HPLC-MS and HPTLC Finger printing of fractions of Asteracantha longifolia Leaf extract (original) (raw)

Review on Chromatographic Fingerprint Analysis of Herbal Medicines

Review on Chromatographic Fingerprint Analysis of Herbal Medicines. Future Journal of Pharmaceuticals and Health Sciences, 2023

The concept of biological chromatographic fingerprinting for quality control of herbal samples is still relatively new. It was initially developed using HPLC, and more recently, thin-layer chromatography was used to extract the botanical profiles of herbal samples (TLC). This study provides an overview of the use of liquid chromatographic methods for the botanical fingerprint analysis (BFA) of sophisticated herbal specimens. The prospects for biological TLC fingerprint development are discussed in more detail since it is a relatively novel option. Along with previous research, some novel findings are presented and recognized. The objective of the paper is to awaken scientists to the peculiar solutions provided by biological fingerprint construction.

HPTLC Fingerprint Analysis of Herbs with Nutraceutical Potentials: Amaranthus tricolor and Amaranthus viridis

Background: Amaranthus tricolor and Amaranthus viridis have wide distribution in India as well as South Africa, also used as pseudo-cereals in Europe and America due to their nutraceutical potentials. These herbs were used in preparation of Indian traditional medicines for treatment of wide spectrum of diseases and disorders. Objectives: To establish HPTLC Fingerprint analysis of chloroform extract of Amaranthus tricolor and Amaranthus viridis herbs. Materials and Methods: The chloroform extracts of A. viridis (AVC) and A. Tricolor (ATC) were selected for HPTLC analysis. The best resolutions were obtained with solvent system of toluene: ethyl acetate in ratio of 7:3. CAMAG Linomat 5 applicator was used for sample application in volume of 5 and 10 micro litres for both plant extracts AVC and ATC in the form of band on precoated plates. The plates were developed in CAMAG glass Twin Trough Chamber 20x10cm in linear ascending direction. The total numbers of tracks were four. The detection of spots were carried out by using CAMAG TLC Scanner-3 with mercury remission florescence lamps at wavelength of 366 nm. The retention factor (Rf) values and finger print data were recorded by WIN CATS planer chromatography manager software. Results: The result revealed presence of thirteen components in A. viridis extract (AVC) and fourteen in A. Tricolor extract (ATC). Conclusion: The main finding of present study was that HPTLC finger printing of A. viridis and A. Tricolor chloroform extracts were first time established. In future these finding could be helpful for herbal drug standardization.

HPTLC fingerprinting of stem bark extract of Nyctanthes arbor-tristis (L.)

Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics, 2019

Fingerprint profile of bark extract of Nyctanthes arbor-tristis using High Performance Thin Layer chromatography (HPTLC) has been established. HPTLC is a valuable tool for the investigation of medicinal plants with reference to the qualitative analysis of the phytoconstituents. Separation of the active constituents from the extracts has been developed using solvent system of Toluene: Ethyl acetate: Formic acid (5:4:1). The HPTLC analysis showed the presence of the flavonoid quercetin in the standard as well as in the sample and the Rf value was 0.73. These images of fingerprinting help in the proper identification and quantification of the marker compounds. On the basis of the marker compounds, new drugs could be formulated to treat various diseases Keywords: Nyctanthes arbor- tristis, HPTLC analysis, quercetin, bark extract


International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2022

Objective: The present study was aimed for establishment of SMP (standard manufacturing procedure) of Astercantha longifolia (A. longifolia) kshara and to develop its quality control parameter. Methods: The kshara was prepared as per the AFI (Ayurvedic Formulary of India) guideline and for the purpose of standardization three batches were prepared and its mean and standard deviation was calculated. Results: In the present study it was discovered that the average percentage yield of 3 batches of A. longifolia kshara obtained from a completely dried whole plant 0.81% w/w. Physico-chemical analysis of powder showed foreign matter to be less than 1% w/w, loss on drying 27.5 % w/w, total ash less than 9%, acid insoluble ash to be less than 1%, water soluble extractive value and alcohol soluble extractive value as 10.78% w/w and 5.45 % w/w respectively and pH to be 7.3 which is in accordance with quality standards to be preserved, also Physico-chemical parameters applied to kshara reveals loss on drying as 13.35% w/w and pH to be slightly basic in nature i.e., 7.93. Conclusion: Many references in the classics are mentioned regarding the preparation of kshara; however, as per the findings of the present study, it might be concluded that this method is the standard method to get the maximum yield of A. longifolia kshara.

Phytochemical Fingerprinting through Computerized HPTLC System for Quality Control of Herbal Drugs

International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology, 2018

High performance thin layer chromatography (HPTLC) is a sophisticated instrumental technique based on the full capabilities of thin layer chromatography. The advantages of automation, scanning, full optimization, selective detection principle, minimum sample preparation, hyphenation, etc. enable it to be a powerful analytical tool for chromatographic information of complex mixtures of inorganic, organic, and bio-molecules. Development of chemical fingerprints using HPTLC is an effective tool for linking the chemical constituent's profile of the plant with botanical identity as well as qualitative and quantitative estimation of chemical and biochemical markers. It has the potential to determine authenticity and reliability of chemical constituent of herbal drugs and formulations.