Environmental Impact of Renewable Energy Sources: Wind and Solar (original) (raw)
There are several sources of renewable energy such as tidal, wave, wind, hydro-electric, geothermal,ocean thermal conversion (OTEC), solar and biofuels. All the renewable energy sources have receivedincreasing attention in such a way that they do not have a fuel cycle in which they are regarded asenvironmentally more favourable. Renewable energy sources introduce environmental impacts of theirown in many ways. The wind and solar energies have the potential to reduce grievous environmentalimpacts caused by conventional energy sources. This study considered positive and negativeenvironmental impacts of wind and solar energies. Wind and solar energies do not generate atmosphericcontaminants. The study provides ways to understand which one of these renewable energy sources havethe highest adverse environmental effects due to their facilities. Conclusively, wind energy facilitieshave adverse environmental impacts which include aesthetic and other impacts on humans and effectson ecosystem...
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