Demonstrative simulations of L-PEACH: a computer-based model to understand how peach trees grow (original) (raw)
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L-PEACH: A computer-based model to understand how peach trees grow
L-PEACH is a computer-based model that simulates the growth of peach [Prunus persica (L.) Batsch] trees. The model integrates important concepts related to carbon assimilation, distribution, and use in peach trees. It also includes modeling of the responses to horticultural practices such as tree pruning and fruit thinning. While running L-PEACH, three-dimensional (3D) depictions of simulated growing trees can be displayed on the computer screen and the user can easily interact with the model. Quantitative data generated during a simulation can be saved to a file or printed for visualization and analysis. L-PEACH is a powerful tool for understanding how peach trees function in the field environment, and it can be used as an innovative method for dissemination of knowledge related with carbohydrate assimilation and partitioning. In this study, we describe the version of L-PEACH that runs on a daily time-step (L-PEACH-d) and how users can run the model and interact with it. To demonstrate how L-PEACH-d works, different pruning and fruit thinning strategies were analyzed. Regarding pruning, model outputs showed 3D depictions of unpruned trees and pruned trees trained to a perpendicular V system. For the fruit thinning studies, we simulated different intensities and dates of fruit thinning in mature peach trees. Total simulated yield increased with crop load but the opposite was observed for average fruit weight. An optimal balance between simulated total yield and average fruit weight was obtained by leaving 150 fruit per tree. Simulating different dates of fruit thinning indicated that fruit weight at harvest was higher on earlier compared with later-thinned trees. The model indicates that fruit thinning should be therefore carried out early in the season to maximize fruit size. The simulation results demonstrate that L-PEACH-d can be used as an educational tool and facilitate the adoption of suitable cultural practices for efficient production.
PEACH: A simulation model of reproductive and vegetative growth in peach trees
Tree Physiology, 1994
The hypothesis that carbohydrate partitioning is driven by competition among individual plant organs, based on each organ's growth potential, was used to develop a simulation model of the carbon supply and demand for reproductive and vegetative growth in peach trees. In the model, photosynthetic carbon assimilation is simulated using daily minimum and maximum temperature and solar radiation as inputs. Carbohydrate is first partitioned to maintenance respiration, then to leaves, fruits, stems and branches, then to the trunk. Root activity is supported by residual carbohydrate after aboveground growth. Verification of the model was carried out with field data from trees that were thinned at different times. In general, the model predictions corresponded to field data for fruit and vegetative growth. The model predicted that resource availability limited fruit and stem growth during two periods of fruit growth, periods that had been identified in earlier experimental studies as resource-limited growth periods. The model also predicted that there were two periods of high carbohydrate availability for root activity. The fit between model predictions and field data supports the initial hypothesis that plants function as collections of semiautonomous, interacting organs that compete for resources based on their growth potentials.
New Phytologist, 2005
Functional−structural plant models simulate the development of plant structure, taking into account plant physiology and environmental factors. The L−PEACH model is based on the development of peach trees. It demonstrates the usefulness of L−systems in constructing functional−structural models. ♦ L−PEACH uses L−systems both to simulate the development of tree structure and to solve differential equations for carbohydrate flow and allocation. New L−system−based algorithms are devised for simulating the behavior of dynamically changing structures made of hundreds of interacting, time−varying, nonlinear components.
Functional Plant …, 2008
L-PEACH is an L-system-based functional-structural model for simulating architectural growth and carbohydrate partitioning among individual organs in peach (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch) trees. The original model provided a prototype for how tree architecture and carbon economy could be integrated, but did not simulate peach tree architecture realistically. Moreover, evaluation of the functional characteristics of the individual organs and the whole tree remained a largely open issue. In the present study, we incorporated Markovian models into L-PEACH to improve the architecture of the simulated trees. The model was also calibrated to grams of carbohydrate, and tools for systematically displaying quantitative outputs and evaluating the behaviour of the model were developed. The use of the Markovian model concept to model tree architecture in L-PEACH reproduced tree behaviour and responses to management practices visually similar to trees in commercial orchards. The new architectural model along with several improvements in the carbohydratepartitioning algorithms derived from the model evaluation significantly improved the results related to carbon allocation, such as organ growth, carbohydrate assimilation, reserve dynamics and maintenance respiration. The model results are now consistent within the modelled tree structure and are in general agreement with observations of peach trees growing under field conditions.
Fruit tree crop models: an update
Tree Physiology, 2021
Functional structural plant models of tree crops are useful tools that were introduced more than two decades ago. They can represent the growth and development of a plant through the in silico simulation of the 3D architecture in connection with physiological processes. In tree crops, physiological processes such as photosynthesis, carbon allocation and growth are usually integrated into these models, although other functions such as water and nutrient uptake are often disregarded. The implementation of the 3D architecture involves different techniques such as L-system frameworks, pipe model concepts and Markovian models to simulate branching processes, bud fates and elongation of stems based on the production of metamers. The simulation of root architecture is still a challenge for researchers due to a limited amount of information and experimental issues in dealing with roots, because root development is not based on the production of metamers. This review aims to focus on functional-structural models of fruit tree crops, highlighting their physiological components. The potential and limits of these tools are reviewed to point out the topics that still need more attention.
Agricultural Water Management, 2013
Low water availability has increased the use of regulated deficit irrigation strategies in fruit orchards. However, these water restrictions may have implications on fruit growth and quality. The current paper assesses the suitability of an existing fruit tree model (QualiTree) for describing the effects of water stress on peach fruit growth and quality. The model was parameterised and calibrated for a mid-late maturing peach cultivar ('Catherine'). Mean and variability over time of fruit and vegetative growth were consistent with observed data on trees submitted to full irrigation or to regulated deficit irrigation. The relative root mean square errors of the model for growth ranged between 0.09 and 0.31.
A carbon balance model of peach tree growth and development for studying the pruning response
Tree Physiology, 1998
We modeled tree responses to pruning on the basis of growth rules established on unpruned trees and a simple principle governing root--shoot interactions. The model, which integrates architectural and ecophysiological approaches, distinguishes four types of anatomical organs in a tree: rootstock, main axis, secondary axes and new roots. Tree structure is described by the position of secondary axes on the main axis. The main processes considered are plastochronal activity, branching, assimilate production, respiration and assimilate partitioning. Growth and development rules were based on measurements of two unpruned trees. The model was used to simulate growth of peach trees (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch) in their first growing season. Assuming that the equilibrium between roots and shoots tends to be restored after pruning, the response to removal of the main axis above the twentieth internode in mid-July was simulated and compared to the response measured in three pruned trees. The model fit the unpruned tree data reasonably well and predicted the main traits of tree behavior after pruning. Dry matter growth of the secondary axes of pruned trees was increased so that shoot seasonal carbon balance was hardly modified by pruning. Rhythmicity of growth was enhanced by pruning, and might result from variations induced in the root:shoot ratio. Variation in pruning severity had greater effects than variation in pruning date. A sensitivity analysis indicated that: (1) root--shoot partitioning was a critical process of the model; (2) tree growth was mainly dependent on assimilate availability; and (3) tree shape was highly dependent on the branching process.
Modeling Fruit Tree Architectural Growth, Source–Sink Interactions, and Physiology with L-PEACH
…, 2006
An enigma in the process of domestication of many of our common vegetables is what they looked like and the speed of the process at which they were transformed from the wild progenitors to the modern cultivars. Many vegetables were either domesticated in antiquity or introduced into Europe, often by trade with Africa, the Middle East, or the Americas. Based on genetic information, we often know or can deduce center of origin and the progenitor species of our common vegetables, but we do not have a record of their early history once introduced into Europe. One window to the process of domestication of vegetables is still life art from the Renaissance period. The emphasis of the art form "natura morta" emphasized realism, which allows us to, in some cases, identify species and market classes based on accurate morphological details.
One definition of horticulture is the art of cultivating garden plants and pruning is a horticultural practice that is traditionally approached as more of an art than a science. This is largely because of the complexity of tree growth and development and a lack of general understanding and appreciation about the processes involved in governing shoot and tree growth and development. However recent tree architectural studies have provided systematic analyses of the shoot growth and statistical and dynamic simulation models have been developed that predict tree development and responses to pruning based on scientific concepts. These concepts include apical dominance (and its subcomponents; correlative inhibition, apical control and shoot epinasty); prolepsis and syllepsis; preformation and neoformation; epicormic shoot formation and plastochron (leaf emergence rates). In this paper we will discuss how many of these concepts can be combined with hidden semi-Markov chain models of shoot bud fates and a simulation model of source-sink interactions in peach trees (L-PEACH) to understand and predict natural development of peach trees and their responses to pruning. The results of these modeling efforts help explain the architectural and physiological basis of several common, empirically-based pruning systems used in California. These concepts also provide an understanding of the limitations of relying primarily on the use of pruning to control size of trees growing on commonly used invigorating rootstocks. This research demonstrates how computer simulation modeling can be used to test and analyze interactions between environmental factors and management practices in determining patterns of tree growth and development.