Percepções De Alunos À Internet Após a Participação Em Uma Experiência De Aprendizagem Através De Ambientes De Aprendizagem Pessoais (original) (raw)

Obtienen mejores resultados los estudiantes que siguen cursos por Internet que los que siguen cursos presenciales? Reflexiones y breve revisión de algunos resultados empíricos


The increases in the number of online courses given by universities have been quite dramatic over the last couple of years. Nowadays, many universities even give complete degree programs online where instructions and lectures in the form of, for example, streaming videos, are available for students to watch 24 hours a day. In a sense, the use of Internet and Interactive Computer Technologies (ICT) in higher education can be compared to any other type of teaching tool, such as the blackboard and overhead projectors. The motivation for using the Internet and ICT in higher education, from an economic point of view, is if they are more effective as teaching tools compared to any relevant alternative. That is, all else being equal, if the Internet is an effective teaching tool in that students who attend online courses or complete degree programs perform better in terms of marks in the final exam compared to face-to-face students. In this paper we reflect on and summarize some of the empirical findings in the literature on the effects of online teaching on student performance compared to face-to-face equivalents.

El conocimiento del alumnado universitario por el uso que hacen de internet y las redes sociales

Aula Abierta, 2021

Las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) son parte de nuestras vidas. El estudio que presentamos se centra en conocer la práctica que tienen los estudiantes universitarios acerca del uso de internet y las redes sociales en diferentes ámbitos de su experiencia personal, familiar y educativa. Los resultados permitirán a los docentes reconocer cuáles son las herramientas virtuales que más motivan al alumnado y así diseñar estrategias didácticas que favorezcan el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. La muestra estuvo conformada por 906 estudiantes universitarios. Se aplica un método cuantitativo, de naturaleza descriptiva y comparativa, en situación natural. Para la recogida de información se utilizó una prueba que mide la utilización de las nuevas tecnologías y el uso en Internet y en las redes sociales virtuales. Los resultados indican que los universitarios tiene una valoración y percepción bastante positiva respecto al uso de las TIC en su práctica y quehaceres diarios...


Abstract: In contemporary society the Internet is an inevitable part of life of young people. The largest part of their leisure time the young, especially students, spend browsing various Internet contents which can be used for different purposes. Bearing that in mind, it should be interesting to examine the preferences of students regarding the use of the Internet contents, which was the main aim of this research. The results presented here are merely a segment of a more extensive research conducted by the Centre for Sociological Research of the Faculty of Philosophy in Niš. The descriptive method was used in the research, and the main instrument was the evaluation scale designed especially for the purposes of this research. The research sample included 149 students of the Faculty of Philosophy from the Departments of English language, Journalism, Sociology and Psychology. The results of the research confirmed the general hypothesis that the young use the Internet to participate in social networks and seek entertainment contents. The hypothesis stating that students actively use the Internet contents for the purposes of a more successful studying, for gathering new information, downloading books and articles and for acquiring knowledge from any other area has also been confirmed. The research has shown that students rarely use other contents and services such as Internet banking and shopping. When it comes to various departments, the data point to the presence of statistically significant differences in using the Internet contents. The conclusion of the research is that students mostly use the Internet for the purposes of entertainment, as well as to comply with the study obligations. Likewise, bearing in mind that it is the students that we are dealing with, it is necessary to work more on the use of the Internet for the purposes of teaching and learning on the faculties.

Acceso y actitud del uso de Internet entre jóvenes de educación universitaria

Revista Digital de Investigación en Docencia Universitaria, 2020

El presente artículo propone identificar la actitud y las prácticas habituales de acceso a Internet entre los universitarios; además de conocer su grado de relación con la edad, género, semestre, carrera y rendimiento académico. Para ello, se utilizó un enfoque cuantitativo y un diseño correlacional a través de un cuestionario sociodemográfico, y la escala Telephone, Tool, Territory, Treasure of Information y Toy (5T). Participaron 813 estudiantes de una universidad pública de México. Los resultados mostraron que, desde hace varios años, el uso de Internet es masivo entre los universitarios, aunque existen diferencias significativas en cuanto al tipo de contenido al que acceden. Los hombres, los participantes inscritos en segundo semestre y los que tienen 21 años puntúan más alto cuando utilizan el Internet para jugar y como entretenimiento en comparación con el resto de sus compañeros. También se demostró que no existe una relación entre los usos de Internet, edad y rendimiento aca...

Determinantes del uso de Internet para el aprendizaje interactivo: un estudio exploratorio

Journal of New Approaches in Educational Research, 2015

The use of the Internet in higher education teaching can facilitate the interactive learning process and thus improve educational outcomes. The aim of the study presented here is to explore which variables are linked to higher intensity of Internet-based interactive educational practices. The study is based on data obtained from an online survey of students from three different types of universities: a face-to-face university (University of Barcelona, UB), a technological face-to-face university (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. BarcelonaTech, UPC), and a virtual university (Open University of Catalonia, UOC). The data analysis shows that students who indicate high levels of benefit from Internet usage are those who use it most for interactive learning processes. It also shows the existence of other variables that, regardless of benefit, are linked to the intensity of Internet usage for interactive teaching-learning processes.


The aim of this research is to contribute towards a better knowledge of the use of the Internet in teaching activities at Portuguese universities. The empirical analysis, the first results of which are presented here, is based on a survey of teachers from Universidade Técnica de Lisboa (Technical University of Lisbon). The questionnaire includes three main components: i) the forms of use of the Internet in teaching; ii) the teachers' opinion about the use of the Internet in University education; iii) teachers' characterization according to teaching experience, scientific area, nature, level and class size and the time spend on the Internet. The "Ensino Universitário e Internet" survey ("University Education and Internet" survey) started on February 2006 and last until April. The preliminary results, based on 414 observations, suggest that: the Internet is used in different ways in teaching, in synchronous and asynchronous manners; in general, the opinions about the advantages of the contribution of the internet for teaching and learning are favorable; the diary time spent on the Internet is associated with differences of opinion on its benefits, changing methodologies and students motivation. The duration of the teaching experience does not seem to influence the opinions about the Internet.

Desigualdad digital en la universidad: usos de Internet en Ecuador

Comunicar, 2011

New technologies have transformed higher education whose application has implied changes at all levels. These changes have been assimilated by the university community in various ways. Subtle differences among university students have emerged; these differences determine that the resources the network offers have been used in different ways, thus creating gaps in the university population. This study seeks to determine the level of incidence of the variable of university students' incomes on the uses and intensity of use of the Internet tools and resources. Students were classified using factor analysis complemented through cluster analysis in order to obtain user profiles; these profiles were verified by means of discriminant analysis. Finally, chi-square was applied to determine the relationship between income level and user profiles. As a result, three profiles were identified with different levels of use and intensity of use of the Internet tools and resources, and statistically the incidence of income in the creation of those profiles was proved. To conclude, we can say that the income level falls mainly on the variables that define the access possibilities; gender has a special behavior; however, since the profile of the highest level has a double proportion for men, though women have better performance in general terms.

Ensino superior público e de qualidade na era digital: o potencial da educação online e das tecnologias digitais de rede

Revista Espaco Academico, 2012

Resumo: Partimos da hipótese de que as características das Tecnologias Digitais de Rede (TDRs) ressignificaram a Educação a Distância (EAD). A interação desobstruída dos "grilhões" do tempo e do espaço, e a comunicação síncrona e assíncrona por meio de diferentes ferramentas, potencializam processos educativos que superam as limitações geográficas, promovendo uma educação não mais a distância, mas online. Atributos como autoria, co-autoria, criatividade e colaboração podem ser privilegiados nesses espaços, desde que a concepção pedagógica dos cursos tenha essa intencionalidade. A Educação a Distância torna-se realidade no contexto educativo brasileiro, expandindo e interiorizando a educação superior pública. Por intermédio da Universidade Aberta do Brasil (UAB) são oferecidos cursos de graduação e pós-graduação, assim como de formação continuada, que objetivam ampliar o acesso ao ensino público, mesmo nos lugares mais distantes dos grandes centros urbanos do país. Porém, questionamos: quais são os objetivos coexistentes com políticas públicas de Educação a Distância no Brasil? Este estudo busca analisar as imbricações das Tecnologias Digitais de Rede em contextos de Educação Online, e alguns de seus potenciais para a ressignificação das políticas públicas que orientam essa modalidade de ensino no Brasil.

El papel de Internet en las cambiantes ecolog��as del conocimiento


Resumen M��s all�� de lo que suele admitirse, el moderno sistema de conocimiento cient��fico y universitario es una creaci��n de la sociedad de la imprenta. Antes de llegar el siglo XXI, la imprenta era el canal de comunicaci��n acad��mica. Entonces, de manera bastante repentina con el cambio de siglo, los textos digitales empezaron a sustituir a la imprenta como el medio principal por el que los acad��micos acceden al conocimiento.