On the problem of classification of Banach algebras of singular integral operators withPC-coefficients inL p spaces on composite contours (original) (raw)

An algebra of integral operators with fixed singularities in kernels

Integral Equations and Operator Theory, 1999

We continue the study of algebras generated by the Cauchy singular integral operator and integral operators with fixed singularities on the unit interval, started in R.Duduehava, E.Shargorodsky, 1990. Such algebras emerge when one considers singular integral operators with complex conjugation on curves with cusps. As one of possible applications of the obtained results we find an explicit formula for the local norms of the Cauchy singular integral operator on the Lebesgue space L~(F, p) , where Y is a curve with cusps of arbitrary order and p is a power weight. For curves with angles and cusps of order 1 the formula was already known (see R.

On algebras of two dimensional singular integral operators with homogeneous discontinuities in symbols

Integral Equations and Operator Theory, 2001

We describe the Fredholm symbol algebra for the C*-al~ebra generated by two dimensional singular integral operators, acting on L2(]R ), and whose symbols admit homogeneous discontinuities. Locally these discontinuities are modeled by homogeneous functions having slowly oscillating (and, in particular, piecewise continuous) discontinuities on a system of rays outgoing from the origin. These results extend the well-known Plamenevsky results for the two dimensional case. We present here an alternative and much clearer approach to the problem.

On analytic families of operators

Israel Journal of Mathematics, 1969

The classical Riesz-Thorin interpolation theorem [6] was extended by Hirschman [2] and Stein [5] to analytic families of operators. We recall the notions: Let F(z), z = x+iy, be analytic in 0< Re z< 1 and continuous in 0 =< Re z _< 1. F(z) is said to be of admissible growth iff Sup log iF(x + iY) I < Ae~Iyl where a < 7z. O<_x~l The significance of this notion is in the following lemma due to Hirschman [2]: LEMMA. lf F(z) is of admissible growth and ifloglF(it) l ~ ao(t), log IF(i+ it) I <= a~(t) then log I F(0) ]_<f_% Po(0, t)ao(t)dt + f 2~ P~(O, t)a~(t)dt where P~(O, t) are the values of the Poisson kernel Jor the strip, on Rez = 0, Rez = 1. We next define analytic families of linear operators: Let (M,/~) (N, v) be two measure spaces. Let {~} be a family of linear operators indexed by z, 0 ~ Re z ~ 1 so that for each z, Tz is a mapping of simple functions on M to measurable functions on N. {T~} is called an analytic family iff for any measurable set E of M of finite measure, for almost every y 6 N, the function qSr(z) = T~(X~)(y) is analytic in 0 < Re z < 1, continuous in 0 ~ Re z __< 1. The analytic family is of admissible growth iff for almost every y ~ N, ~by(z) is of admissible growth. We finally recall the notion of L(p, q) spaces. An exposition of these spaces can be found in Hunt [3]. Let f be a complex valued measurable function defined on a ~-finite measure space (M,/~). # is assumed to be non-negative. We assume that f is finite valued a.e., and denoting Ey = {x/If(x)] > Y}, 2r(y) = /~(Ey), we assume also that for some y > 0, 2;(y)< oo. We define f*(t) = Inf{y > Oily(y) < t}.

On the spectrum of the algebra of singular integral operators with discontinuities in symbols in momenta and coordinates

Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 2011

We study the C * -algebra B generated in L 2 (R) by operators of multiplication by functions with finitely many discontinuities of the first kind and by convolution operators with the Fourier transforms of such functions. The algebra B is represented as the restricted direct sum A 1 ⊕ C A 2 . We express the spectrum of the restricted direct sum in terms of the spectra of its summands. This result is used to express the spectrum of the algebra B in terms of the spectra of A 1 and A 2 . We describe all equivalence classes of irreducible representations of the algebra B, the topology on the spectrum of this algebra, and solving composition series. We discuss the abstract index group of the quotient algebra B by the ideal of compact operators and by the ideal com B generated by the commutators of elements of the algebra B. Bibliography: 14 titles.

Singular Integral Operators with Fixed Singularities on Weighted Lebesgue Spaces

Integral Equations and Operator Theory, 2004

The paper is devoted to study of singular integral operators with fixed singularities at endpoints of contours on weighted Lebesgue spaces with general Muckenhoupt weights. Compactness of certain integral operators with fixed singularities is established. The membership of singular integral operators with fixed singularities to Banach algebras of singular integral operators on weighted Lebesgue spaces with slowly oscillating Muckenhoupt weights is proved on the basis of Balakrishnan's formula from the theory of strongly continuous semi-groups of closed linear operators. Symbol calculus for such operators, Fredholm criteria and index formulas are obtained.

The Calkin image of algebras of singular integral operators

Integral Equations and Operator Theory, 1989

The image in the Oalkin algebra of theBanach algebra generated by all singular integral operators with piecewise continuous coefficients on some composed centou~ is described up te isomorphy and isometry for weighted L~-spaces,

A -algebra of singular integral operators with shifts admitting distinct fixed points

Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2014

Representations on Hilbert spaces for a nonlocal C * -algebra B of singular integral operators with piecewise slowly oscillating coefficients extended by a group of unitary shift operators are constructed. The group of unitary shift operators U g in the C * -algebra B is associated with a discrete amenable group G of orientation-preserving piecewise smooth homeomorphisms g : T → T that acts topologically freely on T and admits distinct fixed points for different shifts. A C * -algebra isomorphism of the quotient C * -algebra B/K, where K is the ideal of compact operators, onto a C * -algebra of Fredholm symbols is constructed by applying the local-trajectory method, spectral measures and a lifting theorem. As a result, a Fredholm symbol calculus for the C * -algebra B or, equivalently, a faithful representation of the quotient C * -algebra B/K on a suitable Hilbert space is constructed and a Fredholm criterion for the operators B ∈ B is established.