Inserción de implantes dentales en la apófisis pterigoides: Una alternativa en el tratamiento rehabilitador del maxilar posterior atrófico (original) (raw)
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Rehabilitación de una maxila atrófica con el uso de implantes inclinados «All-on-Four»
Revista Odontológica Mexicana, 2014
Maxillary resorption infl icts limitations to implant placement when using conventional techniques. The concept of «All-on-Four» uses distally inclined implants in edentulous arches; it improves denture support and increases inter-implant distance, providing thus greater stability in the bone with the help of longer implants. For over two decades, different types of therapies have been developed to rehabilitate atrophic or edentulous arches. Obtained results have been of a diverse nature. Among proposed techniques we can count bone graft and maxillary sinus elevation. In order to avoid this type of procedures, a different surgical alternative has been developed: this technique consists on placing four implants, two anterior and two tilted posterior implants, all linked by an infrastructure. The clinical case here presented describes a technique used to restore an atrophic maxilla following the «All-on-Four» concept, with immediate load. The patient was subjected to a one year followup and was satisfi ed with the treatment outcome. To this date, no clinical or radiographic changes have been observed around the dental implants nor have there been prosthetic complications.
espanolSe presenta un caso clinico en el que se rehabilita a una paciente con maxilar superior atrofico mediante una combinacion de implantes cigomaticos, colocados mediante una aproximacion exteriorizada, e implantes anteriores convencionales palatinizados. Se realizo un procedimiento de regeneracion osea guiada alrededor de los implantes cigomaticos para obtener un mayor grosor de la cortical vestibular y palatina alrededor de los implantes del maxilar superior y mejorar el pronostico. A un ano de la carga protesica, el hueso periimplantario se mantiene estable. EnglishA clinical case is presented in which a patient with atrophic upper jaw is rehabilitated by a combination of zygomatic implants, placed using an exteriorized approach, and conventional palatalized anterior implants. A guided bone regeneration procedure is performed around the zygomatic implants to obtain a greater thickness of the facial bone and improve the prognosis. One year after loading, the peri-implant bone r...
RCOE, 2002
Atrofia maxilar Injerto óseo Implantes dentales Reconstrucción 3D Técnica en túnel Elevación de seno r e s u m e n Objetivos: En defectos maxilares con importante componente vertical, es necesaria la reconstrucción del proceso alveolar previamente a la rehabilitación con implantes para evitar una longitud desproporcionada de las coronas protésicas. En este artículo se revisa el tratamiento del maxilar posterior atrófico mediante elevación de seno y técnica de reconstrucción alveolar tridimensional simultánea con autoinjerto óseo. Se utilizó como vía de abordaje un túnel mucoso subperióstico a través de una incisión vertical única para prevenir los principales problemas de los injertos en aposición: la exposición y la reabsorción. Material y método: Se han evaluado retrospectivamente 12 atrofias maxilares posteriores tratadas con esta técnica de forma consecutiva entre enero de 2011 y julio de 2012. El reborde alveolar se reconstruyó hasta un mínimo de 6 mm de anchura a nivel crestal, incrementando su altura y disminuyendo la distancia interoclusal, para alcanzar el criterio de éxito establecido de fijación segura de implantes de, al menos, 3,8 y 11 mm de diámetro y longitud respectivamente. Resultados: La ganancia media ósea en altura fue de 4,54 mm. La cirugía de implantes se realizó hacia los 4 meses. Se colocaron 25 implantes con un 96% de éxito. El tiempo medio de seguimiento fue de 18 meses. Conclusiones: El tratamiento del sector posterior maxilar atrófico mediante reconstrucción tridimensional con autoinjerto óseo, elevación sinusal y abordaje por tunelización es una técnica que proporciona resultados predecibles y estables, permitiendo la rehabilitación con coronas sobre implantes dentales de dimensiones adecuadas.
Rehabilitación Protésica sobre implantes y su interrelación con Ortodoncia
Introduction: one of the greatest problems at the time of performing a prosthetic rehabilitation is the non -existence of an adequate interductal space, one of the ways to solve this situation is offerred by the orthodontics treatment. Objective: to show a rehabilitation technique through dentary implants, succeeding thanks to an adequate orthodontics treatment. Methods: it was presented a rehabilitation case through implants with interductal space, recovered with the orthodontic treatment. It was used the rectal arc technique to obtain the desired movements. It was proposed to plain the Spee Curve and for that purpose there were used superelastic arcs. Results: it was obtained the dentary movement within a period of six months. It was created the space for the prosthetic restoration, making a fixed bridge of porcelain. Conclusions: the orthodontic treatment is a way that offers security, favouring the development of a proper rehabilitation.
Maxillary resorption infl icts limitations to implant placement when using conventional techniques. The concept of «All-on-Four» uses distally inclined implants in edentulous arches; it improves denture support and increases inter-implant distance, providing thus greater stability in the bone with the help of longer implants. For over two decades, different types of therapies have been developed to rehabilitate atrophic or edentulous arches. Obtained results have been of a diverse nature. Among proposed techniques we can count bone graft and maxillary sinus elevation. In order to avoid this type of procedures, a different surgical alternative has been developed: this technique consists on placing four implants, two anterior and two tilted posterior implants, all linked by an infrastructure. The clinical case here presented describes a technique used to restore an atrophic maxilla following the «All-on-Four» concept, with immediate load. The patient was subjected to a one year followup and was satisfi ed with the treatment outcome. To this date, no clinical or radiographic changes have been observed around the dental implants nor have there been prosthetic complications.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the regenerative bone capacity of a lateral regeneration technique used to modify the width of an atrophic jaw with filling material and membrane cover and to analyze the success of the dental implant bone integration placed in the area. Material and Methods: 10 patients, partially toothless, were treated in their inferior jawbone sector. Lateral regeneration procedures were carried out with non reabsorbing membrane of high density non-expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) and filling material such as a desmineralized and mineralized bone allograft. The regenerated borders were intervened between 5 and 6 months after regeneration. The jaw width was calculated by means of a caliber in two points of the alveolar border area. A total of 30 implants having a 3,3 to 4,1 mm diameter and 8 to 10 mm length were placed and the cervical bone stability around them were analyzed by means of a radiographic study after 1, 2 and 3 years. Results: The results...
Odontología Sanmarquina, 2020
La rehabilitación implanto-protética de maxilares con atrofia severa, presenta un desafío en la odontología actual. La falta de tejido óseo para la colocación de implantes estándares, conlleva tener que decidir una alternativa de tratamiento para el paciente. El objetivo de esta publicación es presentar dos casos clínicos del tratamiento de la atrofia de maxilar superior a través de implantes cigomáticos. Se presentan dos casos clínicos operados mediante la metodología descrita por Branemark, debatiendo las alternativas quirúrgicas actuales. Una paciente presentó dolor peri-orbitario, que fue resuelto inmediatamente. No se presentaron otras complicaciones post quirúrgicas. Se discuten alternativas protéticas de la resolución de estos casos. Transcurridos 12 y 18 meses de la rehabilitación implanto protética, no se presentaron otras complicaciones quirúrgicas ni protéticas en ambos pacientes. Se concluye que la rehabilitación con implantes cigomáticos es una alternativa válida para r...