Formal verification in hardware design (original) (raw)
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Introduction to Formal Hardware Verification
Formal hardware veri cation has recently attracted considerable interest. The need for \correct" designs in safety-critical applications, coupled with the major cost associated with products delivered late, are two of the main factors behind this. In addition, as the complexity o f t h e designs increase, an ever smaller percentage of the possible behaviors of the designs will be simulated. Hence, the con dence in the designs obtained by s i m ulation is rapidly diminishing. This paper provides an introduction to the topic by describing three of the main approaches to formal hardware veri cation: theorem-proving, model checking, and symbolic simulation. We outline the underlying theory behind each approach, we illustrate the approaches by applying them to simple examples, and we discuss their strengths and weaknesses. We conclude the paper by describing current on-going work on combining the approaches to achieve m ulti-level veri cation approaches.
Formal hardware verification methods: A survey
Formal Methods in System Design, 1992
Growing advances in VLSI technology have led to an increased level of complexity in current hardware systems. Late detection of design errors typically results in higher costs due to the associated time delay as well as loss of production. Thus it is important that hardware designs be free of errors. Formal verification has become an increasingly important technique towards establishing the correctness of hardware designs. In this article we survey the research that has been done in this area, with an emphasis on more recent trends. We present a classification framework for the various methods, based on the forms of the specification, the implementation, and the proof method. This framework enables us to better highlight the relationships and interactions between seemingly different approaches.
Using formal specifications for functional validation of hardware designs
Design & Test of Computers, IEEE, 2002
Formal specifications can help resolve both ambiguity issues and correctness problems in verifying complex hardware designs. This new methodology shows how specifications can also help design productivity by automating many procedures that are now done manually. Input sequences, output assertions, and a simulation coverage metric for the design under verification are all generated directly from the specification
A brief introduction to formal methods [hardware design]
Proceedings of Custom Integrated Circuits Conference
As hardware designs grow in size and complexity, current design methods are proving less adequate. Current methods for specification, design, and test are typically empirical or informal] that is, they are based on experience and argument. Formal methods are solidly based on mathematical logic systems and precise rules of inference. Formal methods offer a discipline which complements current methods so designers can successfully meet the demand for high performance systems. Formal methods covers a broad and diverse set of techniques aimed a t improving computer correctness. This paper explains the role of specifications and implementation models in formal methods, and different approaches to proving their correspondence. We refer to excellent overview papers and cite some recent successful examples of using formal methods in hardware design.
An industrially effective environment for formal hardware verification
… -Aided Design of …, 2005
We describe the Forte formal verification environment for datapath-dominated hardware, which has proved effective in large-scale industrial trials. Forte combines an efficient linear-time logic model checking algorithm, symbolic trajectory evaluation, with lightweight theorem proving in higher-order logic. These are tightly integrated in a general-purpose functional programming language, which both allows the system to be easily customized and also serves as a specification language. We also describe the design philosophy behind Forte and elements of the verification methodology that make it effective in practice.
A unified approach for combining different formalisms for hardware verification
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1996
Model Checking as the predominant technique for automatically verifying circuits su ers from the well-known state explosion problem. This hinders the veri cation of circuits which contain non-trivial data paths. Recently, it has been shown that for those circuits it may be useful to separate the control and data part prior to veri cation. This paper is also based on this idea and presents an approach for combining various proof approaches like model checking and theorem proving in a unifying framework. In contrast to other approaches, special proof procedures are available to verify circuits with data sensitive controllers, where a bidirectional signal ow between controller and data path can be found. Generic circuits can be veri ed by induction or by model checking nite instantiations. By giving the system`proof hints', also the veri cation e ort for model checking based proofs can be considerably reduced in many cases. The paper presents an introduction to the di erent proof strategies as well as an algorithm for their combination. The underlying C@S system also allows the e ciency evaluation of di erent approaches to verify the same circuits. This is shown in di erent case studies, demonstrating the tradeo between interaction and veri able circuit size.
Formal specification in VHDL for hardware verification
In this paper, we enrich VHDL with new specification constructs intended for hardware verification. Using our extensions, total correctness properties may now be stated whereas only partial correctness can be expressed using the standard VHDL assert statement. All relevant properties can now be specified in such a way that the designer does not need to use formalisms like temporal logics. As the specifications are independent from a certain formalism, there is no restriction to a certain hardware verification approach.