Cow??S Milk-Induced Allergic Colitis in School Aged Children (original) (raw)

[Asthma due to grain dust]

Pneumologie (Stuttgart, Germany), 2003

The actual literature as well as two case reports described in detail show that grain dust induces asthmatic reactions and ODTS which are obviously not of allergic origin. For diagnosis occupational-type exposure tests are decisive whereas allergological testing usually is not. Endotoxins which are present in the grain dust samples in high concentrations have to be regarded as the major causative components. To avoid irreversible lung function impairment a comprehensive early diagnosis is necessary. Generally, a remarkable reduction of exposure to dust with high levels of airborne endotoxin in agriculture has to be achieved since in many workplaces corresponding exposures are still rather high.

Association between exposure to Neospora caninum and milk production in dairy cows

Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 2001

Objective—To determine association between exposure to Neospora caninum and milk production in dairy cows. Design—Prospective observational study. Animals—565 Holstein cows. Procedure—Cows were classified as seropositive or seronegative to N caninum within 7 days after calving by use of a kinetic ELISA. Milk production was compared between seropositive and seronegative cows. Results—On the basis of 305-day mature equivalent milk production data, seropositive cows produced less milk (2.8 lb/cow per day) than did seronegative cows. In addition, analysis of results throughout the first 300 days of lactation revealed that after adjusting for effects of lactation number, calving season, clinical mastitis, and lameness, milk weight of seropositive cows was 2.5 lb/cow per day less than that of seronegative cows. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance—Exposure to N caninum was associated with a 3 to 4% decrease in milk production. A decrease in milk production of 800 lb/cow for a typical 305-da...

Corona bei Kindern: Die Co-Ki Studie

Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde, 2020

Zusammenfassung Hintergrund In Deutschland werden über 80 % der Kinder und Jugendlichen von niedergelassenen Kinder- und Jugendärztinnen und -ärzten (KJÄ) betreut. Diese haben eine spezifische Perspektive auf die COVID-19-Pandemie. Methode Zentrale Onlineerfassung von Fallzahlen, individuellen Fallbeschreibungen und Beobachtungen zu Infektion und Erkrankung mit SARS-CoV‑2 ( Ergebnisse An der Fallzahlerfassung beteiligten sich bisher 557 KJÄ. Diese betreuen ca. 670.000 Kinder. Sie meldeten 9803 Kinder, die als Verdachtsfälle vorgestellt wurden. Die KJÄ selber hatten einen klinischen Verdacht auf SARS-CoV-2-Infektion bei 3654 Kindern. Bei 7707 Kindern wurden PCR-Testungen mittels Nasen‑/Rachenabstrich durchgeführt, von denen 198 Abstriche (2,6 %) positiv ausfielen. Zudem wurden 731 Kinder auf SARS-CoV-2-Antikörper getestet, mit einem Nachweis in 82 Fällen (11,2 %). Trotz initial positivem PCR-Test hatten 47 Kinder mindestens 2 Wochen danach einen negativen Antikörpertest...