The effect of occupational health and safety on the performance of employee of Tire Industry Indonesia (original) (raw)

Influence of Occupational Safety and Occupational Health On the Performance of Production Employees at AT PT. Musaya Kreasindo

The International Journal of Education Management and Sociology

This research is the result of a survey at PT Musaya Kreasindo which produces. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Occupational Safety and Health on Production Employee Performance at PT Musaya Kreasindo on 50 employees as a sample. The research method used is quantitative with associative techniques. The research objectives want about the influence between Occupational Safety on Employee Performance, the influence between Occupational Health on Employee Performance, and the influence between Occupational Safety and Health together on Employee Performance. The results showed that there was an influence between Occupational Safety and Occupational Health together on Employee Performance as indicated by the results of the multiple linear regression equation, namely Y' = 23.64 + 0.74 X1 + 0.26 X2. The results of this study are expected to contribute thoughts to PT Musaya Kreasindo to pay more attention to employee safety and health in order to improve employee ...

Effect Of Occupational Safety And Health On Performance An Empirical Investigation


Employees are important assets of the organization, so many things that need to be considered related to improving performance. An employee's performance will be in accordance with the wishes of the company if the quality of human resources is good. Good performance can also be supported by the presence of occupational safety and health guarantees from the company. The Implementation of the Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) system also influences employee performance. This study aims to determine the effect of Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) on the performance of midwives at the XYZ Islamic Hospital Fetomatenal Installation Riau Province, Indonesia. The results of analyze of primary data using SPSS Version 23, it can be concluded that the work safety variable has a significant effect on performance, knowing that occupational health variables have a significant effect on performance. In addition, it can be concluded that occupational safety and health variables together ...

The Effect of Occupational Safety and Health Management (K3) on Work Productivity of Employees

International Journal of Economics and Management Research

This study aims to determine the effect of the implementation of Occupational Health and Safety management (K3) on employee productivity at PG. Ngadirejo Kediri. To achieve this goal, this study uses quantitative research with a questionnaire as the main instrument in collecting data. To answer the hypothesis using multiple linear regression analysis. Based on tests conducted with multiple linear regression, it is evident that the variable level of occupational safety (X1) and the variable level of occupational health (X2) has a significant effect on employee productivity (Y) either partially or simultaneously. To reduce the risk of accidents such as fires, piles of mill residues containing flammable chemicals. That jam, PG. Ngadirejo Kediri should strive so that the remnants of the mill can be immediately utilized/sold.

Effect of the Implementation of Occupational Health, Safety, and Regulation on Employee's Performance of Contractor Companies in Jakarta\_Vol.8\_Issue.8\_Aug2021/IJRR-Abstract072.html, 2021

Performance of employees is the key for the success of the company. This study makes the calculation about how the implementation of occupational health, safety, and the regulation of the company will affect the employee's performance. This research use 74 respondents from many contractor company in Jakarta, and the analysis of the data use SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solutions) software. The result from this research found that the 3 variables independent can explain 63.2% from dependent variable (employee's performance), where variables occupational health and regulation have positive correlation with employee's performance with contribution of each variables 6.6% and 61.9% while variable safety has negative correlation with the dependent variable with contribution of-5.3%.

Contribution of Application of Occupational Safetyand Health to Mechanical Work Productivity


This study discusses the contribution of safety and health (K3) implementation to the productivity of mechanical work. The purpose of this study is to determine the amount of contribution of the application of aspects of occupational safety and health (K3) to the productivity of mechanical work. The type of this research is descriptive correlational research. The subject of this research is mechanical workshop PT. Astra International Daihatsu Padang, Main Service Station, Jeffri Motor, and Gun Auto Service, totaling 30 people. The study was conducted in three techniques, namely the collection of data using observation, instrument questionnaire dissemination, and documentation. Analysis of this research data using regression correlation technique. Regression correlation analysis was done with the help of computer program. The result of research data for K3 Application variables obtained average value 95, 53 standard deviation 5,117. While Productivity Work Mechanics obtained average ...

The Occupational Health and Safety Effect on Road Construction Worker Performance

Civil Engineering and Architecture, 2020

This study was designed to analyze the factors of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) implementation affecting the performance of road construction workers. The research employed a quantitative survey method by self-distributing questionnaires using simple random sampling to 50 road construction workers on a road-widening project, with a 99% response rate. The analysis based on the results of the questionnaire data through the validity test, reliability, and the multiple regressions testing: f-test and t-test of each statement item. Regarding the descriptive analysis test results, the most dominant among several elements of Work Safety variable statement was the appropriate use of work equipment, which was 81%. In contrast, the practical result of the Occupational Health variable was the first aid kits provided by companies, which was 82%. For the Worker Performance variable, the dominant result was the workers' attitude to conform to the rules leading to achieving work targets, which was 88%. Furthermore, according to the results of multiple regressions testing, it can be concluded that the implementation of occupational safety and health had a positive effect on employee performance. The findings show that the application of OHS in construction projects affects the performance of workers which ultimately also determines the achievement of the company's work targets.

Effect of Work Safety and Work Healthy Towards Employee's Productivity in PT. Sisirau Aceh Tamiang

Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal): Humanities and Social Sciences

This study aims to determine the effect of work safety and work healthy on employee productivity in the production department at PT. Sisirau Aceh Tamiang. This research is a type of quantitative research with a sample of 45 people. The data analysis method used is multiple linear regression analysis. Hypothesis testing is done through t test, F test, and the coefficient of determination (R2). Regression equation results obtained Y = 2.255 + 0.314X1 + 0.811X2 means that the constant value of 2.255 is the value of employee productivity before being influenced by work safety and health. The work safety regression coefficient is 0.314 and is positive, meaning that if work safety is increased the employee's work productivity will increase by 0.314 with a tcount> ttable (2.333> 1.68195) and significant (0.025 <0.05). The work health regression coefficient is 0.118 and is positive, meaning that if work health is improved the employee's work productivity will increase by 0...

Occupational Health Safety and Physical Work Environment Conditions on Employee Performance

Indonesian Journal of Social Research (IJSR), 2019

This study aims to determine the effect of occupational health safety programs and physical work conditions on the performance of production department employees at PT Bahagia Jaya Sejahtera. The population and sample amounted to 36 employees in the production section at PT Bahagia Jaya Sejahtera. Data collection through questionnaires and interviews. Instrument testing is done with validity and reliability. Analysis of research data includes multiple regression analysis, correlation and simultaneous and partial significance tests. Based on the results of multiple regression analysis the occupational health safety program and physical work environment conditions have a positive and significant effect on performance and the F test results state that simultaneous occupational health safety programs and physical work environment conditions affect employee performance. While the results of the test state that workload and work environment partially affect employee performance Increased ...

Analysis of the Implementation of Occupational Health Safety with Work Accidents in Industrial Workers in Companies in the West Java Region

Scientific Research Journal of Clinical and Medical Sciences, 2023

Introduction: Industrial companies in the West Java regiongrowing rapidly to the point of having strict work activities and still finding incidents of human error in the company works 1-2% which correlates with performance to minimize accidents Work through increasing the implementation of occupational health safety. Target: Analyzing the relationship between the implementation of occupational health safety and work accidents among industrial workers at companies in the West Java region. Research Method: Descriptive correlation research method with a cross sectional approach. The total sample was 125 workers with a sampling technique using random sampling. The instruments used were valid and reliable questionnaires including the occupational safety and health application questionnaire (Cronbach Alpha value 0.954) and the work accident questionnaire (Cronbach Alpha value 0.934). Univariate data analysis uses distribution frequency calculations and bivariate data analysis uses the Chi-Square test. Results: The results of the study showed that the majority (63.2%) of the implementation of occupational health safety among industrial workers in companies in the West Java region was good and the majority (57.6%) of industrial workers in companies in the West Java region were high, there were no incidents. work accident. There is a relationship between the implementation of occupational health safety (p-value 0.000) and work accidents among industrial workers at companies in the West Java region. Conclusion: Recommendations for Indonesian workers need to improve their personal competence through training or attending regular workshops on the implementation of occupational safety and health to minimize work accidents.

The influence of occupational health and safety on job satisfaction of permanent employees PT. Star Rubber, Kubu Raya Regency

Technium Business and Management, 2023

This study aims to determine whether occupational safety and health affect the job satisfaction of permanent employees at PT. Star Rubber, Kubu Raya Regency. The population in this study are all permanent employees at PT. Star Rubber Kubu Raya Regency as many as 131 people. Determining the number of samples using the slovin formula with a sample of 98 permanent employees using random sampling technique. The analytical method used in this research is validity test, reliability test, normality test, simple linear regression analysis, correlation coefficient, coefficient of determination and model feasibility test. Based on the results of simple linear regression, the equation Y = 3.855 + 0.465X is obtained. The simple correlation coefficient results show an R value of 0.611 meaning that the relationship between occupational safety and health has a strong relationship to job satisfaction. The coefficient of determination (R2) obtained is 0.374, meaning that job satisfaction is affected by occupational safety and health by 37.4% while the remaining 62.6% is influenced by other variables not examined in this study. The results of the model feasibility test obtained a significance value of 0.000 less than 0.05 meaning that the simple linear regression model is feasible to use to predict job satisfaction which is influenced by occupational safety and health at PT. Star Rubber, Kubu Raya Regency