Integer programs with block structure (original) (raw)

1998, Habilitations-Schrift, Technische Universität Berlin

Chapter 5 is partially together with Robert Weismantel, in particular Section 5.4 that appeared as a preprint (see Martin and Weismantel [1997]). Chapter 6 is jointly with Ralf Borndörfer and Carlos Ferreira and is published in Borndörfer, Ferreira, and Martin [1998]. Finally, Chapter 7 is joint work with Bob Bixby, see Bixby and Martin [1995], and Chapter 8 with Robert Weismantel, see Martin and Weismantel [1998]. To all these people, to my colleagues and friends Ralf Borndörfer and Andreas Löbel, and to our secretaries Bettina Kasse und Sybille Mattrisch I express my deepest thanks for their support, for reading, criticism, and all the inspiring discussions on various topics of this thesis.