Conference People of the Adriatic. Flyer + Program (original) (raw)

Lena Sadovski, Venice and the Dalmatian Hinterland. Spalato, Poglizza, Almissa and Clissa (Late 15th - Early 16th Century), Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2025


This volume offers a source-based analysis of the complex interactions between the Venetian administration of the coastal town Spalato (Split) and its hinterland under Venetian, Hungarian, and Ottoman rule. Employing a microhistorical approach, Sadovski studies the military importance, economic dynamics, and social changes in the Dalmatian hinterland in the later medieval period. This book also explores multilingualism, highlighting how Slavic languages as well as local laws and customs were integrated into the Venetian administration. In doing so, it broadens our understanding of the Venetian maritime empire and proposes a new way of thinking about hinterlands – in cultural, social, linguistic, and legal terms alongside economic and political aspects.

Urban Elites in the Venetian Commonwealth. Social and Economic Mobility in early modern Dalmatia (Zadar/Zara, 1540 to 1569)

This study examines the economic, geographical, and social mobility in the early modern Adriatic using the example of the urban elites of Zadar (Zara) between the two naval battles of Preveza (1538) and Lepanto (1571). Based upon the protocols of fifteen public notaries, preserved in the Croatian State Archive in Zadar, the present thesis combines both unpublished primary and published secondary sources ? the Venetian relazioni as well as the city?s statutory laws, codified in 1563/64 ? to provide for a vivid images of past times.Methodically, the present study applies a three?pronged approach: An introductory chapter is followed by the first major part. By means of analysis of more than 900 individual procura contracts, the geographical range of Zadar?s urban elites are surveyed. So far this source type has attracted little scholarly attention despite its advantages of both qualitative and quantitative analysis potential to reconstruct pre?modern communication.The subsequent part surveys the interactions among Zadar?s various urban elites along ecclesiastical, economic, and political lines; the intricate relationship of clergy and nobility is of particular interest in this context. While the first segment of this part focuses on the analysis of the interrelationships of the elite groups, the second segment is a case study examining the real estate market. Thorough analysis of more than 1.700 individual contracts sheds new light on the developments of the economic foundations of an early modern frontier society.Zadar?s various urban elites ? nobility, elite commoners, Croats, and Jews ? and their marriage behaviour, material culture and, more general, interactions are the main topics of the final part. Based upon marriage contracts, dowry quitclaims, and testaments, colourful images of life in Venice?s maritime state in the 16th century emerges.

Urban Elites of Zadar: Dalmatia and the Venetian Commonwealth, 1540-1569 (Rome: Viella, 2013)


This book examines economic, geographical, and social mobility in the early modern Adriatic by focusing on the urban elites of Zadar during the crucial decades between the naval battles of Preveza (1538) and Lepanto (1571). The city, then known as Zara, was the nominal capital of Venice’s possessions in the Adriatic, and was a major hub for commerce, communication, and exchange. This case study aims at three aspects of everyday life along the frontiers of Latin Christianity during the apogee of Ottoman dominance in the Mediterranean. First, it analyses early modern communication, network density, and the protagonists’ interactions in the Adriatic. This analysis is based, for the first time, on procura contracts, resulting in a more nuanced picture of Venetian dominion. Next, it examines Zadar’s property markets in an investigation of the economic developments in Dalmatia during the sixteenth century. The third part focuses on the streets of Zadar and the interaction of its diverse inhabitants – nobles, citizens, residents, and foreigners alike. This book also uses a new conceptual approach of a Venetian Commonwealth, an entity based not only on hard power, allegiance, and domination, but also on cultural diffusion, shared knowledge, and collective experiences that shaped everyday life in all of Venice’s possessions. Sixteenth-century Zadar serves as an example of such a Venetian Commonwealth that encompassed the city itself, allowed for the inclusion of all neighbouring communities, and fit into the larger framework of the Republic of Venice.

Jews as Building Factor of Adriatic and Mediterranean Worlds in the 18th Century / Gli ebrei come elemento costruttivo dei mondi adriatico e mediterraneo nel XVIII secolo

Jews in the Balkans: History, Religion, Culture, Split, Croatia, May 8-10 2017.

This paper is the result of the cooperation between Zrinka Podhraški Čizmek, who researches Croatian maritime documents from the 18th century and Naida-Mihal Brandl, who specializes Jewish history. Based on the analysis of 16.000 maritime documents of the Hrvatski pomorski regesti – Osamnaesto stoljeće / Regesti Marittimi Croati – Settecento, Nikola Čolak, Padova 1985 and 1993 (12.000 published and 4.000 still unpublished), we identified very interesting networks of maritime trade involving Jewish merchants, agents, owners of goods and ships in the Adriatic within the Mediterranean context. The result of research on the documents from different collections of the Archivio di Stato di Venezia, Archivio di Stato di Ancona and Archivio di Stato di Fano are over 500 “bills of lading” where Jews were the main factor. From these documents, it is possible to map not only the routes of different merchandise, but to analyze all the types of goods and their provenance, especially from the hinterland. This research shows a picture of connections between the Republic of Venice, the Austrian Empire, the Ottoman Empire, the Republic of Dubrovnik, the Grand Duchy of Tuscany, the Papal State, the Kingdom of Naples, and many others. Through these documents, it’s possible to achieve a completely new knowledge not only about the goods from the Americas that were imported through London, Amsterdam, Livorno, Ancona, Venice to the Eastern Adriatic coast, but also the export from the East through the Ottoman Empire (Levant and the Balkans), Dalmatian cities toward other European centers. These commercial connections were very intensive bringing not only wealth in goods, but also impulses from different cultures, religions and beliefs in the creation of one communio through the Sea without frontiers where differences didn't necessarily disappeared – rather they were were welcomed. Surprisingly, we found old Jewish family names in new areas, and in new contexts: the Coen and Morpurgo, Jacur, Vitali, Baraffael, Consolo, Amadio, Baroni, Uziel, Bemporad, Cagli, Mondolfo, Sonino, Vivante, and many others, which give us a real picture of the daily life of these families in so many different contexts. They were merchants, agents, captains, owners and parcenevoli, who brought their inventiveness and skills, spiritual life and religion, working and family Ethics, giving a particular coloring to the Adriatic and the Mediterranean world of the Eighteenth century.

Experiencing Alterity: Italian Merchants and the Local Population in the 14 th Century Venetian Azov Sea Changes and Continuity

Experiencing Alterity: Italian Merchants and the Local Population in the 14th Century Venetian Azov Sea Changes and Continuity, 2023

After the Fourth Crusade (1204), Western merchants began to frequent the Black Sea basin. Genoa and Venice established commercial settlements in the region called emporia, which over time became an indispensable reference point for travellers from both Western Europe and from the East. The commercial history of the two Italian cities soon intersected with the rapid formation process of the Mongol Empire that by the mid-13th century extended from China to Eastern Europe. The constitution of a homogeneous and vast political entity facilitated communications and partly promoted them, guaranteeing Western merchants a "safer" space within which to move and cover distances previously unimaginable. In the emporia founded on the Black Sea-and in this context-the Western urban mercantile class encountered the local element and other migrants from substantially unknown geographical areas. This paper examines relationships between Venetian citizens and foreigners as well as the local population who lived in Tana on the Azov Sea. Tana was the easternmost settlement of the entire Latin trading system and is studied here from the mid-14 th century until the end of the century, a period that was both politically and economically problematic and characterized by international tensions, economic crises but also extraordinary opportunities for commercial expansion and profit.

2019. Albania settentrionale crocevia adriatico. Influenze slavo-meridionali e italiane in due opere a carattere religioso

MEDITERRANEAN LANGUAGE REVIEW - ISSN:0724-7567 vol, pp.107-124. . 26, 2019

Nel nostro contributo ci siamo focalizzati su due aspetti della storia culturale dell’Albania settentrionale, l’uno relativo al modello di scrittura nel più antico testo a stampa (1554-1555), e l’altro invece al ruolo esercitato dal P. Vincenzo Basile, missionario gesuita in Albania, Croazia e Erzegovina, nello sviluppo e nella circolazione di testi nella prima metà del XIX secolo. Nel corso di una ricerca che punta allo studio e alla valorizzazione dell’antica letteratura di carattere religioso (XVI-XVII secolo) e alla riscoperta e edizione di altri testi fioriti in un periodo più recente (XIX sec.) e frutto dell’opera di missionari ed ecclesiastici, abbiamo riscontrato una significativa presenza di apporti di diversa natura, di modelli culturali ed elementi linguistici che riflettono la rete di intense relazioni sviluppatesi sui diversi versanti di questo peculiare bacino di congiunzione costituito dalle due rive adriatiche. L’Adriatico, più che un ostacolo, ha svolto infatti la funzione di un catalizzatore per i contatti tra le due sponde occidentali e orientali, permettendo che si perpetuasse nel tempo questa complessa dialettica culturale e storica.

Genealogy, prosopography and networks: on the social capital of the Balkan émigrés to the kingdom in Naples (15th-18th c.). Albanian kindreds Musachi, Arianiti and Bua

Ciutats mediterrànies: la mobilitat i el desplaçament de persones = Mediterranean towns: mobility and displacement of people, ed. Flocel Sabaté, 2021

Biblioteca de Catalunya. Dades CIP Congrés sobre Ciutats Mediterrànies (3r : 2020 : Barcelona, Catalunya), autor Ciutats mediterrànies: la mobilitat i el desplaçament de persones = Mediterranean towns: mobility and displacement of people.-Primera edició.-(Publicacions de la Presidència. Sèrie major ; 10) Ponències i conferències presentades al Congrés Internacional "Ciutats Mediterrànies: mobilitat i desplaçament de persones" celebrat a Barcelona els dies 19-21 de febrer de 2020.-Referències bibliogràfiques.-Textos en català, italià, castellà, anglès i francès ISBN 978-84-9965-638-0 I. Sabaté, Flocel, 1962-editor literari II. Union académique internationale. III. Institut d'Estudis Catalans. IV. Institut Europeu de la Mediterrània. V. Títol: Ciutats mediterrànies: la mobilitat i el desplaçament de persones. VI. Títol: Mediterranean towns: mobility and displacement of people VII. Col•lecció: Publicacions de la Presidència. Sèrie major ; 10 1. Ciutats-Mediterrània, Regió-Història-Congressos. 2. Cultura mediterrània-Història-Congressos. 3. Mediterrània, Regió-Emigració i immigració-Història-Congressos. 911.375(4-13+6-17)(091)(063) 8(4-13+6-17)(091)(063) 314.7(4-13+6-17)(091)(063) Els textos han estat sotmesos a un procés d'avaluació externa revisat pel consell científic del projecte de recerca Les villes méditerranéennes: les facteurs de développement. Analyse diachronique, transversale et multidisciplinaire, de la Union Académique Internationale (UAI-85).


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Venetian Influences in the Eastern Adriatic Hinterland

M. Guštin, S. Gelichi, K. Spindler (eds.), The Heritage of the Serenissima – The presentation of the architectural and archaeological remains of the Venetian Republic, Proceedings of the international conference (Izola–Venezia 4-9.11.2005), Založba Annales Mediterranea, Koper. , 2006

Transformations of Adriatic Europe 2 nd -9 th century BOOK OF ABSTRACTS

zrinka Šimić-Kanaet, Frank Vermeulen, Francesca Carboni, Ina Miloglav, Kristina Jelinčić Vučković, Elizabeth Colantoni, Devi Taelman, Dominik Heher, Dimitri Van Limbergen, Ivana Ožanić Roguljić, Trade 2016, Igor Borzić, Enrico Cirelli, Ana Konestra, marzia giuliodori

Italy and the Holy Land, I. The case of Venice [1986]

The Meeting of two Worlds: cultural exchange between East and West during the period of the crusades, Papers from a Symposium (Kalamazoo-Ann Arbor 1981, Kalamazoo, Mich. 1986) ed. by V.P. Goss, pp. 331-345., 1986