Hubungan Gender dengan Strategi Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab dalam kalangan Pelajar Sekolah Menengah Agama di Terengganu (original) (raw)
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Pesantren (boarding school) shows a significant contribution on the Indonesian educational system through time to time. This fact shows that pesantren has a main focus of education activites. Therefore, this article will copare how the Arabic language material in two schools of woman and man. Research was conducted in South Sulawesi employing qualitative approach. In-depth interview and nonparticipant observation were applied through data collection. Nine months data collection and analysis was needed to perform this research. It was from September last year to March 2013. Research shows there are many Learning material in any cases will depend to the school environment. This paper finds out following: first, description of the items practiced in Pesantren IMMIM in term of language learning material and gender. Second is to describe elementary description of language learning material that choosen by teachers in both pesantrens. Learning material was finalized started from teacher board. Then, they examine it to management level. On the end of process, the curriculum was consultated to many stakeholders. Finally, the differences between two schools were constructed from environment, tradition, and learning objective. Learning environment as a part of teaching and learning were a classroom at large. It helps students and teacher to acquire the language.
Nilai Responsif Gender dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab
al Mahāra: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab, 2018
The issue of gender responsiveness become a subject of study that is widely discussed. Discourse about the equality of men and women reap many pros and cons from various circles, as the result of social construction differences that affect the perspective of mindset. This article intends to describe the gender-responsive value contained in the material of Arabic language learning. Where the material presented includes the use of mudzakar and muannats vocabulary, where both have equal status without any stereotypes and subordinates of them. This article was written using library research; the author analyzed the use of mudzakar and muannats vocabulary in a balanced manner, as well as the use of various gender discriminations in the form of gender stereotypes and gender-based violence found in Arabic textbooks in grades IV and VI of Islamic Elementary School (MI). Based on the analysis result, the researcher concludes that gender-responsive emphasis has been appearing in Arabic langua...
Analisis Buku Ajar Bahasa Arab Siswa Kelas VIII MTs/SMP Islam Dalam Persepektif Gender
Analisis Buku Ajar Bahasa Arab Siswa Kelas VIII MTs/SMP Islam Dalam Persepektif Gender, 2019
In the process of teaching and learning Arabic, Textbooks are present in perfecting the trilogy of learning elements, including teachers, students and the teaching material itself. However, in the process of preparing and redesigning these materials, it was still found to be more or less a gender bias that was the result of community reconstruction both culturally and systemically. Therefore, this study tries to dig with a knife analysis related to some forms of gender habits in the sample of Arabic textbooks used at the level of Madrasah Tsanawiyah or Islamic Middle School. Based on the above topic, this research uses descriptive analysis method with the type of library research. The conclusions resulting from him are: 1. Gender bias in the sample is expressed in the form of drawings and writing with the discovery of gender inequality that can lead to injustice. The roles of men and women have not been balanced. Men still occupy a central role that causes women to be prioritized. 2. The discovery of several forms of discrimination, including: Stereotype, Subordering, and Double Burden.
Kertas ini akan menganalisis kontrastif penggunaan gender (والمؤنث المذكر (kata nama kalimah Bahasa Arab dan Bahasa Melayu oleh pelajar kejuruteraan Universiti Malaysia Pahang. Kemahiran mengenal dan menggunakan kata gender sangat penting bagi menghasilkan ayat yang betul dan tepat. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif. Data bagi kajian ini diperoleh melalui kertas ujian yang telah dijalankan ke atas 30 orang pelajar sarjana muda kejuruteraan Universiti Malaysia Pahang yang mengambil kursus bahasa Arab (Beginner). Pelajar dipilih secara rawak berdasarkan waktu pembelajaran Bahasa Asing. Daripada analisis data yang dilakukan, permasalahan ini berlaku kerana kekeliruan pelajar mengenal bentuk dan jenis perkataan lelaki dan perempuan yang pelbagai dalam bahasa arab. Selain itu, pengaruh bahasa pertama dan budaya juga didapati menjadi faktor penyumbang kepada masalah tersebut. Kesalahan menggunakan kata gender yang betul berdasarkan sistem tatabahasa bahasa Arab a...
Journal of Nusantara Studies, 2018
ABSTRAK Perbezaan jantina merupakan salah satu faktor yang didapati turut membezakan penggunaan strategi pembelajaran bahasa dalam kalangan pelajar. Oleh itu, kajian ini dijalankan untuk menentukan tahap dan jenis penggunaan strategi pembelajaran kemahiran berbahasa (SPKB) oleh pelajar lelaki dan pelajar perempuan. Data kajian diperoleh melalui soal selidik yang diedarkan kepada 350 orang pelajar tingkatan empat dari 12 buah sekolah menengah agama sekitar Kedah, Malaysia. Dapatan kajian deskriptif menunjukkan kedua-dua kumpulan pelajar menggunakan strategi pada tahap sederhana sama ada secara keseluruhan mahupun berdasarkan konstruk, kecuali pada konstruk strategi membaca, pelajar perempuan menggunakannya pada tahap tinggi. Hasil analisis ujian-t pula menunjukkan terdapat perbezaan signifikan penggunaan SPKB secara keseluruhan dan mengikut lima konstruk strategi utama berdasarkan jantina. Pelajar perempuan didapati mendahului pelajar lelaki dalam penggunaan strategi secara keseluruhan dan berdasarkan lima konstruk strategi utama tersebut. Sementara itu, baki satu konstruk strategi utama iaitu strategi mendengar tidak menunjukkan perbezaan signifikan. Kesimpulannya, pelajar perempuan didapati lebih banyak dan kerap menggunakan strategi pembelajaran bahasa berbanding pelajar lelaki. Implikasi kajian ini, guru boleh merancang pelbagai aktiviti bahasa yang dapat menggalakkan penggunaan sesuatu strategi dengan lebih kerap kepada kumpulan pelajar yang berlainan jantina. Kata kunci: Strategi pembelajaran bahasa, kemahiran berbahasa, strategi pembelajaran kemahiran berbahasa, bahasa Arab, jantina.
Bias Gender dalam Buku Bahasa Arab Siswa MA Kelas X dengan Pendekatan Saintifik 2013
Gender is the difference of men and women in the role, function, right, responsibility and behavior which is made by social and cultural value, and tradition. Gender bias is the circumstance that indicates male attitude more than female. This article is intended to determine gender bias in the book of Arabic class X that is written and based on a scientific approach as the curriculum characteristic in 2013. Student Books which are used as the principal teaching materials by their teacher, are very important in supporting the learning process.The findings of data analysis show that it has still been happening gender bias in the book in the form of pictures and texts.
Al-Mahāra: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab, 2018
The issue of gender responsiveness become a subject of study that is widely discussed. Discourse about the equality of men and women reap many pros and cons from various circles, as the result of social construction differences that affect the perspective of mindset. This article intends to describe the gender-responsive value contained in the material of Arabic language learning. Where the material presented includes the use of mudzakar and muannats vocabulary, where both have equal status without any stereotypes and subordinates of them. This article was written using library research; the author analyzed the use of mudzakar and muannats vocabulary in a balanced manner, as well as the use of various gender discriminations in the form of gender stereotypes and gender-based violence found in Arabic textbooks in grades IV and VI of Islamic Elementary School (MI). Based on the analysis result, the researcher concludes that gender-responsive emphasis has appeared in Arabic language teaching materials, but it needs more. So, in the next, gender discrimination will not be found in the Arabic language teaching material of Islamic Elementary School (MI). Abstrak Isu responsif gender menjadi bahan kajian yang ramai diperbincangkaan. Diskursus tentang kesetaraan laki-laki dan perempuan banyak menuai pro dan kontra dari berbagai kalangan, sebagai buah dari perbedaan konstruksi sosial yang mempengaruhi perspektif pola pikir. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan nilai responsif gender yang terdapat pada sajian materi pembelajaran bahasa Arab. Dimana materi yang disajikan meliputi penggunaan kosakata mudzakar dan muannats. Dimana Keduanya memiliki status yang equal, tanpa adanya steriotype dan subordinat dari salah satunya. Artikel ini ditulis menggunakan library research, penulis menganalisis penggunaan kosakata mudzakkar dan muannats secara seimbang, serta berbagai diskriminasi gender dalam bentuk gender stereotype maupun kekerasan berbasis gender yang
Journal of Nusantara Studies (JONUS), 2018
Perbezaan jantina merupakan salah satu faktor yang didapati turut membezakan penggunaan strategi pembelajaran bahasa dalam kalangan pelajar. Oleh itu, kajian ini dijalankan untuk menentukan tahap dan jenis penggunaan strategi pembelajaran kemahiran berbahasa (SPKB) oleh pelajar lelaki dan pelajar perempuan. Data kajian diperoleh melalui soal selidik yang diedarkan kepada 350 orang pelajar tingkatan empat dari 12 buah sekolah menengah agama sekitar Kedah, Malaysia. Dapatan kajian deskriptif menunjukkan kedua-dua kumpulan pelajar menggunakan strategi pada tahap sederhana sama ada secara keseluruhan mahupun berdasarkan konstruk, kecuali pada konstruk strategi membaca, pelajar perempuan menggunakannya pada tahap tinggi. Hasil analisis ujian-t pula menunjukkan terdapat perbezaan signifikan penggunaan SPKB secara keseluruhan dan mengikut lima konstruk strategi utama berdasarkan jantina. Pelajar perempuan didapati mendahului pelajar lelaki dalam penggunaan strategi secara keseluruhan dan berdasarkan lima konstruk strategi utama tersebut. Sementara itu, baki satu konstruk strategi utama iaitu strategi mendengar tidak menunjukkan perbezaan signifikan. Kesimpulannya, pelajar perempuan didapati lebih banyak dan kerap menggunakan strategi pembelajaran bahasa berbanding pelajar lelaki. Implikasi kajian ini, guru boleh merancang pelbagai aktiviti bahasa yang dapat menggalakkan penggunaan sesuatu strategi dengan lebih kerap kepada kumpulan pelajar yang berlainan jantina. Kata kunci: Strategi pembelajaran bahasa, kemahiran berbahasa, strategi pembelajaran kemahiran berbahasa, bahasa Arab, jantina.
Pengetahuan Bahasa Arab Dalam Memahami Bias Gender Pada Terjemahan Al-Quran Versi Kementerian Agama
Arabic language as a means of communication has an important role in human life. In particular, Arabic is the language of religion for Muslims. Al-Quran as a guide to moslims uses the Arabic language. Some translations of the Qur'an by Ministery of Religious of Indonesia are gender bias. This can be minimized by translating using specific approaches and methods, in order to have the translation and interpretation based on a gender perspective. So that women do not feel discredited, and subordinate to live a life together with men
Bias Gender Dalam Buku Pelajaran Agama Islam Sekolah Menengah Atas
IJouGS: Indonesian Journal of Gender Studies, 2021
Abstract: Gender distinction have resulted in differences in the roles of men and women in society. In such a way, this gender distinction is inherent in the perspective of society, so that this distinction is considered permanent. This study aims to determine whether there is an element of gender bias in Islamic high school education textbooks. This study used a qualitative approach and was analyzed using descriptive methods. As for what will be analyzed in this study is the thoughts of Muslims about gender differences, especially those contained in Islamic religious education textbooks at high schools. The technique used to analyze documents is Ethnographic Content Analysis or a study of qualitative media content, which is an integrative and more conceptual analysis method to find, identify, process and analyze documents to understand their meaning, significance and relevance. The results show which is in Islamic religious education text books for Senior High School found that the...