolescents' Activity in the Online Space

27th Multimedia in Education Online Conference Proceedings, 2021

One of the defining features of our time is the rapid integration of ICT in the economy and education. Today, most social interactions are transferred to the virtual environment, so the Internet is not only a mean of exchanging information, but a medium of joint life-activity, even coexistence. At the same time, the risk of negative consequences due to the uncontrolled use of Internet resources by teenagers has increased. The purpose of this research is to identify the characteristics of the perception of Internet risks by teachers in Russia and Hungary. The research was based on the theory of social representations and the eco-psychological approach to subject-environment interaction. The questionnaire survey was conducted during the implementation of international projects (Erasmus 2016l-HU0l-KAl07-022685) and it involved a total of 361 teachers, psychologists, and specialists in social work (143 from Hungary and 218 from Russia). The reported study was funded by RFBR, project number 19-29-14067 MK.

Towards a natural history of internet use? Working to overcome the implications for research of the child-adult divide. Paper presented at the

Using a metaphor borrowed from the biological sciences, this paper discusses a 'natural history' of Internet use. As 'digital natives' many of today's teenagers and young people have grown up and matured interacting with the Internet from an early age. Research about young people's Internet use tends, however, to focus on the protection of minors. Young people, 16 years or older, are often excluded from noncommercial research about how young people grow into more mature patterns of Internet use. This paper highlights how parents with teenagers are building dynamic models of their children's engagement with the Internet as they mature. Parents reported changes in the level of their children's Internet use as they age and they envisage further changes as their children mature. We also identify the variety of ways in which parents support their children's developing Internet skills that anticipate and respond to Internet risks and excessive Internet use.

Futures of Iranian Children and Teenagers Engagement in Cyberspace


This study seeks to identify and describe believable and probable scenarios about the future engagement of children in cyberspace from the perspective of futures studies. Children's and adolescents' access to the Internet and network-based technologies is becoming increasingly prevalent. So explaining the key factors and uncertainties affecting this phenomenon requires a comprehensive insight into current and emerging trends and the change drivers. For this purpose, after reviewing several useful technological and social trends, using scenariobased planning methodology, questionnaire tools and expert panel, 28 effective factors, ten key factors, and five driver forces (with uncertainty) were identified. Then, structural analysis and scenario logic explanations have been performed by Micmac, Scenario wizards, and cross-impact matrix analysis. Accordingly, the four scenarios of "salmon in the pool", "salmon in the river", "guppy in the tank", and "goldfish in the pond" have been identified and narrated for the future of Iranian children's engagement in cyberspace. The findings of this study provide a more comprehensive understanding of believable futures while emphasizing the importance of engaging and addressing the interests of audiences and the needs of stakeholders in designing relevant strategies and broadening the horizons of decision-makers toward future alternatives.