A Study on Customer Satisfaction of Mobile Phone Service Users Operating in the Malwa Region of the Punjab

Abac Journal, 2013

The Indian telecom sector like any other industrial sector in the country has gone through many phases of growth and diversification. Starting from telegraphic services, the field of telecommunication has now expanded to make use of technologies like Global System of Mobile Communication (GSM), Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) and Wireless in Local Loop (WLL) to 3G in the mobile phones. The research focuses on Customer Satisfaction of Mobile Phone Service Users Operating in the Malwa Region of the Punjab. In this study the opinions of 75 respondents were taken. The tools used for collecting the data were structured questionnaire and unstructured interview. For analysis purposes, Cronbach's Alpha, Weighted Average, Ranking, Chi Square and the Percentage method have been used. The results revealed that most of the respondents were satisfied with their current service provider but still twenty percent respondent's want to shift their service provider show maximum willingness for shifting to Airtel. Call Charges was the main reason of changing the service provider, with a weighed score of 3.53, followed by Poor Network and Poor Customer Care Service, having weighted scores of 3.21 and 2.20 respectively.


Anthony Rahul Golden S, 2016

In this modern IT era, there is a rapid growth and innovation witnessed in the mobile industry. The communication field has greatly transformed. The traditional use of mobile phone is text messaging and calling. It has bridged a gap in distance communication. With the advancement of new technology, the way of communication is also changed. In ancient days, pigeons were used as means of communication. Later, written messages were sent through letters by post. As the time passed, telephone came into existence and today is the era of wireless communication which gives rise to mobile phones 1. Mobiles are the latest invention and common way of communication. Nowadays , continuing innovation in the mobile communication industry, such as mobile Internet and social networking applications such as Twitter, Face book, whatsapp etc have further had a measurable impact in the communication field 2. The Mobile communication has become a force to reckon with in personal communication. Statement of the Problem: Mobile Communication is the part and parcel of economic life. Communication has traditionally been in the forefront of harnessing technology to communicate effectively. It has been using through wireless and latest technological communication networks for delivering a wide range of value added products and services (VAS) for a longer time. The most important factor for the economic development of a nation is its development in the infrastructure, which ultimately depends on the development in communication, transport and electricity. In communication system, there are so many modes are available. Among the various modes of communication, mobile communication plays a vital role in offering various communication services for the urban as well as rural area 3. Apart from that, the survival of the mobile communication scheme in future depends on the ultimate satisfaction of the subscribers. This has led to following research questions,  Has the mobile communication given satisfaction to the subscribers?  What is the effective impact of communication on personal, demographic and rational variables on subscribers' satisfaction?  What are the problems affecting subscribers' satisfaction?  What is the level of subscriber satisfaction? The problems can be better answered and suitable policies and strategies can be formulated, when a research has been conducted on these aspects. It has led to a Ewan, (2012), Has Apple put mobile innovation back at least 10 years,

A Study of Consumer Behaviour on Selecting Mobile Services with Special Reference to the Jabalpur City

In the present scenario of information explosion, the role of media & advertisements play a major role to changing the perception of consumer about the brands & services. The telecommunications is playing a very important role in our economy. This study helps to know the behaviour of the consumer about the mobile operators. This study also helps to know the relationship between consumers satisfaction, consumer retention & consumer loyalty towards the mobile services with special reference to Jabalpur City. This research study also helps to know the reason for the dissatisfaction of the consumer. The sample size of the study is 200 consumers it will taken by using the simple random sampling technique. A structured questionnaire approach to be adopted for the data collection with the help of likert 5 scale model. Both the primary and secondary data explored. The various statistical tools & techniques use for the analysis of data, most of the findings derived from analyzing the collected data which have been summarized in the conclusion and managerial implications.


Telecom is one of the fastest-growing industries in India and as the second largest market in the world. The BSNL is one pioneer and the largest segment in the telecom industry. Customer perception is the primary goal of every business organization. As the rapid changing business scenario for the entire transaction activities begins and ends with the customer. This study aims to focus that to identify the perception level of the customers on BSNL mobile service provider. So, it is very essential for the service provider to understand the influence of various Demographic variables that influence the perception and satisfaction level to win the hearts of the customers. For the purpose, a survey based descriptive research design adopted to conduct for this study in Bhavani Town. The Simple Random Sampling Method is used to collect data and to be collected from 91 sample respondents through a structured questionnaire. The data has classified and analyzed using percentage analysis, cross tabulation and chi-square analysis. The study find that demographic perception of the respondents were identified their choosing in the mobile service provider. The demographic factor does not influence the perception of the respondents in the BSNL mobile service provider. The study concludes that the service provided by BSNL is at the satisfactory level to the respondents. BSNL should focus on the promotional measures competitive to the private sector service providers, to enhance their service activity for the satisfaction of the customers.


Mobile phones have become a necessity in human life. This is due to technological advances that allow people to communicate with each other anywhere and at any time. Mobile phone communication is a piece of equipment for the valuable use of people. The service providers are facing challenges, not only from the competitors, but also from their customers. The customer?s expectations and facts of the mobile phone service are also growing at the other hand. In this research article to assess the customers loyalty towards mobile phone services with appropriate statistical techniques.

Measuring Customer Satisfaction of Mobile Phone Users: A Comparative Study between Grameen Phone and Teletalk Based on Khulna City, Bangladesh

European Journal of Business and Management, 2011

The present study is basically an attempt to examine the customer satisfaction toward the existing attributes of Grameen phone and Teletalk based on Fishbein's Multi-Atribute Attitude Model. Twenty factors have been considered for justifying the result of this study. The research is based on the primary data. 200 respondents have been selected randomly from different areas of Khulna City in Bangladesh. In this study, the hypotheses were developed in the light of objectives of this study, where, H0 = there is no difference between mean of each attribute of Grameen phone and Teletalk, and H1 = there is difference between mean of each attribute of Grameen phone and Teletalk,. It has found that overall customer attitude toward Grameen Phone is 166.1923, whereas Teletalk is 78.939. In most of the cases (17 out of 20), customers show positive attitude towards Grameen Phone than that of Teletalk.


International Journal on Customer Relations, 2018

Mobile phones have become a part of our daily life. India has the second-largest telecom network in the world. Mobile based Internet is a key component of Indian Internet usage, with seven out of eight users accessing Internet from their mobile phones. In present scenario, it has become very important to analyse the dynamics of consumer behaviour in the telecom industry, as the industry has got ample opportunity to grow in near future also. This analysis may be vital for different companies, in order to improve and modify their existing marketing model. This study aims to gain knowledge about key factors that influence consumer behaviour in telecommunication sector. Keeping this in mind, the paper aims to study whether the mobile phone consumers are price conscious or rendered for good network & service. In this study, we have conducted our survey from retail outlets to common consumers within various age groups as well as various income groups in Asansol-Durgapur industrial region (a selective industrial area) of West Bengal. The survey period was from July 2015 to December 2015 (six months). The intention of our research is to know how the Indian telecom network & service providing companies satisfy the consumers and also to get a clear idea about the satisfaction levels, trends and what modification/improvement they would like to bring in their marketing strategy to fulfill Indian telecom consumers’ real demand.


Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, 2019

Telecommunication has been recognized world-over as an important tool for socioeconomic development of a nation and plays a phenomenal role in the growth and modernization of various sectors of the economy. Over the last few years, Indian telecom market has shown an overwhelming growth due to domestic demand, policy initiatives undertaken by the Government and admirable efforts by the players of the industry and in the process, has managed to emerge as one of the youngest and fastest growing economies in the world. Factors like regulatory liberalization, structural reforms and competition played a very important part in this rapid transformation. The fact that India is one of the world's fastest growing telecom markets in the world, has acted as the primary driver for foreign and domestic telecommunication companies investing into the sector. It is also recognized as one of the most lucrative markets globally, resulting in massive investments being made in the sector both by the private and Government sector in the last decade. The services of mobile phone have become the way of life today. There are various mobile phone service providers operating in India. The present study focuses on the level of satisfaction of the consumers and the problems faced by them in the usage of mobile phone services in Erode City.

Consumer Behaviour Towards Mobile Service Providers

India is the largest democracy in the world. Ever since Indian economy underwent series of reforms from 1991, there have been progressive steps of Information Technology and Telecom Sector. So the consumer behavior is gaining importance now days for corporate manager. They consider all the aspect of consumer behavior while formulating the marketing strategies. Satisfaction reflects person judgments of a product perceived performance in relationship with expectations. Information Technology has changed the present socio economic environment enormously. The expanded horizon of telecommunications has led to the substantial increase in mobile services. The present study assesses the consumer's awareness and attitude towards different mobile service providers' on the basis of services and facilities in Bhubaneswar city which is a challenge and opportunity for the service provider also. The paper aims at studying the consumer satisfaction and its future impact on socioeconomic changes.

Analysis of Perceptions of Customers of Cellular Phone Users in India: Study with Prepaid Service Customers and Post Paid Customers Demographic Factors

Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, 2014

The primary objective of the study is to find out and analyze the customer perceptions on cellular phone services in India. Cellular phones are become the part of the life and the various barriers in the obtaining and usage of cellular services are lack of awareness, cost factor, perceptions of the customers on cellular phones etc. In addition the service quality, customer care, market competition brings lot of instability and reliability of the services. In turn it makes further confusion among the users. It paves an opportunity of providing limited services in the selective areas. It leads to a wide gap in the service quality and reliability between the urban and semi urban areas. It gives an opportunity to the researcher to survey on the facts and perceptions of the cellular phone users to find out the real situation and to suggest appropriate suggestions to overcome the issues in the market expansion and to improve the service quality of the cellular phone services in the sample area. To do this, the researcher selects a comparative approach. The data is collected by preparing a structured questionnaire and collected from the cellular phone users in the sample area. The study centered, in comparing the customers perceptions towards cellular phone services provided by the different operators in the states of India. The customers are from both urban and semi-urban places of India. In addition, customers were also classified on the basis of the type of services usage (i.e., post paid or pre paid). The basic parameters used for the purpose of comparing their perceptions are purpose of usage. The study has taken the demographic factors of respondents for analysis.