Supernova-driven Turbulent Metal Mixing in High-redshift Galactic Disks: Metallicity Fluctuations in the Interstellar Medium and its Imprints on Metal-poor Stars in the Milky Way (original) (raw)
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Star formation and metallicity gradients in semi-analytic models of disc galaxy formation
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2013
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Galaxy evolution in cosmological simulations with outflows - II. Metallicities and gas fractions
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2011
We use cosmological hydrodynamic simulations to investigate how inflows, star formation and outflows govern the gaseous and metal content of galaxies within a hierarchical structure formation context. In our simulations, galaxy metallicities are established by a balance between inflows and outflows as governed by the mass outflow rate, implying that the mass-metallicity relation reflects how the outflow rate varies with stellar mass. Gas content, meanwhile, is set by a competition between inflow into and gas consumption within the interstellar medium, the latter being governed by the star formation law, while the former is impacted by both wind recycling and preventive feedback. Stochastic variations in the inflow rate move galaxies off the equilibrium mass-metallicity and mass-gas fraction relations in a manner correlated with the star formation rate, and the scatter is set by the timescale to re-equilibrate. The evolution of both relations from z = 3 → 0 is slow, as individual galaxies tend to evolve mostly along the relations. Gas fractions at a given stellar mass slowly decrease with time because the cosmic inflow rate diminishes faster than the consumption rate, while metallicities slowly increase as infalling gas becomes more enriched. Observations from z ∼ 3 → 0 are better matched by simulations employing momentum-driven wind scalings rather than constant wind speeds, but all models predict too low gas fractions at low masses and too high metallicities at high masses. All our models reproduce observed second-parameter trends of the mass-metallicity relation with the star formation rate and environment, indicating that these are a consequence of equilibrium and not feedback. Overall, the analytical framework of our equilibrium scenario broadly captures the relevant physics establishing the galaxy gas and metal content in simulations, which suggests that the cycle of baryonic inflows and outflows centrally governs the cosmic evolution of these properties in typical star-forming galaxies.
The metal enrichment of the intracluster medium in hierarchical galaxy formation models
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2005
We investigate the metal enrichment of the intracluster medium (ICM) in the framework of hierarchical models of galaxy formation. We calculate the formation and evolution of galaxies and clusters using a semi-analytical model which includes the effects of flows of gas and metals both into and out of galaxies. For the first time in a semi-analytical model, we calculate the production of both α and iron-peak elements based on theoretical models for the lifetimes and ejecta of type Ia and type II supernovae (SNe Ia and SNe II). It is essential to include the long lifetimes of the SNIa progenitors in order to correctly model the evolution of the iron-peak elements. We find that if all stars form with an IMF similar to that found in the solar neighbourhood, then the metallicities of O, Mg, Si and Fe in the ICM are predicted to be 2-3 times lower than observed values. In contrast, a model (also favoured on other grounds) in which stars formed in bursts triggered by galaxy mergers have a top-heavy IMF reproduces the observed ICM abundances of O, Mg, Si and Fe. The same model predicts ratios of ICM mass to total stellar luminosity in clusters which agree well with observations. According to our model, the bulk of the metals in clusters are produced by L * and brighter galaxies. We predict only mild evolution of [Fe/H] in the ICM with redshift out to z ∼ 1, consistent with the sparse data available on high-z clusters. By contrast, the [O/Fe] ratio is predicted to gradually decrease with time because of the delayed production of iron compared with oxygen. We find that, at a given redshift, the scatter in global metallicity for clusters of a given mass is quite small, even though the formation histories of individual clusters show wide variations. The observed diversity in ICM metallicities may thus result from the range in metallicity gradients induced by the scatter in the assembly histories of clusters of galaxies.
Atomic diffusion and mixing in old stars
Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2008
Context. Evolutionary trends in the surface abundances of heavier elements have recently been identified in the globular cluster NGC 6397 ([Fe/H] = −2), indicating the operation of atomic diffusion in these stars. Such trends constitute important constraints for the extent to which diffusion modifies the internal structure and surface abundances of solar-type, metal-poor stars. Aims. We perform an independent check of the reality and size of abundance variations within this metal-poor globular cluster. Methods. Observational data covering a large stellar sample, located between the cluster turn-off point and the base of the red giant branch, are homogeneously analysed. The spectroscopic data were obtained with the medium-high resolution spectrograph FLAMES/GIRAFFE on VLT-UT2 (R ∼ 27 000). We derive independent effective-temperature scales from profile fitting of Balmer lines and by applying colour-T eff calibrations to Strömgren uvby and broad-band BV I photometry. An automated spectral analysis code is used together with a grid of MARCS model atmospheres to derive stellar surface abundances of Mg, Ca, Ti, and Fe. Results. We identify systematically higher iron abundances for more evolved stars. The turn-off point stars are found to have 0.13 dex lower surface abundances of iron compared to the coolest, most evolved stars in our sample. There is a strong indication of a similar trend in magnesium, whereas calcium and titanium abundances are more homogeneous. Within reasonable error limits, the obtained abundance trends are in agreement with the predictions of stellar structure models including diffusive processes (sedimentation, levitation), if additional turbulent mixing below the outer convection zone is included.