Compare Performance of Recovery Algorithms MP, OMP, L1-Norm in Compressive Sensing for Different Measurement and Sparse Spaces (original) (raw)

Image Reconstruction Using Modified Orthogonal Matching Pursuit And Compressive Sensing

—Compressive sensing system merges sampling and compression for a given sparse signal. It can reconstruct the image accurately by using fewer linear measurements than the original measurements. Hence, it is able to achieve reduction in complexity of sampling and number of computations. Since existing algorithms for implementation of sampling for the whole image are time consuming and it requires huge storage space, greedy approaches are used commonly to recover sparse signals from fewer measurements. One of the commonly used greedy approaches is Orthogonal Matching Pursuit (OMP), which can iteratively reconstruct the image. In this paper, modified form of OMP is presented in which stopping condition specified by the Recovery condition and Mutual incoherence property is used on the low frequency coefficients of the image. The simulation result using modified OMP shows that the reconstructed image achieves better PSNR and uses lesser number of measurements.

Reconstruction of Compressive Sensing Signal Using Orthogonal Matching Pursuit Algorithm

This paper represents the reconstruction of sampled signal in CS by using OMP algorithm. We have used the concept of compressive sensing for sub Nyquist sampling of sparse signal. Compressive sensing reconstruction methods have complex algorithms of l1 optimisation to reconstruct a signal sampled at sub nyquist rate. But out of those algorithm OMP algorithm is fast and computationally efficient. To prove the concept of CS implementation, we have simulated OMP algorithm for recovery of sparse signal of length 256 with sparsity 8.

A Study on Compressive Sensing and Reconstruction Approach

Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research, 2015

This paper gives the conventional approach of reconstructing signals or images from calculated data by following the well-known Shannon sampling theorem. This principle underlies the majority devices of current technology, such as analogto-digital conversion, medical imaging, or audio and video electronics. The primary objective of this paper is to establish the need of compressive sensing in the field of signal processing and image processing. Compressive sensing (CS) is a novel kind of sampling theory, which predicts that sparse signals and images can be reconstructed from what was in the past thought to be partial information. CS has two distinct major approaches to sparse recovery that each present different benefits and shortcomings. The first, l1-minimization methods such as Basis Pursuit use a linear optimization problem to recover the signal. This method provides strong guarantees and stability, but relies on Linear Programming, whose methods do not yet have strong polynomia...

Sparse signal, image recovery in compressive sensing technique through l1 norm minimization


The classical Shannon Nyquist theorem tells us that, the number of samples required for a signal to reconstruct must be at least twice the bandwidth of the highest frequency for the signal of interest. In fact, this principle is used in all signal processing applications. Unfortunately, in most of the practical cases we end up with far too many samples. In such cases a new sampling method has been developed called Compressive Sensing (CS) or Compressive Sampling, where one can reconstruct certain signals and images from far fewer samples or measurements when compared to that of samples in classical theorem. CS theory primarily relies on sparsity principle and it exploits the fact that many natural signals or images are sparse in the sense that they have concise representations when expressed in the proper basis. Since CS theory relies on sparsity, we focused on reconstructing a sparse signal or sparse approximated image from its corresponding few measurements. In this document we focused on 1 l norm minimization problem (convex optimization problem) and its importance in recovering a sparse signal or sparse approximated image in CS. To sparse approximate the image we have transformed the image form standard pixel domain to wavelet domain, because of its concise representation. The algorithms we used to solve the 1 l norm minimization problem are primal-dual interior point method and barrier method. We came up with certain examples in Matlab to explain the differences between barrier method and primal-dual interior point method in solving a 1 l norm minimization problem i.e. recovering a sparse signal or image from very few measurements. While recovering the images the approach we used is block wise approach and treating each block as vector.

Compressed sensing signal recovery via A* Orthogonal Matching Pursuit

Reconstruction of sparse signals acquired in reduced dimensions requires the solution with minimum 0 norm. As solving the 0 minimization directly is unpractical, a number of algorithms have appeared for finding an indirect solution. A semi-greedy approach, A* Orthogonal Matching Pursuit (A*OMP), is proposed in [1] where the solution is searched on several paths of a search tree. Paths of the tree are evaluated and extended according to some cost function, for which novel dynamic auxiliary cost functions are suggested. This paper describes the A*OMP algorithm and the proposed cost functions briefly. The novel dynamic auxiliary cost functions are shown to provide improved results as compared to a conventional choice. Reconstruction performance is illustrated on both synthetically generated data and real images, which show that the proposed scheme outperforms well-known CS reconstruction methods.

Robust reconstruction algorithm for compressed sensing in Gaussian noise environment using orthogonal matching pursuit with partially known support and random subsampling

EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2012

The compressed signal in compressed sensing (CS) may be corrupted by noise during transmission. The effect of Gaussian noise can be reduced by averaging, hence a robust reconstruction method using compressed signal ensemble from one compressed signal is proposed. The compressed signal is subsampled for L times to create the ensemble of L compressed signals. Orthogonal matching pursuit with partially known support (OMP-PKS) is applied to each signal in the ensemble to reconstruct L noisy outputs. The L noisy outputs are then averaged for denoising. The proposed method in this article is designed for CS reconstruction of image signal. The performance of our proposed method was compared with basis pursuit denoising, Lorentzian-based iterative hard thresholding, OMP-PKS and distributed compressed sensing using simultaneously orthogonal matching pursuit. The experimental results of 42 standard test images showed that our proposed method yielded higher peak signal-to-noise ratio at low me...

A Survey of Compressive Sensing Based Greedy Pursuit Reconstruction Algorithms

—Conventional approaches to sampling images use Shannon theorem, which requires signals to be sampled at a rate twice the maximum frequency. This criterion leads to larger storage and bandwidth requirements. Compressive Sensing (CS) is a novel sampling technique that removes the bottleneck imposed by Shannon's theorem. This theory utilizes sparsity present in the images to recover it from fewer observations than the traditional methods. It joins the sampling and compression steps and enables to reconstruct with the only fewer number of observations. This property of compressive Sensing provides evident advantages over Nyquist-Shannon theorem. The image reconstruction algorithms with CS increase the efficiency of the overall algorithm in reconstructing the sparse signal. There are various algorithms available for recovery. These algorithms include convex minimization class, greedy pursuit algorithms. Numerous algorithms come under these classes of recovery techniques. This paper discusses the origin, purpose, scope and implementation of CS in image reconstruction. It also depicts various reconstruction algorithms and compares their complexity, PSNR and running time. It concludes with the discussion of the various versions of these reconstruction algorithms and future direction of CS-based image reconstruction algorithms.

A* orthogonal matching pursuit: Best-first search for compressed sensing signal recovery

Digital Signal Processing, 2012

Compressed sensing is a developing field aiming at reconstruction of sparse signals acquired in reduced dimensions, which make the recovery process under-determined. The required solution is the one with minimum ℓ 0 norm due to sparsity, however it is not practical to solve the ℓ 0 minimization problem. Commonly used techniques include ℓ 1 minimization, such as Basis Pursuit (BP) and greedy pursuit algorithms such as Orthogonal Matching Pursuit (OMP) and Subspace Pursuit (SP). This manuscript proposes a novel semi-greedy recovery approach, namely A* Orthogonal Matching Pursuit (A*OMP). A*OMP performs A* search to look for the sparsest solution on a tree whose paths grow similar to the Orthogonal Matching Pursuit (OMP) algorithm. Paths on the tree are evaluated according to a cost function, which should compensate for different path lengths. For this purpose, three different auxiliary structures are defined, including novel dynamic ones. A*OMP also incorporates pruning techniques which enable practical applications of the algorithm. Moreover, the adjustable search parameters provide means for a complexity-accuracy trade-off. We demonstrate the reconstruction ability of the proposed scheme on both synthetically generated data and images using Gaussian and Bernoulli observation matrices, where A*OMP yields less reconstruction error and higher exact recovery frequency than BP, OMP and SP. Results also indicate that novel dynamic cost functions provide improved results as compared to a conventional choice.

Performance analysis of compressive sensing recovery algorithms for image processing using block processing

International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), 2022

The modern digital world comprises of transmitting media files like image, audio, and video which leads to usage of large memory storage, high data transmission rate, and a lot of sensory devices. Compressive sensing (CS) is a sampling theory that compresses the signal at the time of acquiring it. Compressive sensing samples the signal efficiently below the Nyquist rate to minimize storage and recoveries back the signal significantly minimizing the data rate and few sensors. The proposed paper proceeds with three phases. The first phase describes various measurement matrices like Gaussian matrix, circulant matrix, and special random matrices which are the basic foundation of compressive sensing technique that finds its application in various fields like wireless sensors networks (WSN), internet of things (IoT), video processing, biomedical applications, and many. Finally, the paper analyses the performance of the various reconstruction algorithms of compressive sensing like basis pursuit (BP), compressive sampling matching pursuit (CoSaMP), iteratively reweighted least square (IRLS), iterative hard thresholding (IHT), block processing-based basis pursuit (BP-BP) based on mean square error (MSE), and peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR) and then concludes with future works.