Compex: a cubic germanium detector (original) (raw)

2020, The European Physical Journal A

The Compex detector is an electrically cooled, composite germanium detector that uses four coaxial, cubic-shaped, single-encapsulated germanium crystals. This novel detector allows for new heights in photon detection efficiency in decay spectroscopy setups using box-shaped vacuum chambers. Its spectroscopic performance and detection efficiency is evaluated by means of source measurements. Motivated by Compex’s unique cubic germanium crystals, the Lund scanning system has been developed. The constructed system is used to characterise the response as a function of interaction position within a Compex crystal. Sensitivity across the front face, pulse shapes, and rise times have been analysed. Future development and applications of the Compex detector are discussed.

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HEROICA: An underground facility for the fast screening of germanium detectors Cover Page

Characterization of 30 ^{76}$$Ge enriched Broad Energy Ge detectors for GERDA Phase II

The European Physical Journal C, 2019

The GERmanium Detector Array (Gerda) is a low background experiment located at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso in Italy, which searches for neutrinoless double-beta decay of$$^{76}$$76Ge into$$^{76}$$76Se+2e$$^-$$-.Gerdahas been conceived in two phases. Phase II, which started in December 2015, features several novelties including 30 new76Ge enriched detectors. These were manufactured according to the Broad Energy Germanium (BEGe) detector design that has a better background discrimination capability and energy resolution compared to formerly widely-used types. Prior to their installation, the new BEGe detectors were mounted in vacuum cryostats and characterized in detail in theHadesunderground laboratory in Belgium. This paper describes the properties and the overall performance of these detectors during operation in vacuum. The characterization campaign provided not only direct input forGerdaPhase II data collection and analyses, but also allowed to study detector phenomen...

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Characterization of 30 <span class="katex"><span class="katex-mathml"><math xmlns=""><semantics><mrow></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex"></annotation></semantics></math></span><span class="katex-html" aria-hidden="true"></span></span>^{76}$$Ge enriched Broad Energy Ge detectors for GERDA Phase II Cover Page

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[![Production, characterization and operation of ^{76}76GeenrichedBEGedetectorsinGERDACoverPage](https://attachments.academia−]([![IsotopicallymodifiedGedetectorsforGERDA:fromproductiontooperationCoverPage](https://attachments.academia−]([![Germanium‘‘hexa′′detector:productionandtestingCoverPage](https://attachments.academia−]([![Performanceofa60gramcryogenicgermaniumdetectorCoverPage](https://attachments.academia−]([Full−energypeakefficiencyofasymmetricalpolyhedrongermaniumdetector](,itisessentialtoinvestigatethenuclearexcitationsbyusinghighprecisiongamma−rayspectroscopyinwhichintensivemeasurementsshouldbecarriedout.Thisisbecominganewchallengefortheradiationscientificcommunitynowadays,wheretheinstrumentationsandtechnicaladvancesmustbedevelopedtobeusedinawiderangeofapplications.Todiscovertheweakestnuclearreaction,themaximumprobabilityofthedetectionsystemofthetotalenergyofanyreleasedindividualphotonmustbedetermined.Inthiswork,anewmathematicalmethodtocalculatetheabsolutefull−energypeakefficiencyofasymmetricalpolyhedrongermaniumdetectorispresented.Thistypeofdetectorcanbearrangedinarray,forming?complexdetectorsofencapsulatedgermaniumcrystals?,withthesolidanglereaching82FreePDF[![Full−energypeakefficiencyofasymmetricalpolyhedrongermaniumdetectorCoverPage](https://attachments.academia−]([ImprovedEfficiencyatLowEnergieswithP−TypeHighPurityGermaniumDetectors](−raydetectoratlowenergies(asidefromgeometricconsiderations)isdominatedbyattenuationoutsidetheactivevolumeofthegermaniumcrystal.Forapplicationswhereneutrondamageisnotaconcern,p−typedetectorshaveseveralattractivefeaturesincludingenergyresolutionperformance.However,theoutercontactusuallytakestheformofathickn+contact.Owingtotheotherwisebeneficialhighattenuationcoefficientofgermanium,littletonotransmissionofphotonsintheenergyrangebetween3and50keVisapparent.AnewStableThinFrontContact(STFC)hasbeendevelopedbyORTECforp−typecoaxialandsemi−planarHPGedetectors.Thecontactisboththinandhighlystable.Itimprovesefficiencyatlowenergiesandallowsdetectiondownto3keVwithp−typedetectors.Anotherprincipaladvantageisnodead−layergrowthatroomtemperature(ifdetectorisstored”warm”foraprolongedperiodof...FreePDF[![ImprovedEfficiencyatLowEnergieswithP−TypeHighPurityGermaniumDetectorsCoverPage](https://attachments.academia−]([![Energylinearityofhigh−puritygermaniumdetectorsintheregionoftheGeK−absorptionedge:experimentalresultsCoverPage](https://attachments.academia−]( Ge enriched BEGe detectors in GERDA Cover Page](

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Isotopically modified Ge detectors for GERDA: from production to operation Cover Page

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Germanium ``hexa'' detector: production and testing Cover Page

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Performance of a 60 gram cryogenic germanium detector Cover Page

Full-energy peak efficiency of asymmetrical polyhedron germanium detector

Nuclear Technology and Radiation Protection

To understand the nuclear structure for most elements, it is essential to investigate the nuclear excitations by using high precision gamma-ray spectroscopy in which intensive measurements should be carried out. This is becoming a new challenge for the radiation scientific community nowadays, where the instrumentations and technical advances must be developed to be used in a wide range of applications. To discover the weakest nuclear reaction, the maximum probability of the detection system of the total energy of any released individual photon must be determined. In this work, a new mathematical method to calculate the absolute full-energy peak efficiency of asymmetrical polyhedron germanium detector is presented. This type of detector can be arranged in array, forming ?complex detectors of encapsulated germanium crystals?, with the solid angle reaching 82 % of total solid angle coverage, i. e., with the highest possible efficiency and with a good quality of spectral response. In ad...

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Full-energy peak efficiency of asymmetrical polyhedron germanium detector Cover Page

Improved Efficiency at Low Energies with P-Type High Purity Germanium Detectors


The absolute efficiency performance of a High Purity Germanium (HPGe) gamma-ray detector at low energies (aside from geometric considerations) is dominated by attenuation outside the active volume of the germanium crystal. For applications where neutron damage is not a concern, p-type detectors have several attractive features including energy resolution performance. However, the outer contact usually takes the form of a thick n+ contact. Owing to the otherwise beneficial high attenuation coefficient of germanium, little to no transmission of photons in the energy range between 3 and 50 keV is apparent. A new Stable Thin Front Contact (STFC) has been developed by ORTEC for p-type coaxial and semi-planar HPGe detectors. The contact is both thin and highly stable. It improves efficiency at low energies and allows detection down to 3 keV with p-type detectors. Another principal advantage is no dead-layer growth at room temperature (if detector is stored ”warm” for a prolonged period of...

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Improved Efficiency at Low Energies with P-Type High Purity Germanium Detectors Cover Page

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Energy linearity of high-purity germanium detectors in the region of the Ge K-absorption edge: experimental results Cover Page

[Characterization of 3076GeenrichedBEGedetectorsinGERDACoverPage](]([![IsotopicallymodifiedGedetectorsforGERDA:fromproductiontooperationCoverPage](]([![Germanium‘‘hexa′′detector:productionandtestingCoverPage](]([![Performanceofa60gramcryogenicgermaniumdetectorCoverPage](]([Fullenergypeakefficiencyofasymmetricalpolyhedrongermaniumdetector](,itisessentialtoinvestigatethenuclearexcitationsbyusinghighprecisiongammarayspectroscopyinwhichintensivemeasurementsshouldbecarriedout.Thisisbecominganewchallengefortheradiationscientificcommunitynowadays,wheretheinstrumentationsandtechnicaladvancesmustbedevelopedtobeusedinawiderangeofapplications.Todiscovertheweakestnuclearreaction,themaximumprobabilityofthedetectionsystemofthetotalenergyofanyreleasedindividualphotonmustbedetermined.Inthiswork,anewmathematicalmethodtocalculatetheabsolutefullenergypeakefficiencyofasymmetricalpolyhedrongermaniumdetectorispresented.Thistypeofdetectorcanbearrangedinarray,forming?complexdetectorsofencapsulatedgermaniumcrystals?,withthesolidanglereaching82FreePDF[![FullenergypeakefficiencyofasymmetricalpolyhedrongermaniumdetectorCoverPage](]([ImprovedEfficiencyatLowEnergieswithPTypeHighPurityGermaniumDetectors](,ptypedetectorshaveseveralattractivefeaturesincludingenergyresolutionperformance.However,theoutercontactusuallytakestheformofathickn+contact.Owingtotheotherwisebeneficialhighattenuationcoefficientofgermanium,littletonotransmissionofphotonsintheenergyrangebetween3and50keVisapparent.AnewStableThinFrontContact(STFC)hasbeendevelopedbyORTECforptypecoaxialandsemiplanarHPGedetectors.Thecontactisboththinandhighlystable.Itimprovesefficiencyatlowenergiesandallowsdetectiondownto3keVwithptypedetectors.Anotherprincipaladvantageisnodeadlayergrowthatroomtemperature(ifdetectorisstoredwarmforaprolongedperiodof...FreePDF[![ImprovedEfficiencyatLowEnergieswithPTypeHighPurityGermaniumDetectorsCoverPage](]([![EnergylinearityofhighpuritygermaniumdetectorsintheregionoftheGeKabsorptionedge:experimentalresultsCoverPage](](^{76}$$76Ge enriched Broad Energy Ge detectors for GERDA Phase II

The European Physical Journal C, 2019

The GERmanium Detector Array (Gerda) is a low background experiment located at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso in Italy, which searches for neutrinoless double-beta decay of ^{76}$$76Ge into ^{76}$$76Se+2e$$^-$$-. Gerda has been conceived in two phases. Phase II, which started in December 2015, features several novelties including 30 new 76Ge enriched detectors. These were manufactured according to the Broad Energy Germanium (BEGe) detector design that has a better background discrimination capability and energy resolution compared to formerly widely-used types. Prior to their installation, the new BEGe detectors were mounted in vacuum cryostats and characterized in detail in the Hades underground laboratory in Belgium. This paper describes the properties and the overall performance of these detectors during operation in vacuum. The characterization campaign provided not only direct input for Gerda Phase II data collection and analyses, but also allowed to study detector...

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Characterization of 30 <span class="katex"><span class="katex-mathml"><math xmlns=""><semantics><mrow></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex"></annotation></semantics></math></span><span class="katex-html" aria-hidden="true"></span></span>^{76}$$76Ge enriched Broad Energy Ge detectors for GERDA Phase II Cover Page


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Germanium detector with an internal amplification for investigating rare processes Cover Page

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Characterization of inverted coaxial <span class="katex"><span class="katex-mathml"><math xmlns=""><semantics><mrow></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex"></annotation></semantics></math></span><span class="katex-html" aria-hidden="true"></span></span>^{76}$$Ge detectors in GERDA for future double-$$\beta <span class="katex"><span class="katex-mathml"><math xmlns=""><semantics><mrow></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex"></annotation></semantics></math></span><span class="katex-html" aria-hidden="true"></span></span> decay experiments Cover Page

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Fluorescence-based method for estimating the dead layer thickness of a broad-energy germanium detector Cover Page

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Performance of an intrinsic germanium three-crystal ultralow background gamma-ray spectrometer Cover Page

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High Purity Germanium: From Gamma-Ray Detection to Dark Matter Subterranean Detectors Cover Page

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Performance of bare high-purity germanium detectors in liquid argon for the GERDA experiment Cover Page

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MAJORANA Collaboration's Experience with Germanium Detectors Cover Page

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Self-absorption corrections for well-type germanium detectors Cover Page

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Measurement and simulation of the segmented Germanium-Detector’s Efficiency Cover Page

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Extension of the efficiency calibration of germanium detectors using the GESPECOR software Cover Page

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The characterisation of AGATA high purity germanium detectors for pulse shape analysis Cover Page

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Crystal growth and detector performance of large size High-purity Ge crystals Cover Page

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A segmented, enriched N-type germanium detector for neutrinoless double beta-decay experiments Cover Page

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Low-level gamma-ray spectrometry using Ge-detectors Cover Page

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Calculation of the peak efficiency of high-purity germanium detectors Cover Page

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New Developments in HPGe Detectors for High Resolution Detection Cover Page

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Operation of a GERDA Phase I prototype detector in liquid argon and nitrogen Cover Page

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An empirical expression for the full energy peak efficiency of an N-type high purity germanium detector Cover Page

Testing the Ge detectors for the MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR

S. Howard, D. Byram, J. Wilkerson, Kara Keeter, C. Christofferson, Frank Avignone, M. Howe, J. Rager, B. Shanks, M. Kidd, E. Hoppe, D. Radford

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Testing the Ge detectors for the MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR Cover Page