Contextual Based E-learning (CBE): A New Model for Online Teaching in Public Health Department for Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic (original) (raw)
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Analysis of the Implementation of Online Learning During Covid-19
International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding, 2021
The Covid-19 pandemic in the world of education in Indonesia has had a considerable impact. The covid-19 pandemic, it has prompted the government to issue policies regarding the implementation of learning that must be carried out online or remotely. This research aims to analyze the implementation of online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research methodology is a descriptive research with a qualitative approach. Respondents in this research were 23 respondents who were taken by the total sampling technique. The data analysis technique used the Miles and Huberman Model analysis technique. The research results are as follows: 1). The implementation of online learning has been going quite well, 2). Students and educators already have the basic facilities needed, 3). Online learning has flexibility in its implementation starting from learning planning, implementing learning, and learning evaluation, 4). Students are required to be more independent and motivated in learning ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021
In this study using a contextual teaching and learning approach to STMIK Royal Kisaran students. Class sampling consisted of class SI-5C using the CTL approach and class SI-5F using CTL and e-learning as an experimental group, while the class SI-5D used a conventional approach as a control group. Using the pretest and posttest in the form of multiple choice as instruments in artificial intelligence lectures. From the results of the tests carried out there are significant differences in students who are taught using the CTL and E-learning approaches and conventional approaches. Taking approaches of CTL and CTL & E-Learning to students is more effective than conventional ones. However, CTL is better than using the approach of CTL & E-Learning.
Development of E-Modules Based on Learning Style to Facilitate Study during Pandemic
2022 13th International Conference on E-Education, E-Business, E-Management, and E-Learning (IC4E), 2022
During pandemic covid-19, the government has been implemented distance learning. Distance learning is carried out using technology assistance. The teacher must package the learning to be more attractive and recognize the student's character. One of strategy from the teacher is that provide the teaching material based on student learning style. So this research has the purpose of developing an e-module based on the student learning style to facilitate study during the pandemic. Types of this research are Research and Development (R&D) that use the 4D model. 4D models are defined, designed, developed, and disseminated. The participants are composed of 103 students of grade 8th to analyze types of learning style and 20 of grade 8 students to analyze student's responses toward e-module. The types of data in this study are qualitative and quantitative data—the Collecting data in this study uses a questionnaire by Google form to analyze learning style. Based on the research, the student tends to use auditory and kinesthetic learning, E-module gets 81% for validity test with excellent categorize. The average results for students' responses toward e-module are 87.68%, with excellent categorize that means the developed e-module is practical to use and facilitates the independent learning process.
Covid-19 has resulted in social activities limitation by the Indonesia government, one of which is related to teaching and learning activities in the university. The Sociology Department of the University of Indonesia took steps by replacing usual lectures to online lectures or E-learning. Unlike usual lectures, E-learning suddenly challenges students to change their study habits. According to that statement, the research question was "how was the adaptation strategy undertaken by the Sociology Department of the University of Indonesia related to the teaching and learning process during the COVID-19 pandemic?" Thus, the aim of research is to apply the adaptation strategies, according to Smith's (1986) concept regarding an action plan at a certain period of time, group or the whole human being as an effort in steps with inside and outside their capabilities. E-learning concept by Horton (2010) is all forms of information and computer technology in creating learning experiences (formulated, organized, and created through internet devices).This research uses quantitative methods. The results show that lectures with the E-learning system were not effective with a score of 2.84 within a 1-5 scale. The Obstacles show the difficulties in the understanding materials, unstable signals, unsupported devices, and psychological problems. The E-learning barriers strategies commonly taken to overcome the obstacles are to ask colleagues for help, to search for the references using google searching engine, and to get social support from colleagues and families. The University of Indonesia E-learning system has not worked effectively yet. For this reason, contextual solutions are still needed to develop teaching and learning systems in order to remain effective despite the challenges during Covid-19 pandemic.
Journal of Education Technology
The rapid growth of distance education within higher education has been encouraged particularly during school closure. This study was conducted within a consortium public university aiming to investigate the challenges faced upon the inclusion of e-learning approach during the Covid-19. This study is using a quantitative descriptive approach. One hundred and five (105) students registered in the undergraduate programs and thirty-seven (37) teaching staff of the public teaching colleges participated in this report, and the final number of participants was 142. Data were collected on a random basis and the results were analyzed using SPSS. Although this effort was made, a number of limitations was experienced, and showed by 62 (59%) of students that reported a financial crisis, 26.7% students and 8.1% facilitators with a limitation to connectivity, 37.1% students could not benefit e-tutorial practice whereas 13 (35.1 %) moderators could not be able to facilitate students remotely, the...
E-Learning in COVID-19 Situation: Students’ Perception
EduLine: Journal of Education and Learning Innovation
COVID-19 pandemic era has changed human life in the world. In education side, the learning process is forced to be carried out through full online (E-learning) since this pandemic era. There are many studies conducted on students’ perceptions of using E-learning to learn the English language while this challenges era. So, the researchers also want to conduct a study about it. The objective of this study was to investigate the students’ perceptions on the use of E-learning while COVID-19 pandemic era. Data were collected using a questionnaire that collected background information of participants and a five-point Likert scale to gauge the students’ perception use of the E-learning in EFL classroom while pandemic COVID-19 era. Findings from this research indicate that the most of students showed a negative perception toward to use E-learning in the EFL process. It was proved by the results of students’ perception. There is only 1 student who strongly agrees with the current e-learning ...
E-learning considers the best solution for continuing education during the COVID-19 pandemic, especially in tertiary education. The present study aims to analyze and the evaluation efficacy of learning in an e-learning system measures to improve the technical skills among dental and medical undergraduate students during Covid-19 outbreak. One thousand five-hundred students were assigned for this study and the answers for the given questionnaire were collected. The rate of response was 96.86% among respondents who use module and classroom tools, techniques, or platforms. The statistical model was applied to the analysis of the questionnaire. Principle component analysis techniques were used to determine the variables' efficacy on the E-learning model. The reliability of the associated components was measured using (Cronbach's α) test gives 0.801. The findings of this study that medical education skills have been slightly affected by the use of e-learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, the idea E-learning entails Familiarity with the technology; Usability, Learned skills, and Competency; Quick Responsiveness; Learning Quality of the learner; Time and Cost; Faster Learning; Information quality; and Knowledge sharing.
Implementation of Cipp Model for Online Learning Evaluation During COVID-19 Pandemic
Getsempena English Education Journal, 2021
This study aims to evaluate the (TESOL) English online learning in a private middle-school in Bantul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia using the Context, Input, Process, Product (CIPP) model of Stufflebeam. This qualitative research collected the data using observation, interview, and document analysis. The research results were be analyzed qualitatively by applying discourse analysis. The result of the study implied that in Context, the school had tensions on the students of grade seven and eight in achieving minimum accomplishment criteria and grade nine in acquiring the minimum graduation criteria. The Input indicated that the human resource, syllabus and essential material, and facilities were sufficiently available. The Process disclosed that the teachers had a different approach in virtual teaching. The Product showed the average score of the final semester test for grades seven and eight were under by the minimum accomplishment criteria but grade nine achieved the target.
E-Learning and Blended Learning as an Educational Solution for the Pandemic
The present research makes an exploratory investigation into what can be a feasible educational solution to the ongoing Covid-19 scenario which marks exclusion of physical proximity. In this absolute scenario of social distancing, the educational institutions have been compelled to look upon e-learning and blended learning as the future ahead. In view of this, this research paper illustrates categorically the two methods of learning as an education solution for educational institution globally. It has been found that the models of E-learning and blended learning are indeed a possible answer to alleviate the gaps on education. in this current situation. The two models of learning help push the ideal of distant learning as part of the educational solutions. Even the empirical evidences posit that the mode of online learning or E-learning helps increase the information of retention. Still, the problem on e-learning is that most of the schools lack the basic infrastructure on it. Arguab...
Educational Management of Online Learning in Pandemic Situation
Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan MH Thamrin
Online learning is an online or face-to-face learning system, using the internet network, with the help of media such as laptops, computers and smartphones. This Learning System is one of the learning options carried out during and after the Covid-19 pandemic. So that it becomes a concern for all of us, including student groups. One of the efforts to find out the effectiveness of online learning is by doing research. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effectiveness of implementing online learning for students. The method we use is descriptive method, namely using data collection techniques by surveying via Google form. The samples used in this study were 78 students. The results of this study indicate that online learning is quite effective, because there are still many obstacles faced so that learning is not in accordance with its achievements. The conclusion from this study is that in the future online learning must be improved with better and more varied learning media.