Simulation Based TSC-TCR Static Var Compensator in Closed Loop Operation for Dynamic Reactive Load (original) (raw)

VAR Compensation on Load Side using Thyristor Switched Capacitor and Thyristor Controlled Reactor


Generally, AC loads are the inductive loads which are reactive in nature. These loads, thus, demand and draw reactive power from the supply source. If these loads draw large lagging current from the source, this will cause excessive voltage drop in the line, which can even cause the voltage collapsing in the line itself if the drop in the line is excessively high. VAR compensation means efficient management of reactive power locally to improve the performance of AC power systems. In this paper, Static VAR Compensator, using TSC (Thyristor Switched Capacitor) and TCR (Thyristor Controlled Reactor), is designed and simulated in MATLAB to maintain the power factor of power system nearly to unity at all times. TSC and TCR are basically shunt connected capacitors and inductor respectively whose switching (of capacitors) and firing angle control (of inductor) operations are carried out using thyristors. The purpose of capacitors is to supply lagging VAR as per the demand by the connected ...


In an electric utility network, it is desirable to regulate the voltage within a narrow range of its nominal value (±5% range around their nominal values). Since the load varies from time to time, the reactive power balance in a grid varies as well. It can be shown that the voltage drop on the line is a function of the reactive power flowing on the line. To control dynamic voltage swings under various system conditions and thereby improve the power system transmission and distribution performance, a fast acting Static VAr Compensator (SVC) is required to produce or absorb reactive power so as to provide the necessary reactive power balance for the system. The function of the SVC is to maintain the voltage of the bus connected at a constant value. In this paper an SVC configuration known as Thyristor-Switched Capacitor (TSC) is examined, as applied to shunt reactive compensation. The compensator was connected to the load end of a system operating at 0.7 power factor. By supplying some value of reactive power, it raised the power factor to an optimal value of 0.96, thereby improving the efficiency of the system.

Comparative analysis of single phase TCR, TSC and TSR static var compensators

This paper gives a study of behavioral comparison the operation of a thyristor controlled reactor (TCR) which consists of an inductance and a bi-directional thyristor switch connected in parallel, thyristor switched capacitor (TSC),which consist of a capacitance in series with a two bidirectional capacitors, the thyristor switched reactor inductor (TSRL) which consist of only an inductor in the SVC. Firing angle control of the TCR switches regulates the time for which the inductance is included in the circuit. a firing angle of between 90 degrees to 180 degrees was observed for the TCR and a continuous firing signal for the TSC by using a step generator, then voltage regulation was observed when the a combination of TCR and TSC compensator called hybrid reactive power controlling model to prevent occurrence of voltage amplification as a result of the receiving end voltage becoming twice of the sending end voltage

IJERT-Analysis and Minimization of Harmonics of Thyristor Controlled Reactor (TCR)

International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT), 2015 This paper proposes a firing angle range control and minimization of harmonics in thyristor controlled reactor (TCR). A typical Static Var Compensator generally consists of a Thyristor Controlled Reactor (TCR) & a Thyristor Switched Capacitor (TSC) which compensates loads through generation or absorption of reactive power. The operation of Thyristor Controlled Reactors at appropriate conduction angles can be used advantageously to meet the phase-wise unbalance and varying load reactive power demand in a system. However, such an operation deteriorates the quality of power supply through percolation of harmonic currents into the mains. This paper presents an approach to minimize harmonic generation internally by different combinations of Delta connected TCR by using MATLAB SIMULATION. In particular harmonics will be investigated and range of firing angle fixed for satisfactory operation.

Design and Implementation of Thyristor Switched Capacitor for Reactive Load

International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology

This paper deals with design and implementation of thyristor switched capacitor for voltage regulation and reactive power compensation. Thyristor switched capacitor based static VAR compensator has been proposed for single phase system at static and dynamic load conditions. In this scheme capacitor values are chosen in different ranges. Excessive inductive reactive powers absorb by thyristor switched capacitor and maintain voltage stability. The effect of TSC based SVC on load voltages are also analyzed. Experimental results shows substantial improvement in voltage regulation and reactive power compensation is achieved by TSC compensator.

Instantaneous Reactive Power Compensation and Voltage Stability with Thyristor Switch Capacitor (TSC) and Static Var Compensator (SVC)

International Journal of Research, 2016

Modern Electrical power transmission system is developing and load demands are increasing, problems of voltage flicker and voltage stability has become important subjects in Power System. Now-a-days Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS) has become a subject of interest for power System Engineers. In this paper, effects of Thyristor Switch Capacitor (TSC), which is one of FACTS Devices, on load voltage are estimated and checked. By this Technology large and slow, old operating Circuit Breakers are eliminated. The modeling and Simulation of TSC are verified using MATLAB 7.8, SimPower system Block set. Proposed technology allows the steady state and dynamic performance of TSC on transmission system by regulating Voltage through generating or absorbing reactive power and accordingly Compensation is carried out. IndexTerms: receiving end voltage (Vr); SVC; gate pulse; sending end voltage(Vs) and Thyristor Switched Capacitor(TSC); SVC Controller; Voltage regulator; MATLAB

Reactive Power Control by Using Thyristor Switched Capacitor ( TSC ) and Thyristor Controlled Reactor ( TCR ) in FACTS


Nowadays, reactive power control has been playing a vital role in a systematic study of maintaining a secure voltage limit in the transmission system. When large inductive loads are connected in the transmission line then the matter of poor power factor is faced because of lagging load current. Sometimes, due to a small load, very low current flows through transmission line causing in a leading shunt capacitance in transmission line result increase in voltage to the receiving end voltage may become twice of the sending end voltage (Ferranti effect), in a long transmission line. To minimize these issues we are using a parallel combination of thyristor switched capacitor (TSC) and thyristor controlled reactor (TCR). The microcontroller/Arduino is used to vary the firing angle of thyristor then we get smooth current control range from capacitive to inductive value. This paper shows the study of FACTS devices (TSC-TCR) which are used to control reactive power n electrical power system t...

Review, Comparison and Similarities of Static Var Compensator (SVC) and Thyristor Control Series Capacitor (TCSC) With Other (Facts) Devices

Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 2018

The effective and economical means of solving problems of transient stability, dynamic stability, steady state stability and voltage stability in long transmission lines cannot be over emphasized in electrical power network system. The major factor contributing to voltage instability is the voltage drop that occurs when both active and reactive power flow through the inductive reactance of a transmission network, thereby making the network unable to meet the reactive power demands. This limits the capabilities of the transmission network, in terms of power transfer and voltage support [1]. To solve these problems, FACTS are recent technologies that employ high speed thermistors for switching in and out of transmission line components such as capacitors, reactors or phase shifting transformers to attain certain system desirable performance criteria [2]. IEEE defines FACTS as a power electronic based system and other static equipment that provide control of one or more ac transmission system parameters to enhance controllability and increase power transfer capability. This Paper investigates, reviews, compare similarities of the variable of different Facts devices as it concerns the role each of these facts device play in transient stability, dynamic stability, steady state stability and voltage stability in both short and long transmission lines of of electric power system network

Harmonic Performance Analysis of Static Var Compensator Connected to the Power Transmission Network

Journal of Energy - Energija

The static var compensator (SVC) is a device which is designed to compensate reactive power, increase voltage stability and to reduce voltage fluctuations. Thyristor controlled reactors (TCRs) are composed of reactors in series with bidirectional pair of thyristors. Current through reactors can be continuously controlled by changing the firing angle of thyristor valves, thus the inductive power can be easily controlled. Typical applications of TCRs in AC systems are voltage stabilization and temporary overvoltage reduction, stability improvement, damping of power oscillations and load balancing. In this paper, harmonic performance analysis of SVC equipped with TCRs is presented. SVCs utilizing TCRs generate harmonic currents and therefore it is necessary to determine the effect of harmonics generated by the SVC on the power system and its elements. This includes interaction of the SVC with the system, the SVC performance under balanced and unbalanced operating conditions and finally...